
Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Regarding Immunities, the MM Rulebook says this (pg 9) - "If the card you're encountering states that it is immune to a particular trait, during the encounter, characters may not play cards that have the specified trait or use powers that would add that trait to the check. The card you're encountering might require or allow a check that can affect your check to acquire or defeat; you must resolve that check before you begin the check to acquire or defeat." (Really only the first sentence applies, I quoted the whole paragraph just to be complete).

The Fire Gecko allows you to explore and then during that exploration you are told to add d4 and the Fire trait to your combat check. There is no "may" (unlike the Shock Lizard) in the text.

Now I had been thinking that if you used the Fire Gecko to explore and ran into something immune to fire that you were just out of luck, but actually based on the rule I just quoted, it very specifically says that the only requirement is that during the encounter you can't play cards involving that trait. So.. if you've played the Fire Gecko beforehand to give you an explore which happens to turn into a fire immune monster.. can you still get the d4/fire from the Gecko as well as roll normally on the check even though it's immune to fire?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You ignore the impossible instruction per the Golden Rules, which is adding the d4 and the Fire trait. In other words, you do not add the d4 and the check does not gain the Fire trait.

I agree with skizzerz. You just ignore the instruction.

Which means it acts a lot like it did say "may". The only difference is, if you encounter a monster which is not immune to Fire but for which Fire puts you at a disadvantage (say it makes the check more difficult), then you must use the Fire trait.

Makes sense, thanks!

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