
Lost Omens Products

I know Rule of Fear is a general overview book of Ustalav, but I'd like to see Caliphas covered more. Is there any way we could get some more material from Wesley?

Dark Archive

Do you have Ashes at Dawn? It has an article on Caliphas by Wes in it.

Yes, I've torn through the whole Carrion Crown Adventure Path and I've read Bloodbound. I'll be starting Prince of Wolves after I finish Death's Heretic.

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A city guide, like Korvosa or Magnimar, would be awesome

In Rule of Fear, Caliphas is described thusly: "Such has led to not just overcrowding, increased squalor, and street violence in
parts of the city, but to stranger crimes against which
the overwhelmed constabulary has little defense, such as
kidnapping, hidden slavery, underground fighting bouts,
mysterious murders, and rumors of terrors lurking amid
the city’s labyrinthine sewers."

However, it has the following Settlement Modifiers: Corruption +4; Crime –3; Economy +4; Law +6; Lore +4; Society +1

Is the Crime rating a typo? Should it be +3?

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