Possessed Hand and One-Handed Weapons

Rules Questions

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So I've been looking at the Possessed Hand feat for a druid idea involving the Death Druid and I was wondering whether or not I can use a one-handed weapon in two-hands and still get my insight bonus to hit and damage. My friend and I think you can, but it never hurts to check with the forums.

I'd allow it, but I feel the intent is that it has to be wielded in just the possessed hand.

The types of attacks are one-handed weapon attacks, light weapon attacks, unarmed strikes and natural weapons with that hand. Not two-handed weapons.

Though....I'm not sure if a one-handed weapon becomes a two-handed weapon when held in both hands. I would probably say it would. But I am hesitant.

Frankly I just want to know and be done with it, either so I can rearrange her stats or go forward with the idea for this half-elf that uses a bastard sword, as some depictions of death have Grim with a sword of some kind instead of a scythe (the Discworld series had Grim having both a scythe for the common people and a sword used only on royalty, if I remember correctly).

Actually, I think I'll add a question to this since I am already on the subject of my death druid. How exactly does Bonded Manifestation work for the Death Druid archetype when, as far as I know, they do not get the Shared Consciousness class ability of the spiritualist?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

You don't need the bonuses from Shared Consciousness to benefit from Bonded Manifestation. The Phantom class feature explains how phantoms manifest or remain in the druid/spiritualist's consciousness.

Phantom wrote:
The phantom forms a link with the spiritualist, who forever after can either harbor the creature within her consciousness or manifest it as an ectoplasmic or incorporeal entity.

Ah, didn't see that part. Good to know that I can use it (lord knows that they have created archetypes before that have abilities they can't actually use).

Dresdran wrote:
Frankly I just want to know and be done with it, either so I can rearrange her stats or go forward with the idea for this half-elf that uses a bastard sword, as some depictions of death have Grim with a sword of some kind instead of a scythe (the Discworld series had Grim having both a scythe for the common people and a sword used only on royalty, if I remember correctly).

Okay, though I uncertain, I think the rules are on your side and it is allowed RAW for you to benefit while wielding a one-handed weapon two-handed. Though if it is a bastard sword, do note that if you are treating it as a martial weapon from nonproficiency wiith it as an exotic weapon, the bastard sword actually counts as a two-handed weapon.

Technically, your Marluxia aspirant can just use a Small scythe.

Marluxia? Never heard of it. But yes as a half-elf I have taken Ancestral Arms so I have proficiency in bastard swords.

Marluxia is a scythe-wielding character from Kingdom Hearts with life-draining and plant-based abilities.

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