Which minis case to get?


Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been out of the Paizo loop for a minute, but I'm looking to get a case of minis for my new campaign. It'll feature lots of goblins, orcs, kobolds, and other relatively basic humanoids at the beginning, along with plenty of animals.

Should I get one of the newer sets, or a couple of the Goblin sets, or is there another set that works particularly well for this kind of thing? Should I look into the pawns instead, since I'd only be able to get one case of minis until the end of summer?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Silver Crusade Contributor

For the type of miniatures you're looking for, your best bet is probably the Legends of Golarion set (helpfully still in stock at Paizo). A few packs or singles can help fill holes in your starting collection.

Silver Crusade Contributor

In addition, if you can squeeze it into your budget, a single display of Undead Horde should give you a perfectly diverse set of skeletons, zombies, and other undead for a fairly affordable $60.

Qualiy wise I found LoG the least desiarable set.
I think gradually I ended up buying more singles from Rise of the Runelords than I'm happy with from my case of Legends of Golarion.

LoG was definitely a low point for the series as far as painting quality goes. They got much better over the next two sets thankfully and are pretty good now.

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