Yerdiss |

Hey there,
I've been checking out the pathfinder comics. There are volumes that collect individual issues, which have my preference. As such, I've been trying to figure out which individual issues are collected in which volumes. Most are pretty intuitive, but there's no listing and I'm slightly uncertain on one or two instances.
So, I thought, let's post my current assumption and ask if they're correct.
If I'd want them all, then these would cover it:
Also, I assume that content-wise, the normal edition and Gencon 2013 edition of Goblins #1 are identical.
If anyone who knows for sure could verify these assumptions, then I'll have peace of mind when I order a bucket-load of comics :) I'd be ever so grateful!
(PS, it's also a bit of a guess in which subforum to post this :P I guess guessing's my theme of today.)

Yerdiss |

In case anyone else wondered. These assumptions have been confirmed in this thread.