Stray Spell Racial Guide [Little Red]- Highlander Your Friends for Fun and Profit

Product Discussion

Personified Spells that Can "Highlander" Each Other!
So I know a lot of people loved our arma race from our 4th racial guide and that got us thinking along that vein. We ended up with "Stay Spells"- which are a race of spells that, through magical mishap, have been given life (after traveling the cosmos).

Imagine what the hot-headed humanoid personification of a fireball spell would look like or a “holier than thou” bless spell! To add to that stray spells can “transcribe” an other stray spell (or powerful spellcaster) that they have beaten to absorb their energy (or even their spell!).

This book also talks about spell beasts- bestial stray spells of immense power that go on killer rampages attempting to transcribe anyone they come across!

Finally, this book also has the Stray King racial class for stray spells! This d10, Full BAB, class focuses on transcribing enemies to gain their spells, modifying their own form with metamagic feats, and enhancing their own innate chosen spell! Fearless and dominating, they are feared by stray spells the world over and often rule them!

We also included a few example stray spell NPCs (or you could use them for your game), even did up a spell beast for your players to fight, tossed in a handful of feats, and added a lot of adventure hooks/campaign ideas related to them.

It's now avaible on DriveThruRPG (~Link~) and will be up soon on!

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This sounds awesome! It's a concept I've played with a bit in my campaigns but this sounds like it does the concept of sentient spells justice. I can't wait to get it and throw some crazy living spells at my players.

Player Killer wrote:
This sounds awesome! It's a concept I've played with a bit in my campaigns but this sounds like it does the concept of sentient spells justice. I can't wait to get it and throw some crazy living spells at my players.

That's totally what it's for!

If you want to scare the hell out of your players, pick a rather nasty utility spell and make a spell beast out of it. If you pick a high level one it can even be a BBEG that the campaign can revolve around.

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