How wealthy should the PCs be by the end of book one?

Shackled City Adventure Path

So, my players will nick literally anything that isn't nailed down, and through tenacity have been able to totally clean out the first two dungeons. That's about 15K in coinage alone, along with dozens of pieces of armor, weapons, and so on. For a party of 5, this puts them WELL above the pathfinder PC-wealth-per-level chart. Is this normal? Will it unbalance things a bit for the future?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Some players behave like that, and it usually does not unbalance things too badly. They definitely are going to be better geared than "normal" after that, but in my experience, that makes much less difference for the campaign than one would expect.

Some of the official adventure paths would give PCs a powerful artifact when they hit level 4 - much more powerful, than any 15k worth gear they could get. Possession of this artifact does not really break the campaign (albeit many players do not like items that seeem to matter more than their characters).

In my home games, I usually just let people loot and clear as much as they like. They sometimes carry away items that ARE nailed down - such as a heavily decorated entrance door into the dungeon. It was crazy, but it did not really break anything.

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