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Why Does Necromancy Get Such a Bad Rap?
Sure they can call forth dark powers to suck your soul out but they also make one hell of a doctor when you run out of other options! We present ways for you to play a good aligned necromnacer, explain som ways you can use them for good (rather than evil), give you some new spells to help out with that, and toss in the necroknight base class (which uses necromancy to more agreeable ends).
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They never fully gets the subtype but some of the options in your necromantic focus (kind of a path you can take) do allow you some of the better stuff from the type by expending resources, but only when appropriate.
The phantom knight archetype goes a little down that road but never all the way to change type.
There is also a way to get an animal companion whose type changes to undead.
Think of them less as skeletal knights and more as a martial necromancer who isn't a caster. They are more drain, weakness, fear, etc SUs and on-hit effects.
They don't really see necromancy as "evil", just a means to an end in combat. Some of them are even anti-undead or healing.