George Michael of Wham! passes away at age 53

Music & Audio

Sorry to post this on Christmas, but...

It is with heavy heart that I read that we lost another great talent.

BBC article

I wish I could hear what Prince, Bowie, and Michael come up with. They will be missed.

George Michael - Faith (US Version)

George Michael - Freedom! '90

Wow, now I'm almost concerned that there's about a week left in the year. I had hoped we were done with such deaths.

I am gonna miss him.

May he rest peacefully.

A tremendous talent. He'll be missed.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just when we thought 2016 was done taking our celebrities - WHAM!

Sovereign Court

My GF and I were listening to our local radio stations alternative holiday music. We commented a few times about hearing Wham's last Christmas song a few too many times. Then we saw this and it was sad and we appreciated the extra spins. RIP

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

;_; This year I am tempted to use fireworks...hoping to hit what is left of 2016 so it can die in a fire...

I keep seeing comments like these, and I keep thinking that these people died of various causes -- the year itself is not a sentient being that murdered them.

Yeah, I get it, it's supposed to be a witticism, but it's only witty for the first person who said it, not for everyone who keeps repeating it.

All that said, I kind of liked George Michael. Sorry to see him go.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kullen wrote:

I keep seeing comments like these, and I keep thinking that these people died of various causes -- the year itself is not a sentient being that murdered them. ** spoiler omitted **

I guess you never have a 'bad day' or a 'bad week', either?

feytharn wrote:
I guess you never have a 'bad day' or a 'bad week', either?

...and then anthropomorphized it to the point where I demanded revenge against a unit of time?

Clarification: There's a difference between (a) noting a statistically large number of unfortunate occurrences within a given interval, vs. (b) actually blaming that interval for those occurrences.

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