Questions About PbP PFS

Online Campaigns General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Hey guys. First time poster here.

I'm a long-time Pathfinder, and slightly new to PFS, but I've only recently begun to consider giving PbP a try. It would work well for me, as there hasn't been that much PFS going on in my area. However, I do have a few questions before I start:

1. In PFS PbP Scenarios, are we allowed to use characters we've played in PFS irl? And if so, are there any requirements to use them?

2. Can PbP characters be played at actual PFS events? And if so, does the XP gained here count as XP for irl PFS. For instance, if I had a 1st level character, and he earns 6 XP on the boards, can I play him as a 3rd level character at my local game store?

3. Are there any other special rules or requirements for PFS on the boards?

Thanks in advance, and I'd appreciate all the help I can get.

1. Yes. Just make sure to find a way to present your documents to the Dms if they ask for them. If you have a scanner that can scan printed out documents and save them to your computer, that would be the best way. No requirements needed, just present your documents if and when asked, if they do ask, some do not.
2. XP earned here on the forums is just as good as XP earned in real life. You can play the character anywhere in the world including the internet. It gets reported all the same or should get reported.
3. Nope, just expect it to be slower. Special rules might be what the DMs have. The Dms have a wider selection of players, so they might have rules about who gets in or priorities, but as far as PFS, no house rule s allow.

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I have characters flip back and forth between PbP and IRL. Just remember, only one game at a time. Finish up your PbP game before taking your character to IRL.

As a PFS PbP GM, I often have players ask me, "Do you think we'll be able to wrap this game up before [date]? I have a convention coming up then." I find this helpful, because I am a fairly fast PbP GM, and will often do what I can to move things along to make that deadline so long as I can do it without sacrificing gameflow and RP.


PS I'm your PbP Venture Lieutenant, and am more than happy to answer questions!

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