What information can be gleaned by tracking the Prestige points and faction has

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 5/5

I am curious what sort of information can be gleaned by recording and reporting to Paizo the prestige points a character earns and the faction that they belong to?

Thank you

4/5 *

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The success of a faction (or lack therefore) has factored into factions being retired in the past.

5/5 5/55/55/5

If you get pp because an NPC survived, died, or was captured you know what happened to that NPC at most tables.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Each faction has a goal for each season. The level of success that the faction obtains partially depends on the amount of prestige earned by their members. The rest depends on reported results for specific in game outcomes. The outcomes are aggregated to determine what the majority of players experienced, effectively making that cannon.

For example, if a scenario has the GM report whether an NPC survived, the aggregate may determine if the NPC reappears in a future scenario. If said NPC was important to a certain factions goals, it will help determine the faction success that season.

If a faction had significant prestige earned in its name and several reported outcomes went it's way, it will probably succeed at that season's goal.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

I imagine that they have used the info in the past to establish certain cannon elements of the metaplots and recurring NPCs, which is part of the fun.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I remember when the original five factions: Andoran, Cheliax, Osirion, Qadira and Taldor. were all involved in a "shadow war" to gain influence in Absalom.

I believe after 3 years, Andoran being the most popular with the most faction members won the pile of prestige points. I think Osirion came in next, Taldor and Qadira were tied, and Cheliax came in last.

I think this set the stage for

The Andoran faction head being promoted from captain to major, the saphire sage wining favor with the ruby prince, the Qadiran faction leader killing the Taldan faction leader. and the Chelaxian faction leader running into hot water and being dissapeared

I guess since the shadow war ended, and we no longer have faction missions, I was just wondering what the information could be used to track.


Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

The totals are also used to gauge the popularity rank of a Faction.

If one Faction's membership seems to be dropping, then Campaign Leadership can adjust the next Season's Journal Cards to increase incentives for joining.

If one Faction's membership continues to drop, it may set the stage for another storyline upheaval, like we had with Shadow Lodge, Lantern Lodge, or Sczarni.

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