Dingleberry |
After completing Book Two, my PCs are now following up on some of the clues that will eventually point to Nyrissa (e.g., the dead unicorn, the ring of bestial friendship, Hargulka referencing "the Green Queen," the Dancing Lady referencing "the Queen of Forgotten Time"). This includes talking to some of the other fey they've befriended in the Stolen Lands: the pranksters, Melianse, Tiressia.
What might those fey know of Nyrissa and what she's been up to?

JohnB |

In my world - they don't know much about her, little more than she is a nasty, very powerful fey - they probably don't even know her name - just that she gets 'interested' every so often. And they will be evasive, saying as little as possible - on the basis they don't want to attract her attention.
Just generate a bit of uncertainty and the subtle foreshadowing will probably work better than you think :)
I was quite surprised when the last party I ran managed to link the Dead Unicorn they found in the book 1 to the Unicorn's Horn they found in book 6. All without any prompting and with 2 years (real time) between the two events.

Dingleberry |
Thanks, JohnB. That's perfect: if it's dangerous to speak her real name, that explains why they (even those allied with her) use the other nicknames for her. Make her She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
In our campaign, it will be more like 6 years real time between Books 1 and 6 (we only play once or twice a year over a long weekend) so I'll be *very* surprised if they remember!

Gargs454 |

I agree with JohnB. The "minor" fey should probably have an idea that something is up, and insight checks or Detect Lies might even reveal that these fey are not saying everything they know, but you can let it come across as they are simply too scared of the scary lady to say anything. "If I tell you, she'll kill me and my family!" This then puts the PCs in the position of either accepting that there is a big bad fey that they don't know a ton about, or responding with "If you don't tell me, then I'll kill you and your family!"

Gargs454 |

In my world, there have been a few references to a powerful fey known as "the Lady of Dreams." Now that we're in the fourth module, it has been revealed a major fey is the daughter of the Lady of Dreams.
Oooh, I like that, especially since I plan to give a bit of foreshadowing of the big N through the Stag Lord's Helm. Essentially, the Helm allows N to contact her "champion" in addition to granting said champion special powers. It only has a minor side effect of not being able to be taken off. :)