Gloomspires on the horizon?

Pathfinder Society

Dataphiles 3/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Both of the adventures set in the Gloomspires have been awesome in my opinion. I am really hoping Season 8 sees another foray into Sevenfinger's Tomb. Even better would be if its tier 5-9 so people can continue the plot with the same characters(well at least it will make it possible though I'm sure some have leveled out of range). I would absolutely hold off on leveling my Gloomspires character if he could return in higher tiers. It would be really cool if we could explore the entirety of the Tomb and come face to face with old Sevenfingers.

Besides it provides Calisro Bennary more screen time, and she's one of my favorite VC's. Calisro was so excited to hear what we discovered at the end of the scenario it would really be a shame if we didn't explore further :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Yeah, let's keep going downwards. I wanna see what all the Leng is about.

Dark Archive **

I'd wager it's going to be a reoccurring spot like the Blackros Museum. You might even venture into other spires and see the shenanigans there.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I don't think the spires are interesting by themselves* but more adventures in the tomb, yes please!

*I mean I kinda see it, cool milieu and all but why invent some Pre-cyclops special race instead of using one of the dozens of ancient civs and races already in play? Entering the Spires feels like venturing into some fandom AU, heh.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 *** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

I'm looking forward to it.

Dataphiles 3/5

Muser wrote:

I don't think the spires are interesting by themselves* but more adventures in the tomb, yes please!

*I mean I kinda see it, cool milieu and all but why invent some Pre-cyclops special race instead of using one of the dozens of ancient civs and races already in play? Entering the Spires feels like venturing into some fandom AU, heh.

I agree that the Tomb is more interesting to me than the other spires, but that might only be because we've already become involved in that spire's story. However, I do like the Gloomspires in general as a setting, and wouldn't mind adventures into other spires as long as it doesn't detract from the adventures we get in the Tomb itself.

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think The Makers are anything they need to make up. There have been a number of hints dropped that lead me to believe it is a race we already know.

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I just hope that "Part 3" is a 5-9, because my character that's done both so far levelled to 8 playing Hungry Ghosts.

Dataphiles 3/5

Yeah I hit 8 after playing Labyrinth as well.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Zach Davis wrote:

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think The Makers are anything they need to make up. There have been a number of hints dropped that lead me to believe it is a race we already know.

Interesting. Fill me in, would you?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Muser wrote:
Zach Davis wrote:

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think The Makers are anything they need to make up. There have been a number of hints dropped that lead me to believe it is a race we already know.
Interesting. Fill me in, would you?

Are these the same makers that get referenced in

big fat spoiler:
Emerald Spire?
Shadow Lodge 4/5

It's a bit too otherwordly and sinister for that I think.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Muser wrote:
Zach Davis wrote:

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think The Makers are anything they need to make up. There have been a number of hints dropped that lead me to believe it is a race we already know.
Interesting. Fill me in, would you?
Are these the same makers that get referenced in ** spoiler omitted **

Those were my immediate thoughts as well.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

HotFE wrote:
The Gloomspires were created during the Age of Serpents by a race of humanoids called the Makers. It is commonly accepted that the Makers fled to the region after having been held in thrall by an even more powerful group, yet scholars cannot agree whether these builders originated from another continent, another planet, or another plane altogether. The Makers wielded powerful magic (as evidenced by the overwhelming enchantments that continue to influence the ruins), and each column served as the personal demesne for one of the creatures. Though exceptionally long-lived, the Makers were not immortal, and if any of their descendants survived into later ages, there is no evidence as to what or where those creatures might be.

I dunno, those SPOILERED things weren't humanoids and they also weren't around anymore during the Age of Serpents, having left Golarion.


HotFE wrote:
Though Benarry was able to learn very little of the Makers’ origins, she discovered that they were a humanoid race of gifted sorcerers who had fled to Golarion after a long period of enslavement.

This too would disprove that theory, unless we find that there's more to the history of SPOILERED than we know besides their war with the Aboleth and seeding of Golarion with their creations.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Didn't they hint / say that the makers originated in


I would think that would rule out most of the great builder races.

Muser wrote:
*I mean I kinda see it, cool milieu and all but why invent some Pre-cyclops special race instead of using one of the dozens of ancient civs and races already in play? Entering the Spires feels like venturing into some fandom AU, heh.

Well, Golarion *is* basically a Lovecraftian-Tolkein-Burroughs-Everything-Else AU. The gloomspires seem to be a pretty solid rip of the Lovecraftian dream series of stories. (The black ships, the strange dimensions, etc) It feels like it makes more sense to have this here than not.

4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Missouri—St. Louis

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Muser wrote:
Zach Davis wrote:

Also, I could be wrong, but I don't think The Makers are anything they need to make up. There have been a number of hints dropped that lead me to believe it is a race we already know.
Interesting. Fill me in, would you?
Are these the same makers that get referenced in ** spoiler omitted **

Unlikely. The ones from Emerald Spire are bugs, while the ones here are certainly humanoid. The boss in Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts is a Maker, as is his wife, so we're pretty safe in assuming they're based on the normal humanoid template. Probably not Leng related either, since Sevenfingers made those deals while he was alive, which is millenia too late for the Makers to have anything to do with it.
Dataphiles 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My guess they either are Denizens of Leng or they are former slaves of the Denizens who fled to Golarion (which would provide a strong motivation for the no teleportation effect in the spires since the Denizens can plane shift.)
Here are a few reasons why I believe this:
1. The alien architecture/ Strange Geometry aspects of their construction.
2. Sempet Sevenfingers who made his home in the Gloomspires was connected to the Denizens, and even sailed a Black Ship of Leng.
3. While the image isn't quite right for a Denizen Tzur-Vaal, who we are told is the original inhabitant of this spire, is depicted as having six fingers which also hints Denizen.

As I said I could be wrong. This is just a guess, but I think its a reasonable theory.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

That sounds logical. I haven't read the second adventure at all but gonna trust your insight.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Labyrinth does spell out that the other members of the bosses race went to

Eox, and became Bone Sages

which implies some interesting things about that place.

But I don't think we've got gloomspires on the horizon. There's too much fog and they move around too much, so you don't really see them until they're almost upon you.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

"Eox is a dead world inhabited by undead humanoids, but in its distant past its living inhabitants were extremely similar to humans. Some theories suggest Eoxians may have even been the human race's progenitors."

The plot thickens.

Silver Crusade

Muser wrote:
HotFE wrote:
The Gloomspires were created during the Age of Serpents by a race of humanoids called the Makers. It is commonly accepted that the Makers fled to the region after having been held in thrall by an even more powerful group, yet scholars cannot agree whether these builders originated from another continent, another planet, or another plane altogether. The Makers wielded powerful magic (as evidenced by the overwhelming enchantments that continue to influence the ruins), and each column served as the personal demesne for one of the creatures. Though exceptionally long-lived, the Makers were not immortal, and if any of their descendants survived into later ages, there is no evidence as to what or where those creatures might be.

Muser can you source this ive been digging for more info on the Gloomspires for an extended Skulls and Shackles Game.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

"HotFE"= Hall of the Flesh Eaters. It's on page 3 or 4, IIRC.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, United Kingdom—England—Coventry

The 3rd part may be this scenario
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-15: Hrethnar's Throne
February 2017
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5-9.

Dataphiles 3/5

John confirmed in the scenario's product discussion that it is the sequel to Flesh Eaters and Hungry Ghosts. I can't wait for this to come out. Especially since my Gloomspire character is still in tier for this.

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