Tangent101 |

I've been adding some side adventures using various modules and the like for my tabletop Runelords game, but I've a small level-gap - I need around 4,000 XP or so of adventure to help get the group to level 3, and I'm trying to hold off on starting the group on the Glassworks and the Catacombs of Wrath until after the group finishes the other adventures.
Right now I've got the following planned:
* Various encounters as per the main anniversary guide, which will bring the adventurers almost to level 2.
* The Fallen Tower, a level 1 adventure that I'm modifying to take place at Wisher's Well. This will bring the party a good ways into level 2.
Level 3 adventures include the Chopper's Island mini-adventure, and Feast of Ravenmoor, which I've relocated to be on the river between Wartle and Magnimar/Sandpoint (basically a little over a day's travel on foot from Sandpoint and mostly forgotten by people).
I figure once Ravenmoor is finished, I can have the Sheriff head out of town to Magnimar, and start the Glassworks at that point.
That said... I suspect Chopper's Island might be too tough for level 2 characters, otherwise I'd use that as the filler leading into Ravenmoor. Thus my asking for suggestions for some side-adventure or the like to help the players level up.

Stebehil |

Its been a while since I read Chopper´s Island, but I guess it might be a bit tough on a 2nd level group, with two CR 4 in it.
I guess you would not want the group to get too far out of Sandpoint?
You might want to have some farmer coming to town seeking help, foreshadowing later events somewhat.
Depending on your groups tastes, introducing some of the more shady residents might get interesting. The Sczarni might give them a fitting challenge.

the Lorax |
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Stuff I used at the beginning, lots of if re-themed and/or repopulated.
All of this wasn't used for 2nd level, but could easily be used for such, anyway stuff I used somewhere between the Swallowtail Festival and Thistletop:
The Firemaker - set the town out past Biston's Pond, traded hobgoblins for goblins.
Toadstool Goblins - a goblin encounter someone wrote up on the messageboards.
Master of the Fallen Fortress Requires a bit of work as I replaced most of the monsters with goblins, and put the keep on the edge of Devil's Platter. Also made the captive "Junior Grump", Farmer Grump's adult son.
We Be Goblins (I let the PCs meet Scribbleface who led them to the boat, totally playing up the fact that he was Vorka's ex-boyfriend trying to get his records back from her apartment. Let them beat up Vorka, then have the 1st level goblin party show up and announce "Now Vorka you die for killing too many Goblinz!")
Chopper's Isle - I replaced everything there with Haunts, but I didn't feel that I did a good job of it. It still played out good, I just wish I would have gotten more of Chopper's story out to the players. One of the players almost cried when they brought the stuffed dog back to Das Korvut.

Ivan Rûski |

You could use/adapt the little side quest I wrote, "Something in the Attic". It should bring you about halfway to your XP goal, clocking in around 2200 XP.

Ivan Rûski |

Just read through your campaign journal, and have a suggestion as to how you could incorporate "Something in the Attic". When your players come back from the Fallen Fortress, they could learn that Ilsoari was injured while inspecting damage sustained to the roof/attic of the academy during the raid, and wants the PCs to take care of the problem. He could've been attacked by the attic whisperer, or even just fallen through the ceiling in one of the weak places and injured himself. The poor state that the attic is in could also be explained by damage from the raid.