New Monsters for my Homebrew Campaign

Homebrew and House Rules

This is where I'll show my statistics for my fan made monsters for my homebrew campaign. I'll start off small by introducing two of my four new monsters, the Corrosive Hound and the Wheel Clockwork:

Corrosive Hound:

This dog, the size of a large warhorse, has pitch black eyes, two tentacles on its shoulders, and no skin. Acidic puss drips from its fang filled mouth.
CR 4
CE Large aberration (shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 10, ff 15 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size)
hp 47 (5d8 (22) + 20 (Con) + 5 (Toughness)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
DR 5/slashing; Immune acid, poison
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Speed 20 ft
Melee bite +4 (1d8 + 2 plus disease), 2 tentacles +5 (1d8 + 4 plus 1d4 acid)
Space 10 ft; Reach 10 ft (20 ft with tentacles)
Special Attacks breath weapon (30 ft line, 2d6 acid plus disease, Ref DC 14, usable once per 1d6 rounds), disease (Fort DC 14)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17 (21 vs trip)
Feats Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacles)
Skills Bluff -1 (+9 while in dog form), Intimidate +10, Perception +7; Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff while in dog form, +4 Intimidate
Languages Common (can't speak)
SQ change shape (Medium dog, beast shape I), ferocious, sharp tentacles
DISEASE-Corrosive Puss Bite attack or Breath attack, injury; save Fort DC 14; onset 1/day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Strength damage; cure 2 consecutive saves
FEROCIOUS-The corrosive hound is a ferocious creature, even for its size. It does not take the Charisma penalty when using the Intimidate skill.
SHARP TENTACLES-The two tentacles on a corrosive hound are deadly and efficient. They are a primary attack that deal twice the Strength modifier in damage, and they deal slashing damage, as well as an additional 1d4 points of acid damage.
VULNERABILITY TO FIRE-In addition to taking 150% extra damage from fire damage, a corrosive hound must succeed on a Fort DC 15 save or else catch on fire for 1d4 rounds.
based off of the Dog Thing from the 1982 movie The Thing

Clockwork, Wheel:

CR 3
This machine has a humanoid like body, a large wheel for legs, and a single sword for a hand.
N Medium construct (clockwork)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60ft, low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 18, touch 16, ff 12 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, +2 dodge)
hp 42 (4d10 (22) + 20)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +1
Defensive Abilities construct traits, uncanny dodge
Weakness poor balance, vulnerability to electricity
Speed 40 ft, speed boost (usable once every 1d6 rounds)
Melee +1 blade +5 (1d6 + 2/19-20), +1 blade +5 (1d6 + 1/19-20)
Special Attacks run over (2d6 + 4, Ref DC 16)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base ATK +4; CMB +6; CMD 20 (16 vs trip)
Feats Improved Initiative (bonus), Lightning Reflexes (bonus), Two-Weapon Fighting (bonus)
SQ efficient winding, double weapon combat, swift reactions
BLADES-The two blades on a wheel clockwork function as 2 +1 shortswords. They can be removed, but they must be removed with a successful DC 20 Disable Device or DC 25 Strength check-failure means that the swords break.
DOUBLE WEAPON COMBAT-A wheel clockwork is programmed to fight with both of its swords with deadly finesse. A wheel clockwork gains Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat.
POOR BALANCE-The single wheel on a wheel clockwork gives it incredible agility and speed, but at a cost of poor balance. It takes a -4 penalty to CMD against trip attempts. Also, if it is hit by a successful critical hit or by electricity damage, a wheel clockwork must make a successful Reflex DC 20 check or be knocked prone until the beginning of its next round.
RUN OVER-When using its speed boost ability, a wheel clockwork can charge into a target within the speed boost's direction, dealing 2d6 + twice the wheel clockwork's Strength modifier in damage and knocking the target 5 ft adjacent to the square its standing on. A Reflex 16 check results in only half the damage and no knockback.
SPEED BOOST-Once per 1d6 rounds, a wheel clockwork can charge in a straight line up to double its base speed but no less than its base speed. This is a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Regardless of where it stops, it cannot move from its ending spot for 1d3 rounds. Once restored, it can use this ability again 1d6 rounds afterwards.

My input:

First enemy:
1. make it faster, up to 30 feet movement speed.
2. Reduce tentacle reach to 15 feet
3. Change the fort save for the fire save from 15 to 13.

Second enemy:
1. For speed boost, make it once per 1d4 rounds and have it so that it move from its ending spot immediately.

Asides from those recommendations, I'd say they are fairly solid. If you want to know why I'd make that changes I'd be happy to explain if you'd like to hear it.

Ghray wrote:

My input:

First enemy:
1. make it faster, up to 30 feet movement speed.
2. Reduce tentacle reach to 15 feet
3. Change the fort save for the fire save from 15 to 13.

Second enemy:
1. For speed boost, make it once per 1d4 rounds and have it so that it move from its ending spot immediately.

Asides from those recommendations, I'd say they are fairly solid. If you want to know why I'd make that changes I'd be happy to explain if you'd like to hear it.

Sure; I'd thought I'd needed to fix more with these monsters.

Well to be honest, your monsters are not difficult to kill. That is a good thing! You don't want some horrendously OP monster.

For the first monster, I simply gave it more mobility with the movement speed. As a dog, it should be fast. I mean, 20 feet for a quadruped? That is really slow. Also, I felt the tentacle range was a little long. And for the fort save, it was a bit to hard so I made its success chance a bit higher.

As for the second one, I just made it so that you couldn't exploit it being stuck for however many rounds you roll for. That would be hilariously exploitable :D

When homebrewing monsters it is best to base them off some other creature, just a tip

Alright. Well, I have a few things I wanna add about the corrosive hound.

1) I want to give it something called a "horrific transformation". What I have planned is that while the beast's transformation outside of its dog form is a full round action, but, anyone who sees it from around 30 ft away must succeed on a Will DC 17 check or be frightened (or scared, whichever is the weaker variation) for 1d4 rounds. The beast will have a +2 racial bonus to the DC.

2) I was thinking of adding an even larger (like Gargantuan sized) variation, but more intelligence, bonuses on saves versus some kind of effects, and more immunities (enchantments, fear and cold being the three I have in mind). Plus tentacles that cause even more afflictions (a more powerful disease plus bleed) and even its skin will cause acid damage and disease. How high would the CR be for such a beast?


Alright, got a new monster; the thri-kreen. Although this one is a different version of what most people would consider a thri-kreen:


Wielding a large axe, this insectoid humanoid is as tall as an ogre, with a thick exoskeleton.
CN Large monstrous humanoid CR 5
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +8
AC 16, touch 9, ff 16 (+4 armor, +3 natural, -1 size)
hp 51 (6d10 (33) + 18 (Con)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7; +2 vs enchantment and fear effects
Weakness aquaphobic
Speed 20 ft (base 30 ft)
Melee mwk greataxe +12/+7 (3d6 + 6/x3)
Ranged mwk composite shortbow (+4 Str) +6 (2d6 + 4/x3)
Space 10 ft; Reach 10 ft
Special Attacks hatred (+2 attack and damage vs aquatic humanoids and humans)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 4
Base ATK +5; CMB +10; CMD 20
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot
Skills Acrobatics +4, Intimidate +8, Perception +8, Stealth -2 (+6 in forests), Knowledge (nature) +3, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers+2 Acrobatics, +2 Intimidate, +2 Stealth (+8 in forests)
Languages Aklo, Sylvan
SQ born in the forests, armor and weapon proficiencies
Gear NPC gear (mwk greataxe, mwk composite shortbow, mwk hide armor)
Armor and Weapon Proficiencies-All thri-kreen are proficient with hide armor, all non-metal light armor, bows (including composite bows), and greataxes.
Aquaphobic-Thri-kreen have a natural fear and hatred of water-especially when they are submerged in it. While in the water, a thri-kreen takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls, save checks, and skill checks, in addition to any additional penalties. They take a -4 penalty to Swim checks, and can never put skill ranks in Swim.
Born in the Forests-As thri-kreen live their entire lives in the forests, they gain Acrobatics, Knowledge (nature), and Survival as class skills.

I may have made some mistakes to the attacks and skills, but overall I'm proud of this.

Thri-kreen absolutely despise aquatic humanoids (due to their fear of water and their inability to swim; they loathe merfolk the most, due to their beauty) and humans (due to them destroying their forest homes for lumber). They also have a major taboo against necromancy and undeath, and have major respect for fey and other nature creatures. Most like to keep to themselves, only attacking intruders on their hunting grounds, but some evil thri-kreen organize raids, sometimes allowing like-minded members of other tribes to join.

They are a combat oriented monster, and most of the classes thri-kreen take are barbarians, fighters, and rangers. Some can also dip into rogue or slayer classes, but these are in the minority; their size and code of honor for fighting face to face reprimands most thri-kreen from taking levels in those two classes. Magic wise, the most common classes are clerics, oracles, or shamans, with some warpriests as well. They have a natural superstition about arcane magic, but the tribe can include a few sorcerers (mostly with the fey or verdant bloodlines) or bards. Evil thri-kreen chiefs put all of their class levels in either barbarians, warpriests, or-more commonly-antipaladins. Thri-kreen who have levels in Charisma based classes have different mental scores; Intelligence 8, Wisdom 8, Charisma 14.

KoolKobold wrote:

Alright. Well, I have a few things I wanna add about the corrosive hound.

1) I want to give it something called a "horrific transformation". What I have planned is that while the beast's transformation outside of its dog form is a full round action, but, anyone who sees it from around 30 ft away must succeed on a Will DC 17 check or be frightened (or scared, whichever is the weaker variation) for 1d4 rounds. The beast will have a +2 racial bonus to the DC.

I think the horrific transformation is a little unnecessary, but I'm not 100% sure what you're getting at with it. What is it transforming into/from?

KoolKobold wrote:

2) I was thinking of adding an even larger (like Gargantuan sized) variation, but more intelligence, bonuses on saves versus some kind of effects, and more immunities (enchantments, fear and cold being the three I have in mind). Plus tentacles that cause even more afflictions (a more powerful disease plus bleed) and even its skin will cause acid damage and disease. How high would the CR be for such a beast?

I like the idea of a larger version for a boss fight, but gargantuan may be a bit big. Huge may be the size you're looking for. If I were you, I would test the first version before you make the boss (assuming you want them in separate sessions). Before you start adding immunity's and what not, look at the capabilities of your party. I did this with a home brewed monster which was similar to yours. Play testing is the best thing you can do in this case!

With this creature I would not add more (or at least very few) new features, but instead improve what it already has. Like you said, stronger disease bite, higher AC, hp, longer tentacles (10 feet outside its normal reach maybe?)

As for the CR, not 100% sure, but it would probably be around 6-7. It all depends on your party. I DM a bunch of min maxers so they would chew through these guys like candy.

KoolKobold wrote:


Alright, got a new monster; the thri-kreen. Although this one is a different version of what most people would consider a thri-kreen:

** spoiler omitted **

I may have made some mistakes...

I actually really like this guy. He is very strong indeed. Be careful pitting multiple of these guys against your players, they pack a wallop!

Ghray wrote:
KoolKobold wrote:


Alright, got a new monster; the thri-kreen. Although this one is a different version of what most people would consider a thri-kreen:

** spoiler omitted **

I may have made some mistakes...

I actually really like this guy. He is very strong indeed. Be careful pitting multiple of these guys against your players, they pack a wallop!

Thanks! I already have a villanous chief in place-an antipaladin 8 with the advanced template (some of the really successful chiefs have the advanced template on top). Since antipaladin isn't a specialty class (I'm assuming) that puts his CR around 11.

Though you mentioned something about beta testing. Where would I go for that on the forums?

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