Has Anyone run through the entirety of Kingmaker as a PbP here on the boards?

Online Campaigns General Discussion

I am Recruiting for a combo Kingmaker/Iron Gods game. I hit on an idea today that I want to run it a few decades AFTER the events of the Kingmaker AP and have the Iron Gods villains (or cronies or simply Bandits who get a hold of their Tech) overrun the Kingdom created in a fully completed Kingmaker campaign.

I would like to utilize a fully fleshed out Kingmaker campaign for the basis for my backdrop. Essentially the heroes that aided in forging the Kingdom would be too old to fight anew creating the necessity for the new heroes. The PCs would then rise up anew and answer the call to drive the Bandits out.

Looking forward to seeing what people have done and which campaign I can use to bring this vision to "life".

Thank you!


Perhaps there is no one that has?


No idea. I bogged down running it in Book 2. It takes some futzing with to keep interesting through the kingdom builds, and I didn't front-load it enough. I know of one other game that made it most of the way through Book 3, but that's about it.

DM Carbide wrote:
No idea. I bogged down running it in Book 2. It takes some futzing with to keep interesting through the kingdom builds, and I didn't front-load it enough. I know of one other game that made it most of the way through Book 3, but that's about it.

Thanks DM Carbide.

I found this campaign. I do not think Dain GM is on the boards based on the date of his last post though.

Yes, Kingmaker seems to me to be a game which almost requires table top to keep the players and the DM focused on it as the conversations to discuss what to do next are easier to conduct verbally and a spreadsheet for ease of access and editing would be useful and can be a pain to maintain in an online campaign.

That is part of why I would dip into Book I and from there move the campaign into Iron Gods. Having the Kingmaker portion would allow me to cut out some of the "non-relevant" arcs in Iron Gods. Be a bit of work to increase the encounter levels for Iron Gods book I and II but I find it easier to move an NPC say from 2nd to 4th than from 10th to 13th. IMHO.

I ran KM as a PbP for a group of long-time online friends on another board. It started off great, but it petered out due to real life issues and lack of enthusiasm. I think I could have improved the game by pulling out most of the Wanted posters and other sidequests unless they specifically advanced the main story or at the very least resulted from it.

Tuskgutter and the trapdoor spider, for example, were just filler to give the PCs XP. I should have cut all of the filler and then just told the PCs when to level up. In terms of a PbP, the first book takes too long to get the PCs to the actual nation building or becoming leaders, which is the entire reason to play the AP.

Andostre wrote:

I ran KM as a PbP for a group of long-time online friends on another board. It started off great, but it petered out due to real life issues and lack of enthusiasm. I think I could have improved the game by pulling out most of the Wanted posters and other sidequests unless they specifically advanced the main story or at the very least resulted from it.

Tuskgutter and the trapdoor spiders, for example, were just filler to give the PCs XP. I should have cut all of the filler and then just told the PCs when to level up. In terms of a PbP, the first book takes too long to get the PCs to the actual nation building or becoming leaders, which is the entire reason to play the AP.

Yep, I just want the first part of the AP to get the characters to move from the River Lands, through whatever Kingdom was created by a group that already played and then into Iron Gods as it is geographically close to Numeria.

Thanks for the advice of cutting out the sidequests, I would probably do just that!

If I were to run Kingmaker as a full blown AP I would run it for my Table Top group. At this point though, I have my current Waterdeep game with about six months left, an Evil Campaign where the group with be Zhents who convert to Cyric that will take about 5 years, then I am running Savage Tide set in the Realms plus a level 21+ encounter another 5 years. Thereafter, the group wants to switch to Dark Sun using 5E. I suppose I COULD run Kingmaker modified for Dark Sun but they seem more interested in running 3-9 month arcs and switching characters than running YET another Epically long campaign, especially in light of the fact that before the Waterdeep campaign I ran super long story arcs as well. Bottom line I guess is that Kingmaker would not happen for a good 12-14 years best case scenario...

Dark Archive

My tabletop players are just beginning book 5 of Kingmaker. They look like they'll complete the entire AP by early next year.
They called their kingdom "The Freelands", called their capital "Radiance" and based it out of where the Staglord's Fort was.
Their kingdom has grown at an alarming rate, but they're about to go to war though I suspect they'll win that and grow bigger even faster.

Pryllin wrote:

My tabletop players are just beginning book 5 of Kingmaker. They look like they'll complete the entire AP by early next year.

They called their kingdom "The Freelands", called their capital "Radiance" and based it out of where the Staglord's Fort was.
Their kingdom has grown at an alarming rate, but they're about to go to war though I suspect they'll win that and grow bigger even faster.

Any interest in giving a breakdown of the PCs classes and races, the main NPCs in the Kingdom, the fiefs or counties that were created and the nearby threats? :-)

Dark Archive

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Isolda Lebeda, Human Wizard and cousin of the fiancee to King Regent of Brevoy, Nikoli Surtova.
Ursula, Human Rogue (Spy). An orphan of the streets of Restov, taken in by the thieves guild and commandeered by interests unknown to monitor the fledgeling nation.
Yaneshi, Human Oracle of Life who watched her mother kill herself while searching for immortality.
Karl Medvyed, Human (Red) Dragon Disciple rumoured by some to be Choral the Conquerer reborn.
Otto Orcson, Half-orc Paladin of Iomedae struggling to abandon his heritage and live up to standards he's never known.

Together with half a dozen NPCs they rule the Freelands as a council where all are supposed to be equal.
Lily Teskerton was their first spymaster but stepped down after Grigori the Bard exposed her entire network. She has been replaced by Yuri Gargarin, Karl's long time friend and confidant.
Oleg and Svetlana were also on the original council as Treasurer and Councilor but have since been replaced by Karls cousins Tatiana Medvyed and Vladimir Medvyed respectively.
Jubilost Narthropple was the original Warden but was replaced by Isabella Gargarin, another of Karl's entourage.
Kesten Garess was their Marshal and Akiros Ismort their General. Kesten has been replaced with Gunta Eisenzhan, another of Karl's cousins, whereas Akiros continues to serve as General, and as Yaneshi's protector and lover.
Karl is engaged to his childhood sweetheart, Natasha while Ursula has herself recruited the cunning orphan Tabatha as her apprentice and lover.

Apart from the towns of Olegton and Tatzleford, they have placed Stockton in the plains, Jhod's Rest in the forest at the temple site, Karlsburg where the quickling fey tower was and claimed both Varnhold and Fort Drelev, which they renamed Fort Liberty.

Since they've built a lumber mill in every forest hex they can, their internal threats are the environmental terrorists, Nature's Scourge, stolen from the Villain's Codex, and Corax the lumberjack who heads the entire woodcutter guild and has never done anything illegal but abrasively disagrees with everything the PCs do that doesn't directly benefit the lumberjacks.

All the external threats to the kingdom have been systematically overcome, but now war is on the horizon as we enter the fifth book of the Adventure Path.

Hope that helps. :-)

Pryllin wrote:

Isolda Lebeda, Human Wizard and cousin of the fiancee to King Regent of Brevoy, Nikoli Surtova.

Ursula, Human Rogue (Spy). An orphan of the streets of Restov, taken in by the thieves guild and commandeered by interests unknown to monitor the fledgeling nation.
Yaneshi, Human Oracle of Life who watched her mother kill herself while searching for immortality.
Karl Medvyed, Human (Red) Dragon Disciple rumoured by some to be Choral the Conquerer reborn.
Otto Orcson, Half-orc Paladin of Iomedae struggling to abandon his heritage and live up to standards he's never known.

Together with half a dozen NPCs they rule the Freelands as a council where all are supposed to be equal.
Lily Teskerton was their first spymaster but stepped down after Grigori the Bard exposed her entire network. She has been replaced by Yuri Gargarin, Karl's long time friend and confidant.
Oleg and Svetlana were also on the original council as Treasurer and Councilor but have since been replaced by Karls cousins Tatiana Medvyed and Vladimir Medvyed respectively.
Jubilost Narthropple was the original Warden but was replaced by Isabella Gargarin, another of Karl's entourage.
Kesten Garess was their Marshal and Akiros Ismort their General. Kesten has been replaced with Gunta Eisenzhan, another of Karl's cousins, whereas Akiros continues to serve as General, and as Yaneshi's protector and lover.
Karl is engaged to his childhood sweetheart, Natasha while Ursula has herself recruited the cunning orphan Tabatha as her apprentice and lover.

Apart from the towns of Olegton and Tatzleford, they have placed Stockton in the plains, Jhod's Rest in the forest at the temple site, Karlsburg where the quickling fey tower was and claimed both Varnhold and Fort Drelev, which they renamed Fort Liberty.

Since they've built a lumber mill in every forest hex they can, their internal threats are the environmental terrorists, Nature's Scourge, stolen from the Villain's Codex, and Corax the lumberjack who heads the entire woodcutter guild and has never...


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Andostre wrote:

I ran KM as a PbP for a group of long-time online friends on another board. It started off great, but it petered out due to real life issues and lack of enthusiasm. I think I could have improved the game by pulling out most of the Wanted posters and other sidequests unless they specifically advanced the main story or at the very least resulted from it.

Tuskgutter and the trapdoor spider, for example, were just filler to give the PCs XP. I should have cut all of the filler and then just told the PCs when to level up. In terms of a PbP, the first book takes too long to get the PCs to the actual nation building or becoming leaders, which is the entire reason to play the AP.

The trapdoor spider, yeah. I think I put some interesting piece of treasure or information in its burrow to make it worthwhile. For Tuskgutter, I took advantage of having a party of six and gave it some limited magical qualities--I wanted to reinforce the general First World weirdness of the area. In hindsight, though, those encounters were mostly a waste of time.

DM Carbide wrote:
Andostre wrote:

I ran KM as a PbP for a group of long-time online friends on another board. It started off great, but it petered out due to real life issues and lack of enthusiasm. I think I could have improved the game by pulling out most of the Wanted posters and other sidequests unless they specifically advanced the main story or at the very least resulted from it.

Tuskgutter and the trapdoor spider, for example, were just filler to give the PCs XP. I should have cut all of the filler and then just told the PCs when to level up. In terms of a PbP, the first book takes too long to get the PCs to the actual nation building or becoming leaders, which is the entire reason to play the AP.

The trapdoor spider, yeah. I think I put some interesting piece of treasure or information in its burrow to make it worthwhile. For Tuskgutter, I took advantage of having a party of six and gave it some limited magical qualities--I wanted to reinforce the general First World weirdness of the area. In hindsight, though, those encounters were mostly a waste of time.

I'll likely replace these encounters then with foes from the Iron Gods AP to give the region that feel of truly being invaded.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
DM Carbide wrote:
The trapdoor spider, yeah. I think I put some interesting piece of treasure or information in its burrow to make it worthwhile. For Tuskgutter, I took advantage of having a party of six and gave it some limited magical qualities--I wanted to reinforce the general First World weirdness of the area. In hindsight, though, those encounters were mostly a waste of time.
I'll likely replace these encounters then with foes from the Iron Gods AP to give the region that feel of truly being invaded.

Good plan. The way the AP is written, Andostre is right--they're pretty much there for XP, and possibly to suggest that the Kamelands are not a tame place. Better to have encounters that mean something, especially if you're running PbP and want to minimize the filler.

Thank you all for your help and your suggestions, feel free to drop more comments if anything pops into your head. :-)

Pryllin, what did your group do with the Sootscale kobolds?

I'm a player in a face to face KM game, and we are currently working our way through book 5, post Rushlight Tournament, and into said war.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Thereafter, the group wants to switch to Dark Sun using 5E.

Coincidentally, there's a Recruitment thread that just went up this week about a Dark Sun Kingmaker game.

I suppose I COULD run Kingmaker modified for Dark Sun but they seem more interested in running 3-9 month arcs and switching characters than running YET another Epically long campaign, especially in light of the fact that before the Waterdeep campaign I ran super long story arcs as well. Bottom line I guess is that Kingmaker would not happen for a good 12-14 years best case scenario...

It's common over on the Kingmaker message board here for GMs to mention how they break up their campaign among multiple parties. The main group is the leader PCs, and then when they want a break, they have one or more lower-level groups that have adventures within the kingdom, sometimes even taking care of the sidequests and smaller main story quests in the KM AP. Just food for thought.

Andostre wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Thereafter, the group wants to switch to Dark Sun using 5E.

Coincidentally, there's a Recruitment thread that just went up this week about a Dark Sun Kingmaker game.

I suppose I COULD run Kingmaker modified for Dark Sun but they seem more interested in running 3-9 month arcs and switching characters than running YET another Epically long campaign, especially in light of the fact that before the Waterdeep campaign I ran super long story arcs as well. Bottom line I guess is that Kingmaker would not happen for a good 12-14 years best case scenario...
It's common over on the Kingmaker message board here for GMs to mention how they break up their campaign among multiple parties. The main group is the leader PCs, and then when they want a break, they have one or more lower-level groups that have adventures within the kingdom, sometimes even taking care of the sidequests and smaller main story quests in the KM AP. Just food for thought.

Nice! I am already in a Kingmaker AP so I would not want to (potentially) take a spot from someone who is not already in the AP.

Interesting concept, I actually did that once when I ran Epic Level D&D 3.5. Had a few games where the PC's would run old characters on side quests or all Cohorts for a few sessions. But to do it on a large scale like that is a neat idea.

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It's what my group's done with the side quests and exploration bits.

We all felt that, story-wise, we just reached a point where it didn't make sense for the King and his ruling council to be running an errand for a chef who wants to make an omelette with roc eggs. So, we created side characters who would do all that that we said were chartered by the Kingdom to do so. It let us hit the side-quests and continue with the exploration, and let us try out different character concepts. Plus, our Dwarven Barbarian took over for GMing one of those sessions, so we got a different style of GMing for a bit. It was quite enjoyable.

Phntm888 wrote:
Plus, our Dwarven Barbarian took over for GMing one of those sessions, so we got a different style of GMing for a bit.

GM: The orc draws his weapon.

Player: I point out that we agreed to a peaceful meeting and that neither side can afford any violent altercations, right now. Then I make a Diplomacy check.

GM: WHAT?! He just insulted your MOTHER, and he's an honorless SWINE who would stab you in the back in a HEARBEAT!!! YOU ROLL FOR INITATIVE, THAT'S WHAT YOU F!*+ING DO, YOU COWARD!!!!!!!

Andostre wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:
Plus, our Dwarven Barbarian took over for GMing one of those sessions, so we got a different style of GMing for a bit.

GM: The orc draws his weapon.

Player: I point out that we agreed to a peaceful meeting and that neither side can afford any violent altercations, right now. Then I make a Diplomacy check.

GM: WHAT?! He just insulted your MOTHER, and he's an honorless SWINE who would stab you in the back in a HEARBEAT!!! YOU ROLL FOR INITATIVE, THAT'S WHAT YOU F~!&ING DO, YOU COWARD!!!!!!!

If you read that last post and imagine Sam Kinison saying it, its THAT much funnier.

Liberty's Edge

Looking at the game threads on this board, there don't seem to be many at all that have reached completion, KM or any other AP.

I guess that's not surprising since about 3-4 years seems like it would be a good pace for a group to get to the end of book 6

Pryllin wrote:

Isolda Lebeda, Human Wizard and cousin of the fiancee to King Regent of Brevoy, Nikoli Surtova.

Ursula, Human Rogue (Spy). An orphan of the streets of Restov, taken in by the thieves guild and commandeered by interests unknown to monitor the fledgeling nation.
Yaneshi, Human Oracle of Life who watched her mother kill herself while searching for immortality.
Karl Medvyed, Human (Red) Dragon Disciple rumoured by some to be Choral the Conquerer reborn.
Otto Orcson, Half-orc Paladin of Iomedae struggling to abandon his heritage and live up to standards he's never known.

Together with half a dozen NPCs they rule the Freelands as a council where all are supposed to be equal.
Lily Teskerton was their first spymaster but stepped down after Grigori the Bard exposed her entire network. She has been replaced by Yuri Gargarin, Karl's long time friend and confidant.
Oleg and Svetlana were also on the original council as Treasurer and Councilor but have since been replaced by Karls cousins Tatiana Medvyed and Vladimir Medvyed respectively.
Jubilost Narthropple was the original Warden but was replaced by Isabella Gargarin, another of Karl's entourage.
Kesten Garess was their Marshal and Akiros Ismort their General. Kesten has been replaced with Gunta Eisenzhan, another of Karl's cousins, whereas Akiros continues to serve as General, and as Yaneshi's protector and lover.
Karl is engaged to his childhood sweetheart, Natasha while Ursula has herself recruited the cunning orphan Tabatha as her apprentice and lover.

Apart from the towns of Olegton and Tatzleford, they have placed Stockton in the plains, Jhod's Rest in the forest at the temple site, Karlsburg where the quickling fey tower was and claimed both Varnhold and Fort Drelev, which they renamed Fort Liberty.

Since they've built a lumber mill in every forest hex they can, their internal threats are the environmental terrorists, Nature's Scourge, stolen from the Villain's Codex, and Corax the lumberjack who heads the entire woodcutter guild and has never...

Thanks again Pryllin, Freedom and its PCs and NPCs are now backstory for my upcoming Kingmaker/Iron Gods campaign :-)

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