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[LPJ Design] Adventure Path Iconics: Path of Kings for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is Now available
Louis Porter Jr. Design, has released Adventure Path Iconics: Path of Kings for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Here is information on this product:
This book provides eight complete pre-generated characters specifically designed for use in an Kingdom Building-themed adventure path. Each character comes with a full stat block including campaign traits, a detailed background and personality, along with tips on advancement through 4th level. Just pick one that strikes your fancy and you’re ready to play. These iconics have been built using a 20-point buy making sure that would be all rules-legal and fully compliant. In addition, each comes with instructions on how to adjust the stats to a 15-point buy, should your GM wish to use the standard adventure paths or if your group enjoys an epic fantasy feel for their characters, adjustments up to a 25-point buy are also included. There’s a little something for everyone. Whichever buy you choose, with a few minor adjustments your PCs will be ready to go!
The iconic consist of four human characters and four unique races from the NeoExodus Campaign Setting such as:
Half Giant: Far back in their ancient history, half-giants were slaves to some form of king. Their stories vary from tribe to tribe, but their former status as slaves is one thread that is common in the lore of every half-giant tribe.
Prymidian: Prymidians are regal, red-skinned humanoids. Their stately demeanor and formidable build impress other races and their learning follows suit.
P'Tan: These feline looking, created from the primordial shadows and former slaves rose up and overthrew their harsh masters with their ability to cast black lightning.
Sasori: Information, say the sasori, is the one commodity that is always in demand. These scorpion-like creatures are brokers of information, by turns the greatest secret-keepers and the supreme spies of Exodus.
These iconics consist of:
- Davor the Loresteeped: Male Half-orc Wizard
- Faunra: Female Elven Fighter
- Felix: Male Human Bard
- Gegig Quartzfist: Male dwarf barbarian
- Gryn Ogyn: Male Prymidian Ranger
- Rangi: Male Half-Giant Paladin
- S’stal Za’tar: Female Sasori Rogue
- Wallop: Female P’Tan Cleric of Milani (Liberation/Protection)