Feral Guardian - Ranger Archetype Idea (ROUGH ROUGH IDEA)

Homebrew and House Rules

The idea is a Raging Ranger that works in tandem with his animal companion protecting his domain/nature/home.

What the Ranger would lose:
light and medium armor proficiency
favored enemy and favored terrain
endurance bonus feat
quarry and improved quarry
Hide in plain sight
Master Hunter

What would be altered:
hunter's bond -> level 1
Evasion -> only when he is wearing no armor

What would be gained:
Rage -> rage ability as the barbarian class feature, but its barbarian level is considered to be his ranger level –3.
rage powers

Things im thinking over:
favored enemy or a favored terrain
only using rage powers in your favored terrain
or only being able to rage while in combat with your favored enemy

this is an idea i just recently pondered...i would like some input good or bad give it to me

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