Little Red Goblin Games |

The Best Toolbox Class You Never Knew You Wanted To Play
Introducing the Shapeshifter! This 37 page beast of a book features the easy-to-use base class features 9 mantles and over 80 "visages" (ways to morph their body). With so many ways to play- you'll never play the same shapeshifter twice!
The class itself is full BAB, d10 HD, 4 + Int skill ranks per level and runs on a resource called "primal energy". It's got 3 archetypes for other classes included in the book (one for barbarian, one for druid, and one for rogue) that let other characters tap into it.
The chassis of the class itself is really light. You can spend primal energy to morph your body from the list of over 80 options, there is a predator's focus mechanic that lets you kind of benefit from your feral side, and mantles which kind of grant you some semi-supernatural benefits if you eat the flesh of a creature type. These are fun and kind of situational but can be really handy when the chips are down.
The book's also got a bunch of new feats and we're not just support feats. There are also a bunch of new magic items in there that work with the shapeshifter or just kind of evoke the feeling of one.
It rounds out at about 37 pages (including OGL, credit, and cover). It's bookmarked and PDF optimized. This was Dayton Johnson's book and we got Rui Ferreira (Alt. Path Divine, Alt. Path Ascetic, Godhand, etc) to do the art for this. It's a great class and we hope you check it out.
It is currently live on DriveThruRPG and we will post a link up when it gets up here on Paizo.com!