Adventure Paths?

Starfinder Society

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Is there an intent for the Starfinder APs to yield credit for SFS play? Asking for a friend.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

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That has been mentioned in a couple of places, and the answer is yes

Liberty's Edge Contributor

sanwah68 wrote:
That has been mentioned in a couple of places, and the answer is yes

Thanks! :)

Grand Lodge

Isn't the Dead Suns an adventure path for Starfinder that is available for pre-order already? Not sure if it's confirmed for society play.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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Allerum wrote:
Isn't the Dead Suns an adventure path for Starfinder that is available for pre-order already? Not sure if it's confirmed for society play.

I can confirm that it's scheduled to be sanctioned near the date of it's release. We're endeavoring to provide Starfinder Society participants as much content as we can when the campaign launches in August.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Thanks for the confirmation, John. I haven't been as plugged in as I should be. I've agreed to run "zeroes" for GMs in our area and am so excited that I'm committing to running Dead Suns for a local group here. I wanted to ask, just in case those folks are interested in getting SFS credit for it.

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