Talonhawke |
Okay so I am actually going to delve into the use of pawns and tokens in our upcoming gaming session. What would help are some software suggestions to resize and print battlemaps to actual 1 inch squares when prineted.
Tried using MapAlign but it gets an exception when i try to create a file large enough for that size.
Queen Moragan |
What I do to print maps from PDFs.
For example, the Varnhold map in the KM Map Folio, which is I believe 17"x11".
I had it printed out to a scale of 1" on the map equaled 20', so we used small sized minis to track movement.
I opened the image in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, I don't think it matters which you use.
Use the Snapshot tool to take a copy of the image by stretching the box over the entire image you want. Don't worry about the image it is going to take, you won't be using it for anything.
Then you want to zoom in as far as you want, I've done some where there were very few pixels displayed on the screen.
Then I believe you can right click on your selected Snapshot area, select Copy Image. If your PC doesn't melt down, it will copy it to your Clipboard, it might take awhile so be patient.
Once you have it on your Clipboard, you can paste it into your favorite paint program, I use Paint.net.
From there you can clean up your edges, change whatever you want in the image and save it at a monster resolution that you can get printed at whatever size you want.
Our Varnhold was soooo big, that all of it would not fit on a full-size dining room table with 2 leaves. I just copied it to a flash drive as a BMP & a PNG and took it to OfficeMax. It was printed out as four 24" rows.
It was not cheap to do, it cost $50-$60, but it was fun fighting our way through Varnhold on that map.
I was at FedEx Office the other day and they now have a 36" printer, so I'll probably do that next time.
Talonhawke |
I've made huge maps (like 4 x 5 sheets of ledger paper big) out of pngs extracted from APs.
What exactly are you doing?
I loaded the map into map align set my grid size and saved it with the grid anything up to a grid size of 150 pixels works anything bigger causes and exception. So I took the 150 pixels loaded it into PosteRazor and tried to double the dimensions there and crashed it.
Krensky |
Krensky wrote:I loaded the map into map align set my grid size and saved it with the grid anything up to a grid size of 150 pixels works anything bigger causes and exception. So I took the 150 pixels loaded it into PosteRazor and tried to double the dimensions there and crashed it.?
I've made huge maps (like 4 x 5 sheets of ledger paper big) out of pngs extracted from APs.
What exactly are you doing?
That's possibly a memory issue, does your map already have a grid? Have you tried using Photoshope or GIMP to add it?