The use of free world materia in campaigns.

Homebrew and House Rules

Hi all,

Would like a bit of an opinion please. I am just about to start running Kingmaker - almost the ultimate free world campaign. I have decided to make it even more free world by adding bits of my own design as kind of min adventures for the players.

But also, thinking further ahead, I have thought of adding extra freeworld stuff to some of the other campaigns such as Skulls and Shackles and Carrion Crown. For example for Carrion Crown, I have decided that the actions of the Whispering Way have awoken other evils in Ustalav allowing me to add extra horror adventures between e.g. Ravengro and Lepidstady, etc.

What are people's opinions of this idea and what are the potential pitfalls of this approach?


The effects will depends entirely on what you add to the game. If your additional material results in the party getting their hands on a bunch of high level magic items, then you should probably adjust certain challenges they run across thereafter. If your additions include challenges that the party is not prepared to handle, then you may need provide them tools to do so.

If your additions are different or additional role-playing opportunities, then I say go for it. If you're uncertain how certain things will play out, then don't flesh out the additions until the party is closer to reaching them. And ever better, cause the characters' actions to affect the world they live in.

Thanks that's really helpful, that's a good point re the magic items and adjusting challenges.

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