ummm, my edit button disappeared?

Website Feedback

so yeah, I cant seem to edit my posts because the button is missing, anyone else?

EDIT: naturally, I post this and it comes running back, typical

EDIT 2: informal bug report then I guess?

EDIT 3: nope wait, the edit button is still gone on all of my other posts, WHUUUT?

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You can only edit a post within a one-hour window of the original posting time; after that, the EDIT option disappears.

If you're experiencing something different than that, you should report it in the Website Feedback forum for the tech team to investigate.

Joana wrote:

You can only edit a post within a one-hour window; after that, the EDIT option disappears.

If you're experiencing something different than that, you should report it in the Website Feedback forum for the tech team to investigate.

im now genuinely curious as to why that's a thing. What possessed the designers to limit edit functions like that?

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Explanation in a previous thread.

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