I've got a classroom full of Goblins!

Paizo General Discussion

So I work in a classroom in an elementary school and we have a Goblin theme. Paizo's goblins are the perfect middle ground between creepy and cute. I have some printouts from the game mastery guide I've blown up and printed out. However they're starting to show their wear.

What I'm trying to find (and would love some help with) is some elementary school appropriate (no blood, guns, or knifes) goblin pictures I could use in my class. Both to let the kids have some choices in their little goblins on our level system but also just around the class.

If anybody has any thoughts I'd be most appreciative.

But thanks regardless.

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I'd look for illustrations of Magic:The Gethering. They have really funny illustrations of goblins.

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Get 'em hooked young, sez I.

Welcome to the Goblin Resistance, Woodengolem's kids!

I'll have to see where I can find some higher rez pictures. Magic is a good option, though it does occasionally make it difficult with the lack of weapons I need.

And yes. Gobo for life!

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