Baldur's Gate - A GM's Tool.


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First off happy New Year to everyone and I am well aware that I said I would be off till mid-January but I finished this little project and thought I would share it. Now this is only the basics to allow GM's to convert BG & TOSC to pen & paper rpg. You will have to create the quests and encounters yourself but this should help with some of the aspects that you will need.

OK this is part conversion, part homebrew and part mash-up so forgive me now onwards to the meat of this project. And yes I am well aware I already posted some of this info in another thread but this tidies it up and adds some more flavour to it.

Adbar- LN Wealth, Law, Trade- Domains- Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Travel
Favoured Weapon Light Crossbow
Beshaba- CE Mischief, Accidents, Bad luck- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Trickery
Favoured Weapon Dagger
Bhaal- NE Murder, Hatred, Strife- Domains- Death, Destruction, Evil, Trickery, War
Favoured Weapon Dagger
Brigh- N Artifice, Craft, Metalworking- Domains- Artifice, Earth, Fire, Knowledge
Favoured Weapon Light Hammer
Calistra- CN Lust, Revenge, Seduction- Domains- Chaos, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery
Favoured Weapon Whip
Cyric- CE Madness, Greed, Power- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Madness, Void
Favoured Weapon Longsword
Demeter- N Agriculture, Community, Seasons- Domains- Animal, Community, Plant, Weather
Favoured weapon Spear
Elistree- CG Dancing, Moon, Skill- Domains- Chaos, Charm, Good, Darkness, Nobility
Favoured Weapon Bastard Sword
Gozreh- N Nature, Oceans, Sky- Domains- Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather
Favoured Weapon Trident
Helm- LN Defence, Guards, Protection- Domains- Glory, Law, Nobility, Protection, Strength
Favoured Weapon Bastard Sword
Lissala- LE Obedience, Rune, Tyranny- Domains- Evil, Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Rune
Favoured Weapon Whip
Mask- CN Intrigue, Shadows, Thievery- Domains- Chaos, Darkness, Knowledge, Trickery
Favoured Weapon Longsword
Mystra- NG Magic- Domains- Good, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Rune
Favoured Weapon Starknife
Ogmha- N History, Knowledge, Music- Domains- Air, Charm, Knowledge, Rune
Favoured Weapon Longsword
Pharasma- N Birth, Death, Fate- Domains- Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water
Favoured Weapon Dagger
Saranrae- NG Healing, Redemption, Sun- Domains- Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun
Favoured Weapon Scimitar
Shandukal- CN Adventure, Travel, Wind- Domains- Air, Chaos, Glory, Trickery, Travel
Favoured Weapon Greatsword
Tempus- CN Battle, Strife, War- Domains- Chaos, Destruction, Glory, Strength, War
Favoured Weapon Battleaxe
Tymora- CG Adventure, Good Luck, Mischief- Domains- Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel
Favoured Weapon Shortsword
Urgotha- NE Gluttony, Plague, Undeath- Domains- Death, Evil, Magic, Strength, War
Favoured Weapon Scythe

Note- Basic items worth 10gp or less can always be found in Hamlets
Basic items worth 50gp or less can always be found in Villages
Basic items worth 100gp or less can always be found in Small towns
Settlements larger than this have a 50% chance min to have any non-magic item under 2500gp available. Metropolises change this to a 75% chance.

Baldurs Gate
N -Metropolis
Corruption-2; Crime+5; Economy+7; Law+1; Lore+4; Society+8
Qualities-Holy Site; Magically Attuned; Notorious; Prosperous; Strategic Location; Tourist Attraction
Government- Council
Population- 64,051 (Mixed)
Notable NPC’s
Entar Silvershield- LG hm Fighter 18 (wealthy noble)- Grand Duke
Liia Jannath- CG hf Wizard 16- Grand Duke
Belt- CN hm Fighter 15 (retired adventurer)- Grand Duke
Eltan- LN hm Fighter 18- Commander of the Flaming Fist Mercenary Company- Grand Duke
Brielbara- CG hf Wizard 13
Thalamond Albaier- hm Cleric 17 High Priest of Brigh
Chanthalas Ulbright- hm Cleric 15 High Priest of Tymora
Jalantha Mistmyr- hf Cleric 16 High Priest of Gozreh
Scar- LN hm Fighter10 Second in command of the Flaming Fist
Base Value- 33,000gp; Purchase Limit- 220,000gp; Spellcasting 9th
Minor Items-All
Medium Items- The Gate House- +3 Heavy Steel Shield; Potion of Rage; Ring of Improved Jumping; Divine scroll with Scrying, Divine Power and Cure Serious Wounds; Arcane Scroll with Halt Undead and Blindness/Deafness; Staff of Swarming Insects; Cloak of Resistance +3; Belt of Giant Strength +4.
Major Items- Buccaneer’s Breastplate; Starry Hauberk- +4 Chain Shirt of Spell Resistance (15); Beorn’s Wall- +4 Cold Iron Defending Greataxe; Rod of the Aboleth; Ring of Shooting Stars; Scroll of Arcane Sight (Greater); Staff of Conjuration; Staff of Passage; Wand of Snare; Wand of Summon Natures Ally III.

NG Large Town
Corruption -2; Crime 0; Economy +2;
Law 0; Lore +4; Society -1
Rumormongering Citizens
Tourist Attraction
Danger +5
Government Magical
Population 2915
Notable NPC's
Kelddath Ormlyr- High Priest of Saranrae and town Govener Cleric 12
Thalantyr - Wizard (Conjurer) 13
Taerom "ThunderHammer" Fuiruim - Smith Fighter 4/ Expert2
Base Value 3000gp; Purchase Limit 15000gp; Spellcasting 6th;
Minor items- +1 Elven Curve Blade; Wardens Watcher- +2 light crossbow; Oil of Shillelagh;
Scroll of Sleep; Scroll of Find Traps; Wand of Hide from Undead; Ring of
Climbing; Anatomy Doll
Medium Items- The Shinning Harvest- +1 Keen Sickle; Scarlet Sunrise- +2 Fire Resistant Splint Mail; Shadow Armour- +3 Shadowed Studded Leather; Scroll of Blur; Goggles of Elvenkind; Cloak of the Dustwalker
Major- Army Scythe- +1 light crossbow of speed; Hallowed Tool +3 Disruption Warhammer; Manual of Bodily Health+1

LN- Village
Corruption-1; Crime-1; Economy-1; Law-0; Lore+1; Society-1
Qualities- Academic; Magically Attuned
Government- Magical
Population- 97
Notable NPC’s
Ulrant- LN hm Wizard(Diviner)7/Loremaster2 Keeper of the Tomes
Tethtoril- LG hm Wizard3/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge 8 Mystra First Reader
Base- 600gp; Purchase Limit- 3000gp; Spellcasting- 7th
Minor Items- Masterwork Buckler; Masterwork Spiked Gauntlet; Potion of Cure Light Wounds; Scroll of Darkvision(Arcane); Knights Pennon of Honour
Medium Items- +1 Battleaxe; Scroll of Greater Invisibility(Arcane); Scroll of Protection from Energy(Arcane); Wand of Augury

Friendly Arm Inn
CG- Hamlet
Corruption-2; Crime-1; Economy-1; Law-2; Lore-2; Society-1
Qualities- Strategic Location
Notable NPC’s
Bentley Mirrorshade- Owner GM Rogue3/Wizard(Illusionist)4
Gellana Mirrorshade- Bentley’s wife GF Cleric4
Base-220gp; Purchase Limit-1000gp; Spellcasting- 2nd
Minor Items- +1 Admantine Scimitar; Glowing Glove; Ring of Sustenance; Scroll with Death Knell and Fire Trap(Divine); Wand of Command

NG- Hamlet
Corruption-2; Crime-3; Economy-2; Law-2; Lore-1; Society-2
Qualities- Insular
Government- Autocracy
Notable NPC’s
Gandolar Luckyfoot- CG Halfling male Ranger2/Expert3- Mayor
Alvanhendar Bottlehop- CG Halfling male Cleric4/Expert1 of Tymora- High Priest
Base-200gp; Purchase Limit-1000gp; Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items- Masterwork Padded Armour; Masterwork Sickle; +1 Shortbow; Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds

N- Village
Corruption-1; Crime-1; Economy+1; Law-1; Lore+1; Society-1
Qualities- Prosperous; Tourist Attraction
Danger 0
Government- Autocracy
Population- 190
Notable NPC’s
Berrun Ghastkill- CG em Ranger 6 Mayor
Volothamp Geddarm- CG hm Wizard 5 Travelling Author
Oublek- LN hm Expert 2 minor Government official responsible for issuing and collecting Bounties
Base-750gp; Purchase Limit-3750gp; Spellcasting 3rd
Minor Items- Masterwork Scale Mail; Masterwork Light Wooden Shield; Masterwork Punching Dagger; Scroll of Detect Secret Doors(Arcane); Scroll of Warp Wood(Divine)
Medium Items- Wand of Mage Armour; Stalkers Mask

Ulgoths Beard
CG- Hamlet
Corruption-2; Crime-1; Economy 0; Law+1; Lore 0; Society-2
Qualities- Insular
Government- Magical
Population 57
Notable NPC’s
Shandalar- LN hm Wizard 14
Mendas- NE hm (lycanthrope) Fighter5(Lore Warden)-poses as a scholar
Base-200gp; Purchase Limit-1000gp; Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items- Mithral Heavy Shield; Scroll of minor image(Arcane); Scroll of bless water(Divine); Cloak of Elvenkind

Elf- Moon-As Core
Sun- As Core but for -2Con, +2Int
Wild- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Int
Wood- As Core but for +2Wis, -2Int
Aquatic- As bestiary
Shadow- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Cha
Drow- As bestiary- Essentially all Demon/Daemon/Devil worshipers the odd non-evil drow are those that have a significant amount of shadow elf blood in them. Approximatly 1 in every 25000 drow will be non-evil.
Dwarf- Shield- As Core
Gold- As Core combat bonuses vs abberations instead of goblinkin and giants.
Duergar-As bestiary
Gnome- Rock- As Core without the bleaching
Forest- As above but with a racial bonus to hide instead
Svirfneblin- As bestiary
Halfling- Lightfoot- As Core
Strongheart- As Core but for +2Dex, +2Wis, -2Cha
Ghostwise- As Core but for +2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha
Human Ethnicities- Calashite-
Gur- Rashemi
Mulhorandian- Untheric
All of the human racial groups are as Core but with ethnic languages each cultures native language in all cases except where noted. The reason for Untheric is that it is mostly Mulhorandi of Untheric descent active in the western heartlands.
Half-Elf- As Core
Half-Orc- As Core

Dragons- Young Adult being the main age/size limit with older dragons appearing increadably rarely. Green, Black and the occasional Red for chronomatics. Silver, Gold, Bronze and Copper for metallic.


Calashite- Proficient with the Scimitar and Falchion and a +2 bonus to Bluff and Bluff becomes a class skill.
Chondathan- Proficient with the Greatsword and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Appraise and Appraise becomes a class skill.
Damaran- Proficient with the Bastard sword and Heavy Flail and a +2 bonus on Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill.
Illuskan- Proficient with Battle Axe and Throwing Axes and a +2 bonus to Intimidate and Intimidate becomes a class skill.
Mulhoranidian- Proficient with the Khopesh and Whip and a +2 bonus on Knowledge(Religion) and Knowledge(Religion) becomes a class skill.
Netherese- Proficient with the Glaive and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Spellcraft becomes a class skill.
Rashemi- Proficient with the Greatsword and Battle Axe and a +2 bonus to Knowledge(Nature) and Knowledge(Nature) becomes a class skill.
Talfirian- Proficiency with the Broadsword and Shortbow and a +2 bonus to Stealth and Stealth becomes a class skill.
Tashlan- Proficient with the light Repeating Crossbow and the Scimitar and a +2 bonus to Craft checks.
Tethyrian- Proficient with the Light Hammer and Longsword and a +2 bonus to Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill.
Luck of Heroes- +1 luck bonus to AC and can reroll 1 skill check 1day and take best result
Blooded- +2 to Initiative, +2 to Perception and +1 to Fortitude Saves
Bullheaded- +2 to will Saves, Immune to the shaken condition
Serpent Blooded- +2 to Reflex Saves, +2 bonus to saves vs poison
Mind over Body- +1 insight bonus to AC, 1day use will save in place of a Fortitude Save.
Merchant Scion- Can sell items at 60% market value instead of 50% and a +2 bonus to Appraise and Profession(Merchant)
Wealthy- Start with an extra 400gp, +2 Diplomacy Bonus vs Nobility.
Contacts- +2 bonus to Diplomacy to gather information, gain a contact for every 5 levels you possess contact will be a NPC with 1d6 levels. The contact can be used 1week to sell a single item for 80% market value or get a +2 bonus on anyone skill check.
Naturebond- +2 bonus to Fortitude saves, +2 bonus on Stealth Check and on Survival checks.

Also note that instead of two traits a PC can choose one of these feats and they are limited to one per PC.


Most of the magic items in pathfinder terms.

A minor modification to the way armour works would help when showing the differences between normal and magic armour in the game. The first is that masterwork reduces the weight of the armour by 10% and magic reduces it by another 10% for a 20% total reduction. This will not affect mithral and the affect for adamantine will be halved hopefully this won’t be too disruptive. Now I will also add in the broadsword which is 20gp, weighs 6lbs, 2d4 damage (M), and will only crit on a natural 20 but with a *3 multiplier. Plate mail is Half plate with the Dex bonus increased by 2.

Now some of the magic items will also be updated and if anyone else wants to jump in and help with them it would be appreciated. First the "Rings of Princes" now this was just a +1 ring of protection in BG1+2 but in NWN2 it was a +2 that gave an additional +1 vs undead. Since there are reportedly 7 of them that they would each be moderately similar but unique, with the one above called the "White Prince" which is made of white marble and glows a gentle white light when around undead, it’s a ring of protection +2 which becomes +3 vs undead. Ok the second "Ring of Princes" is now called "Dark Prince" made of black basalt it seems to shun the light. This Ring of Protection +2 also give a +2 bonus to saves against necromantic spells and effects. Ring three is the “Gryphon Prince” that is a solid gold signet ring with a sapphire Gryphon inlaid, ring of protection +2 that gives a +2 bonus on Reflex saves and the ability to boost their Charisma by 4 points for 10minitues once a day.

Ring four is the “Dragon Prince” is made of red marble with a rampant Dragon inlaid in it, a ring of protection +2 that grants a +4 bonus on will saves vs fear and Fire resist 2. Ring five is the “Serpent Prince” a green jade ring in the shape of a snake, a ring of protection +2 that grants a +2 on saves vs poison and grants Deceitful as a bonus feat. The sixth ring is the “Fey Prince” a rainbow coloured band, a ring of protection +2 that gives a +2 bonus to your save DC’s vs Enchantment spells and allows you to cast Ghost Sound 1day. Now the seventh ring is the “Unicorn Ring” a band of the purest silver, works as a ring of protection +2 that grants a +2 on saves vs disease and poison and the ability to cast Stabilize 1day.

Battle Axe of Mauletar a Battleaxe +2 that bears house Ossyinds heraldic device upon its blade.
The Army Scythe a +1 light crossbow of speed
Fallorians Plate +2 Plate Mail that grants a +2 bonus to Charisma
Bervel's Retort +1 throwing axe of returning
Golden Axe +1 Battle Axe grants the wielder access to the disruptive feat
Kondar +1 (shapechanger)Bane Bastard Sword
Chanserv's Fish +2 frost club
Mighty Oak +2 Darkwood Club
Boomerang Dagger +2 returning dagger
Heart of the Golem +2 Adamantine (Construct)Bane dagger
The Thresher +2 heavy flail
Suryis's Blade +2 Halberd
Varscona +2 frost longsword with faint necromantic aura
Drusus +1 Gladius
The Whistling sword +2 short sword (cast ghost sound 3day)
The Shadows Blade = Assassins blade
Backbitter +3 cursed longspear (inflicts equal damage upon its wielder as it does upon their opponent)
Protector of the Dryads +2 shortbow
Protector of the Second +2 leather armour
Shadow Armour +3 shadowed studded leather
Telbar's Armour +2 Studded leather
Mail of the Dead +2 Chainmail
Ankheg Plate is a non-metallic full plate with properties equivalent to mithral.
The Magma Bulwark +2 fire resistant mithral Plate mail
Redshield +2 heavy darkwood shield (+3 vs giants)
Shield of Devotion +2 heavy steel shield (grants toughness feat)(if paladin grants access to and additional 1st level spell slot)
The Amplifier (grants access to a bonus 2nd level spell slot)
The One Gift Lost (cast flaming orb 1day)
Sensate Amulet (user under protection of False Life)(protection from evil 3day) +2 Charisma
The Protector (Amulet of natural armour+1 & cloak of resistance+1 in one)
Elistraees Boon (Circlet grants spell resist 10 and functions as a cloak of resistance +1)
Helm of the Noble = Helm of Glory (+1 insight armour bonus, +2 Charisma)
The Eyes of Truth (Helmet grand low light vision 60ft, ability to cast see invisibility 1day)
Spiders Bane +2 Greatsword that allows its wearer to ignore spider webs and grants its wearer the ability to cast Neutralize Poison 1day.
Batistas Passport- ring of Greater Energy Resistance(Fire)
Edventars Ring- Ring of Freedom of Movement
Gloves of Healing- 1day Neutralize Poison 3day Cure Light Wounds
Boots of Grounding- Gozreh’s Gift- As a ring of Greater Energy Resistance(Electricity)
Wolfsbane Charm- Allows the wearer to treat their weapon as silver and applies Bane(Shapeshifter) to the weapon vs Lycanthropes, also grants a +4 to saves against contracting Lycanthropy.
Helm of Defense- +1 bonus to Saves and grants the wearer Energy Resist 5 vs Fire, Cold and Electric.
Helm of Balduran- +1 insight bonus to AC,Saves and base Attack bonus also grants the wearer 5 bonus hp.
Amulet of Power- Gives the wearer SR5, allows a +2 vs energy draining attacks and on saves to remove negative levels. Works as a lesser rod of silent spell metamagic and allows the wearer 1week to quicken 1 spell without increasing its level.

So what is the intent? Just a compilation? If so it looks good.

Are you looking to mod the campaign, or have a segregated adventure that runs corralary to the story? If so, I would include a bit of info about major factions, NPCs, and rumors as well as details about some of the notable regions and dungeons.

More knowledge of your intent and the timing of this setting is crucial. In the FR this story follows after the Time of Troubles, but is several decades (maybe a century) before the current setting. It may not seem like a big deal, but a lot has changed, and there are regional based supplement materials that are a bit time sensitive.

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