Piecemeal Items

Pathfinder Society


The basic questions is whether or not I can purchase items that come in separate pieces piecemeal or not in Pathfinder Society.

Examples include things like the Strand of Prayer Beads. If I have a character that just wants to get the Bead of Karma and doesn't want the Bead of Smiting could he purchase a Strand of Prayer Beads with the Bead of Smiting removed at a price discounted by the value of the Bead of Smiting (16,800gp) for a total of 29,000gp?

Or what if I were to purchase a Noble's Vigilant Pillbox and then then swallow one of the pearls? Could I then replace one of the pearls at the cost of the pearl itself? If not but I wanted to replace the pearl would I have to sell the entire pillbox back at half price (reduced by the cost of the swallowed pearl) and then buy a new one at full price?

I am sure there are other items that are much akin to this situation but these are the two that I am most interested in.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I believe its a no, unless found on a chronicle sheet. I think i've seen a prayer bead on a chronicle sheet.


Hm... a thought just occurred to me. If I cannot purchase the item with one of the pieces removed could I sell one of them?

As an example could I sell the Bead of Smiting for 8,400gp immediately upon purchasing the Strand of Prayer Beads? Or could I sell the Black Pearl for 850gp when buying the pillbox?


BNW: Ah. Was it a single bead? Or a strand with reduced/added beads? I don't need to know the scenario, just curious how it was done.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

No piecemeal purchases. And no piecemeal selling. If it's not a "standard" part of the PF rules, PFS doesn't use it. So for instance, there is no massive damage save, either, even though it's in the Core Book. Likewise, you can't buy or sell partially charged wands.

There is a chronicle with a "bless only" strand of prayer beads out there. Don't have a clue which adventure, though. Not sure if others have been done. You'll also see partial necklaces of fire balls around. And partially charged wands are fun items to find.


I'm not sure what you mean about being "standard" part of PF rules. Logically I don't see anything stopping a character from buying a Strand of Prayer Beads, removing a bead and selling it for it's worth. In fact, I think the only thing stopping it is a house rule preventing an NPC from purchasing.

I know PFS has all kinds of house rules so that is what I was asking about. It appears this is one of them.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I have no way to define it for you other than you "know" what is and isn't standard rules. "If," or "you may," and terms like that make something NOT standard.

The listed cost of the prayer beads has "lesser, standard, greater" for choices. The other things in the description are non-standard options.


So are you saying that in a home game if I was playing a character in a game you ran and I wanted to sell a bead from a Strand of Prayer Beads that you would make it so that there are no NPCs in your world who would desire to buy such a thing?

And if they were going to buy it how would you determine the price of it?

I'm not talking about house rules here. I'm just talking about using the rules that are part of the core book.

Now, I understand this isn't what PFS is about. But that is why I am asking here.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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Lune, I'm sorry if you don't *like* the way PFS treats partial items, but what I said above *is* how PFS treats those items. Prodding me about my house rules (which I have said not one word about, and which have no impact on PFS) is not going to change how partial items work in PFS.

You can't buy piecemeal items unless you see them on a chronicle. You can't sell piecemeal items unless it's something you bought off a chronicle. <--That is the rule you get to work with.

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