PFS Storyline Database

GM Discussion

Scarab Sages 3/5 5/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Bellevue

I'm wondering if such a beast exists. Here's my thought:

I'd like to have a way to link otherwise one-shot scenarios into a sort of storyline or theme. For example, to run three or four scenarios in a row where Drendle Drang sends the PCs on a misssion.

Or to run 3-4 scenarios that all happen in Varisia.

Or simply to identify scenarios from different seasons that link together somehow.

I've been running Pathfinder Society scenarios for about 8 months now and could probably use the help selecting scenarios that are linked somehow to get away from the feeling that each session is an unrelated adventure from the ones before it.

So does such a database of scenarios exist? Or am I going to have to create one for myself?


Mmh... I don't know about a database that would give you all those possible links, but the paizo website does have an Adventure Finder which lets you sort them by Region. Not all regions have that many adventures and you'll still have to sort through scenarios, modules and adventure paths to find ones with appropriate levels, but Varisia seems to have a lot of possible PFS scenarios (looks like almost all of season 4 was set there). If you do find an interesting list that would allow to create even better links between the adventures, I'd love to hear about it.

3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

Hi Johann,

Not a database, but here are a couple of threads you might find to be useful:

Story arcs? Connections?

Pathfinder Society Campaign Paths

JohannVonUlm, such a database exists and it's called PathfinderWiki.

If you look at the product page of any PFSRG scenario in PathfinderWiki (not including season 8, because I haven't finished this project) you'll see an entry for "Recurring characters, concepts, & locations". This allows you to see if a particular person, place, or thing appears significantly in other Paizo publications, with PFSRG scenarios listed first.

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

I've been interested in this as well now that I'm planning games at my local store, so thanks for the links. Some of the tracking projects look to have petered out somewhere around season 5, but I think I can find some good arcs to present.

Scarab Sages 3/5 5/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Bellevue

Kate, Wiki Scribe,

All three of those links are great! Thanks.

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