Roll20 Table Request for Newb-Friendly scenarios

Online Play

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Hey guys, I'm currently GMing PFS for a group of mostly-new players (5 out of 6 of them have only ever played 1 scenario so far with their -1 characters - The Confirmation), and am thinking of what scenario to run next. We used roll20 the last time they took to the interface rather well.

Does anyone have a table prepped for a newb-friendly scenario, probably from season 0 or season 1, since I think those scenarios tended to be simpler?

If you can hook me up with a scenario, do drop me a PM. Your aid is much appreciated. =)


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I could give you a copy of The Wounded Wisp, which is an evergreen scenario (which means it can be replayed with any level 1 character) and structurally pretty simple.

I also have Hall of the Flesh Eaters prepared which is even simpler.

By the way, I started a spreadsheet to keep track of roll20 tables that people are willing to share. Maybe you would like to add yours? You can find the list here.

5/5 *****

I should have tables for the following 1-5 scenarios:

Between the Lines
Consortium Compact
Dalsine Affair (1-7, not recommended for newbies)
Dead Man's Debt (another new one, not very complex, looks decent)
Emerald Spire (various levels but including 1-3)
Faithless and Forgotten 1-3 (recommended, season 7 but fairly straight forward)
From under Ice (a personal favourite)
Hall of the Flesh Eaters
Out of Anarchy (very much not recommended, overcomplex for little benefit)
School of Spirits (Excellent but play Black Waters first if possible)
Scions of the Sky Key 1-3 (very good, not complex)
Thornkeep 1 and 2 (avoid 1, its awful for lowbies unless they know what's coming or are very well prepared)
Trouble in Tamran (another personal favourite)

Silver Crusade

I have master of the fallen fortress and season 0 1-3 if you have the pdfs

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Thanks guys. That spreadsheet sounds like a great idea. I'll add my games when I get home today.

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