Ballerina / Leap


So is anyone else going to see this movie when it comes out in the US(March 3rd)?

It's a French Canadian 3d animated movie about a orphan named Felicie and her inventor friend Victor who escape the orphanage to follow her dream of becoming a ballet dancer in Paris. It takes place in the 1880's in France when they were in the middle of building the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty.

Here is a trailer.

Here is another trailer.

Silver Crusade


Is that a yes, no, or maybe?

Silver Crusade

Thas a maybe, I don't really go to movies lately.

I like the french language version better, in fact I thought it was a french animated film like a "Monster in Paris". It was later that I found out is was French Canadian.

I am a little disappointed by the last minute title change for it's US release from "Ballerina" to "Leap". But I am not surprised considering the Disney movies with similar name changes.

I also liked the "dance battle" scene that I found on youtube but I am not going to post a link here because it would be spoilers.

Silver Crusade


Here is the french trailer

Here is the bar dance scene also may contain spoilers and it is in spanish.

Silver Crusade

Thankies :3

Your welcome Rysky:)

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Having bought the movie ("Ballerina" version - which is the norm outside of the US) for my 3yo daughter... I was impressed.

There is a lot of the movie that is overwrought, such as most of the early escape sequence and the fact that our protagonist learns ballet in eight days... but there is a lot that is good about it as well.

  • The main character actually has to work for what she wants. And when she slacks off, there are consequences.
  • When Felicie gets knocked on her butt, she picks herself back up.
  • For all his gruff exterior and role as the disciplinarian, the steward at the orphanage was still human, and in his own way cared for the children at the orphanage. His reaction to Felicie losing hope was, for me, the most touching moment of the entire film.
  • It explored the relationship between Camille and her mother, who was forcing Camille to train brutally hard in an attempt to live vicariously through her.
  • Epic ballet dance battle. Seriously.
  • While Felicie was certainly in the limelight for the whole movie, the fact that there was growth in the supporting characters both in response to her, and each other, was touching. In particular that of Odette, who is otherwise a very tragic figure.
  • Nora.

Personally: The most enjoyable thing is the fact that our daughter hasn't stopped trying to dance ballet for weeks now (we're hunting down classes in our area).

TL;DR: It's a kids movie, and while it lacks the sheer awesomeness of, say, Moana, it is has a lot of heart and a good message. Thoroughly recommend it.

I am mad that this movie keeps getting pushed back for it's release date.

I am glad you enjoyed it Raynulf, and I am sure I will as well. Also what country do you live in and did you buy a release in your country or an export?

Dragon78 wrote:

I am mad that this movie keeps getting pushed back for it's release date.

I am glad you enjoyed it Raynulf, and I am sure I will as well. Also what country do you live in and did you buy a release in your country or an export?

Australia, and we bought it from the store down the road. It was apparently released here on DVD back in April.

So I take it you didn't see it in theaters but bought it as an impulse buy?

Dragon78 wrote:
So I take it you didn't see it in theaters but bought it as an impulse buy?

Theaters haven't really been a thing for us since our darling goblin daughter came along. And it was less of an impulse buy, so much as us deliberately looking for something that she would like, and that didn't result in obnoxious behaviour when she tried to emulate the characters... as has been the case with Misty from Pokemon.

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