Finally Gathering Wrath of the Righteous....But....

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

My play group has finally finished the Skull & Shackles set and I am now looking to get the Wrath of the Righteous sets. I have run into something odd and I was wondering if you guys know the answer.

I am seeing 2 sets of box art for Wrath of the Righteous. One is Silver and one is Red for the adventures, and the Main box is red or yellow. Is one an updated printing?

Sorry if this is out there already, but I couldn't think of a good way to search for the topic.

No. One is the "mockup" artwork before the art was finalized. The other is the finalized artwork. There is only 1 printing. Some retailers may have listed the product with the "mockup" artwork and didn't update the listing when it was finalized. No matter where you buy, you will get a box that looks like this.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

You're likely seeing mock-up art that was never updated on the website where you're ordering from. Amazon is notorious for this, apparently... they don't always update their art even when a company sends updated art.

Here's a great example:
S&S Deck 4 mock-up art
S&S Deck 5 final art

So I would say don't worry about that, there was only one printing of Wrath of the Righteous. The only base set that has actually had multiple printings is the Rise of the Runelords set and its expansions.


Thanks all

I remember running into the same issue last year when I bought the set. Was too timid back then to ask at the forums, but I am glad that the questions was answered.

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