What is a good mythic path for occultist?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Or a kineticist?

I'm starting up in a Wrath of the Righteous game in a month. I'm considering playing either an occultist or a kineticst, though I'm not 100% settled on even that.

Thing is though, I'm not certain how the mythic paths will really mesh with the psychic classes.

What might you recommend I play and why? I'm told the party is missing a strong ranged character. The other players so far are:

- unchained monk
- fireballing cleric with a few poached paladin powers
- bard

All three are decent melee builds from what I'm told.

The third party transcendentalist path from the Four Horsemen is a good place to start, that is, unless you're one of those people that calls badwrongfun on third party.

Champion ranged Occultist seems like it could be strong. Consider a bow/bucket warrior panoply.

One of the annoyances of an occultist is the tightly constrained spell choice. The wild surge archmage arcana would fix that, and the archmage path abilities are pretty good too.

If a kinetic blast doesn't count as a ranged attack (which might be so as it's technically a spell-like ability) then a kineticist might be best to go for the marshal path to aid others and to gain a little mobility. If it does then trickster would be more interesting and about as effective as champion for them IMO.

My courier occultist (elf, focused on mobility and archery) has been a very effective character. While he's currently built for PFS, it's easy to adapt him to other modes of play. Where he's at right now, he very typically identifies targets (or hears type/subtype from others), taps his bow with Legacy Weapon for Bane and +1, then tears in with an equivalent +5 weapon. If there's movement space, he's generally going to buff himself with Expeditious Retreat and Sudden Speed for the massive move speed. He runs a mile in just over a minute if he really needs to.

Champion is the best option for going ranged focus on the occultist. I would likely take Fleet Charge up front. The path abilities are all really solid down the line, so I wouldn't feel a lot of pressure on that.

Dual path archmage/trickster allows for the casting of all spells you have impliments for via wild arcana and the fleet charge option for getting into melee or positioning well for range with your weapon of legacy. Works great for transmutation focused occultist.

One thing to consider is asking your Gm if they will allow psychic casting to count for meeting the pure requesites for an Arcane casting options in mythic.

Silksworn and Reliquarian occultist archetypes are respectively arcane and divine so you could go archmage and hierphant without issues with those.

Kineticist instead could work with a martial bent and go Champion

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Coming soon... :)

Jason Nelson wrote:
Coming soon... :)

7 years later, I search for a good occultist mythic path and Jason Nelson breaks my heart. ;)

The Exchange

QAlchemist wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Coming soon... :)
7 years later, I search for a good occultist mythic path and Jason Nelson breaks my heart. ;)

Jason was probably referring to something he published for Legendary Games. In official Paizo material, Mythic Occult classes weren't addressed until 2019's Heroes of Golarion.

If you haven't read it, there's one key thing you need to know:

Heroes of Golarion wrote:
When a psychic spellcaster becomes mythic, she can treat her psychic spells as either arcane or divine for the purposes of any mythic abilities she gains. This does not change the actual nature of her spellcasting, but it allows her to make use of certain mythic abilities she would otherwise be unable to use. Once this choice between arcane and divine is made, it cannot be changed.

Unlike some of the other classes, occultists don't have one or two obvious path choices. Trickster is most thematically tied to the manipulation of objects but may not have the best path abilities. Archmage is the only path with an ability specifically for occultists (Expanded Implement Knowledge). And any of the other paths can be good depending on how you are building up your focus powers. Or if you have an archetype there may be easy options. A Battle Host is obviously a good fit for champion and the various panoplies have clear choices as well.

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