red scare |
The PC's having rampaged throughout the first level of the temple killed everything but the chief a few skin walkers and Xerkamat. After all of them experienced near death against the dread wraiths they opted to go back to Sasserine to heal their injuries. While by the time they returned to outside the temple almost two weeks have passed. Khala caved in the hidden entrance in the back to stop them from using that entrance way again and has summoned a retriever to roam the hall ways and mustered up some more skinwalkers. I feel this isn't enough and Khala realizes that the skinwalkers aren't strong enough to defeat the party and the retriever will probably just hinder them. The party also realizes that the water entrance is most likely a trap and plans to avoid it so Xerkamat's ambush is useless and I'll plan to move the symbol of death else where. But spreading too many symbols is useless because a party quickly recognizes to avoid them after encountering one. Any ideas for what Khala can do to bolster the temples defenses on the first floor? We left the party dimension dooring in by the stone doors and all the traps on the first floor have already been set off.

Curaigh |

Reset the traps and move them around--these are intelligent opponents on their home turf. If the retriever is a challenge add more of them. Add the savage template to the skinwalkers and toughen the DC to save versus disease. Even if they fight is not a challenge, the next couple of days will be. add wild magic to dimdoor and port spells. the is should break them apart (even temporarily) to create a better challenge. Again because you have intelligent opponents.
my two coppers...

Matthew Vincent |
Any ideas for what Khala can do to bolster the temples defenses on the first floor?
Besides Xerkamat placing new symbols everywhere, I had the skinwalker villages unite to attack the PC's as an army, complete with Megaraptor and T-rex riding cavalry. I also had them use Charm Animal (1st level ranger spell) on the Gargantuan Crocodile (Deinosuchus) that the PC's avoided earlier by flying over the water, adding it to the fray.

![]() |

Well there are more demons all over Thanaclan. Besides the Skinwalker villages there are Vrocks and Bar'lgura all over, a Glabrezu's running about, the Hezrou lurking in the flooded room, etc.
It's Ok to let the PC's tear up the skinwalkers and lesser demons, it reminds them they are heroes! However when it comes to Khala and Xerkemat in the final battle play them to the hilt.
My players just finished up this adventure and they were a level higher than recommended and geared specifically to fight demons. I made the Taboo Temple Kopru into Half-fiends and made one of them a 12th level Cleric (CR 16). The adventure really lacks any divine firepower and 6 creatures are equipped with unholy symbols!. My PC's had already killed Xerkemat and the whole skinwalker tribe (though the Chief managed to kill their priest) before returning to face Khala.
I had Khala ready the skulvyns by casting fly on each of them (he can do it at will and it lasts 20 minutes) summoning a retriever and casting fly on it. Khala also had potions of Mage Armor, Resist Energy (sonic in this case), Shield of Faith +5, and Displacement bringing his AC with Full Combat Expertise into the mid 40's which discouraged my Barbarians and Paladin from Power Attacking for anything significant and used Project Image to suck up their initial firepower as the Sorcerer used Limited Wish to have their first attacks automatically hit. Targeted Dispels are GOOD!

red scare |
Thanks for the ideas. Ran the session and added the savage template to the julajimus (skinwalkers are outsiders so can't be savage.) Also reset the traps and blocked off some of the hall ways with stone wall spells. After seeing the blocked in passages the PCs went around to area one. Xerkamat was a joke for them they dispelled the projected image and the parties barbarian went to town dealing over 100 damage in the first round. The parties warlock then cast dispelling all over the front of the entrance eliminating the symbol of death. But they finally faced a worthy encounter in area 3. The hidden skinwalker acolyte decimated the party with empowered fireballs almost tpking the party. Moving on they encountered the retriever which was brought down again incredibly quick by the barbarian. Hopefully Khala can get his gaze attacks off on the barbarian or else that battle won't last long.

Turin the Mad |

Layered defenses. With 2 weeks' preparation time, that is a lot of Symbols Xerkamat can draw (costing nothing thanks to being a spell-like ability) and key to all the defenders of the temple.
The kopru in the watery levels below and the hezrou all pack Blasphemy at a sufficient caster level to keep the entire party stunned for several consecutive rounds if they unleash them in concert.
Here's the stat block for the Taboo Temple Kopru I used against my player character group:
Taboo Temple Kopru
Initiative Bonus +5
Advanced Half-Fiend Kopru
CR 14
CE Large Outsider (Aquatic, Augmented Monstrous Humanoid, Native)
12d10 HD = 180 hp (120 +60) averaged hp would be 126; reduce CR to 13
Space/Reach 10’/10’
Speed 5’, Swim 40’, Fly 40’ (avg)
SQ: Amphibious, Darkvision 60’, SR 22, DR 10/magic
Immune to poisons; Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10
Base Attack Bonus +12 Grapple +34 (12 base, +4 size, +11 Strength, +7 racial)
Melee: Tail slap +22 (1d8+11 & improved grab [Large or smaller] => constrict after establishing a hold in the same round for 4d6+16 [1 ½ tail slap] bludgeoning damage; each successful grapple check it makes afterwards automatically deals tail plus constriction damage, totaling 4d6+1d8+38 bludgeoning damage) and 2 claws +17 (1d6+5) and bite +17 (1d8+5) {AB = base 12, -1 size, +11 Strength)
OR Large masterwork spear (used two-handed) +23/+18/+13 (2d6+16 P, 20/x3) and tail slap +17 and bite +17 Ranged = thrown large spear +23/+18/+13 (2d6+11)
Attack Options:
Smite Good 1x per day = deals 12 extra damage against a good creature.
Magic Strike (natural weapons) & Aligned Strike (natural weapons) (chaotic, evil)
AC: 26 (10, -1 size, +6 natural armor, +5 Dex, +6 armor {+3 large non-humanoid studded leather [0 armor check, 40 lbs, 9,250 gpv but can only be sold for ‘magical salvage’ = 4500 gpv], maximum Dex bonus of +5, no speed reduction]}; Flat-footed AC: 21
Touch AC: 14 (10, -1 size, +5 Dex); Flat-footed Touch AC: 9
Ability Scores
STR 32 (+11)
DEX 20 (+5)
CON 20 (+5)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 18 (+4)
Saving Throw Bonuses
Fortitude +9 (4 base, +5 Constitution)
Reflex +13 (8 base, +5 Dexterity)
Will +12 (8 base, +4 Charisma)
Skills: {8 @ 15 ranks each}
Balance +22, Concentration +20, Escape Artist +20, Hide +16, Listen +15, Move Silently +16 (12r), Spot +15, Swim +23 (4r, +8 racial) and Tumble +20
Feats (5 +2 trained):
Light Armor Prof., Shield Prof. & Simple Weapons Prof.
(1) Force of Personality (Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of Wisdom)
(3) Power Attack
(6) Improved Sunder
(6t) Improved Bull Rush
(9) Quick Draw
(12) Brute Combatant
(12t) Shock Trooper
Brute Combatant combined with Shock Trooper:
Successful bull rush attempt as part of a charge: bull rush Strength check +21 bonus opposed by foe’s Strength check (success = pushes back 5’ & may also push foe one square to the left or right for each square pushed back; +1 square per 5 points difference); if successful, during the next round gains +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls against that foe for each square the bull rush moved that foe; if a bull rush forces a foe into the same square as another foe, he may make a free trip attempt against both foes at the same time (+15 bonus opposed by Str or Dex check of foes) to which neither foe gets a chance to trip in return if it fails.
Momentum Swing: If charges a foe on a first round, then declares an attack on the second round with a -5 or worse Power Attack, his attacks that hit on the second round gain a damage bonus = 1 ½ x the attack penalty, 3x the penalty if using a two-handed weapon (such as the spears they carry).
Heedless Charge: Charge & makes an attack at the end of the charge at a -5 or worse Power Attack. Doing so permits him to shift any portion of the attack penalty from Power Attack to his AC instead.
Sundering Cleave: After destroying a foe’s weapon or shield with a successful sunder attempt, gains an immediate additional melee attack against that foe at the same attack bonus (and damage) with the same weapon the foe’s weapon or shield was sundered with. Opposed attack roll bonus of +24 with the spear or +23 with the tail slap.
Dominate Person (Su) 1x per day: CL 10th, 180’ range, duration of 8 days, Will DC 20 (10 +6 +4).
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): CL 12th, save DC’s equal 14 + spell level
Darkness 3/day
Desecrate 1/day
Unholy Blight 1/day ([Evil]; 220’; 20’ radius spread; SR? Y; 5d8 plus Will DC 18 to negate sickened for 1d4 rounds & half damage; neutral save for ½ or ¼ damage & are not sickened.)
Poison 3/day (touch; SR? Y; Fortitude DC 20 (10+6+4) negates 1d10 Con/1d10 Con
Contagion 1/day ([Evil]; touch; SR? Y; Fortitude DC 18 negates blinding sickness: 1d4 Strength damage [every 2 strength damage taken requires DC 16 fortitude to resist permanent blindness])
Blasphemy 1/day ([Evil, Sonic] V; nonevil creatures within a 40’ radius spread; SR? Yes; 12 HD are dazed for 1 round; 11 HD are dazed for 1 round & weakened (-2d6 Strength) for 2d4 rounds; 8-10 HD are dazed for 1 round, weakened for 2d4 rounds and paralyzed – thus, helpless – for 1d10 minutes; will only kill nonevil creatures of 1 or 2 HD)
Gear: 4 masterwork large spears
2 potions of fly
Unholy Symbol of Demogorgon: disintegrates after its 3rd use & is considered a profane (Evil) item.
= Heartseeking Amulet: swift (command) (1 per round) three times to make the next melee attack as a melee touch attack instead. If not used before the end of its turn, the effect is wasted.

Turin the Mad |

My thats fairley deadly I think I'll just use one of those for the head of the surface Kopru. Three or more at a time will most likely end in a lot of dead party members.
I made ALL of them that way for a group of 7 or 8 PC's plus a cohort. Result ? One character death, very temporary, so feel free to butcher all your characters. ^_^ As Allen is fond of saying, a little "death therapy" goes a long way...

vikingson |

Khala also had potions of Mage Armor, Resist Energy (sonic in this case), Shield of Faith +5, and Displacement bringing his AC with Full Combat Expertise into the mid 40's which discouraged my Barbarians and Paladin from Power Attacking for anything significant and used Project Image to suck up their initial firepower as the Sorcerer used Limited Wish to have their first attacks automatically hit. Targeted Dispels are GOOD!
You of course realize that "resist energy" cannot be typed to "sonic" since that is not an "energy" according to SRD. Silence might help though, confering complete immunity.
just my 2 cents
As an aside, have Khala swallow potions of "Bear's Endurance" and "Eagle's Splendour", upping his total HP by another 40, and raising the save DCs of his offensive powers (such as the gazes )....