NobodysHome |
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If you could have 1d4 ⇒ 4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?
(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)
If we are going by "any one particular power", my very first would be "Time Travel". The reason is easy: While Frank Sinatra felt that "a few regrets" were too few to mention, I have only two, both of which I'd dearly love to un-do. One of them I won't mention here, but the other is my 10-year bout with alcoholism. For 30 years, I didn't drink, with the argument, "As you get older, your body will fade, until your mind and your memories are the only things you have. So you'd better take darned good care of them!"
I fell to the demon anyway, and now TEN YEARS of my kids' lives are fuzzy memories. I'm working hard at bringing them back. Thank goodness for my penchant for taking a multitude of photos. But you know how in a clear memory you can remember the sights, the sounds, the smells, the feeling of the sun on your back and the dust in your nose? With the kids, I know I was there, and I remember the scenes, but they're muddled and muffled. I want my kids' childhoods back, and I'm fighting hard to get them. Better to have never lost them at all.If you *ever* wanted to create an anti-alcohol ad, all you've have to do is show a dad looking at pictures of his son's tenth birthday muttering, "Oh, yeah! That's right! We went there. And did that. Thank goodness I took pictures! Otherwise I'd never have remembered this!"
Another "non-standard" one would be to force people to tell the complete and honest truth. Imagine being able to turn on a press conference from the latest scandal/campaign/what-have-you and just say, "Let's hear the absolute truth" and get it. Wouldn't it be a nice change?
A third would be to impose a common sense of community on people. My favorite story along these lines is one I've told often on these boards. My friend is a traffic engineer. They tried to model Bay Area traffic. They did not get any traffic jams. They added accidents. They did everything they could think of. Then, the finally hit on it: They made the drivers selfish. Each driver now changed lanes to get into the 'fastest' lane. BOOM! An instant perfect model of Bay Area traffic. Selfishness drives so much of what is wrong in this world, it would be wonderful to eradicate 90% of it. (Some is necessary, because it also drives innovation and productivity. But we've got too much right now.)
A fourth would be "super healing" -- the ability to completely restore someone to perfect health and a biological age of approximately 22. Because wandering around curing people would be a wonderful feeling.
If we have to go with more "standard" ones:
I'm pretty stumped about the rest. Maybe just the standard super strength and invulnerability so I could run around being a super hero. But I'm pretty content being normal.
If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?
I have no idea what this even means. I would probably choose the Marvel universe, because it's far more tech-heavy, with normal people becoming super-human with some simple technological additions. Far more likely for an aging mathematician to become a hero there. And I would definitely go there rather than here, because the problems are more black-and-white, though they try to have some moral dilemmas there. The DC universe just has far too many people who are just evil because they're crazy. It's a scary place. And I'd never go into Dark Horse. Too likely to die for no reason.
On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) + 2 = 14 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?
100% paladin. Guaranteed. As for race? Probably elf, just to be long-lived and exotic. Maybe catfolk, because fur...
Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) + 1 = 5 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)
Probably marshal, in the hopes of convincing people to act in their own best interests... for once.
Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you CR: 1d30 ⇒ 18 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?
Entertainingly enough, a succubus. Why? Swaying people seems to be my style...
But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?
Spivey. So definitely Spivey. I love playing me some Spivey. (Jade Regent, the Brinewall Legacy).
What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?
Varisia. It's near and dear to my heart, and I've run it so much I feel like I know it from coast to coast. Mostly untamed, with some civilization at either end. And Magnimar; ah, Magnimar!
As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels and mythic tiers on top! What are you?! (Other than "awesome" - naturally.)
A succubus with levels of paladin, of course!
Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?
I have never played through a single Legend of Zelda game. I was a Apple II plus/Sega Genesis/Playstation gamer...
Tacticslion |
Wow! Not a single LoZ?! Amazing!
And "the Heartless" my dude? Really? Shows how much you know! My high cholesterol proves otherwise! Hah! Take that, NH~! Nyah~!
"Gestalt" means "taking more than one and making a unified whole so that you can't cleanly distinguish where one one ends and another begins." (more or less - it's a psychological term, that's been appropriated by other things, like gaming).
So a gestalt of a rogue paladin would be...
d10, best BAB, 8+ skills, class skills of a rogue and paladin, best saves, and all the class abilities of a rogue and paladin at the appropriate levels.
Kind of like an old fashioned dual-classed character, except you don't have to gain multiple levels.
In this context, "gestalt" means, say, selecting two or more super-powered individuals to make a unified whole out of them for your own purposes.
"I wanna be Green Arrow and the Captain Cold because the original Green Arrow is a hippy and also a stupid jerk; and Captain Cold is always foiled in the most embarrassing way possible!"
Disclaimer: fans of the new television show; I've not seen the new show. I cannot comment on his current characterization. I've just grown up for decades with a guy who's managed to somehow be among the most sanctimonious self-righteous idiotic and lame super 'heroes' printed - he has done some cool things, on occasion, and made some good points, but it's usually been sandwiched between bad life decisions and the least pleasant character traits you can squeeze into an individual, while attempting (and failing) to make him seem like a "cool" leftist representation. I'm pretty sure the tv-show version is better, but I've not watched it, and have nothing to draw on from it.
Otherwise, carry on, my friend! Nice answers!
NobodysHome |
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Just Googled it. "Legend of Zelda".
Yep. The whole, "lone hero goes off to save the helpless princess who can't do anything for herself" isn't my schtick.
No Mario games. No Zelda games. Pretty much no games where the entire premise is, "Your girlfriend is so worthless she got kidnapped and can't do anything until you rescue her."
Go figure...
Tacticslion |
"LoZ" is a short form of "Legend of Zelda" - and it was a rhetorical question, considering you were pretty clear that you'd never played one.
Heaven help you if you manage to play the Phillips CDi versions, though. Heaven help us all. :(
But, in general, I actually do recommend them - later ones tend toward better story, but Link to the Past on the SNES ("Super Nintendo") is one of the best gameplay games.
Wind Waler is pretty awesome.
What video/computer game and/or system(s) is/are your favorite(s)?
NobodysHome |
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"LoZ" is a short form of "Legend of Zelda" - and it was a rhetorical question, considering you were pretty clear that you'd never played one.
Heaven help you if you manage to play the Phillips CDi versions, though. Heaven help us all. :(
But, in general, I actually do recommend them - later ones tend toward better story, but Link to the Past on the SNES ("Super Nintendo") is one of the best gameplay games.
Wind Waler is pretty awesome.
What video/computer game and/or system(s) is/are your favorite(s)?
The Sega Genesis was my all-time favorite system because of its focus on RPGs: Shining Force I and II, Phantasy Star, and on and on and on. Plus Toe Jam and Earl, Master of Monsters, and on and on.
In terms of individual games, I think Dragon Age: Origins is my all-time favorite for the massive amount of character development, and the ability to tell a completely different story just by making different choices. I know that Mass Effect is also supposed to be excellent, but I'm just not a sci-fi guy.
I hated the PS3 for its lack of backwards compatibility until I got a PS4. That thing belongs in a dumpster. Talk about abandoning functionality for aesthetics! If I leave it plugged in, it will randomly turn on whenever someone walks through the room and their shadow falls on the power sensor, then sits there beeping incessantly FOREVER because you did SOMETHING that it didn't like. I swear, we have the noisiest, most complainy cat we've ever owned, and the PS4 is noisier and more annoying than SHE is.
So I have a 12-year-old and a 15-year-old. They only ever ask me to hook up the PS2 or the Genesis. What does that tell you about gameplay?
#1: Sega Genesis
#2: Playstation 2
#3: PC games
#4: Wii: The games are too gimmicky and rely too much on the controller
#5: PS3
----------------- Gap
#6: PS4
Surprisingly, I've never owned a Nintendo system, though the kids LOVE their DSi's.
NobodysHome |
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Long stretch, but... Did you ever play Sword of Vermillion on Genesis? It's one of the few games I remember having for that system, but it is basically what set me on the path to D&D/Pathfinder.
If you WERE a crouton, where would you hide your shame?
Oh, Gods yes! Sword of Vermillion was a blast! We (NobodysWife and I) both played through it a couple of times.
If I were a crouton, I would drown myself in dressing until I was a sad, mushy mess, indistinguishable from a wilted piece of overdressed lettuce...
Tacticslion |
Actually, the Wii is a Nintendo system?
But I think you can grab some of the older 'Zelda games on the Wii. I'm also pretty sure you've gotten the wrong Wii games - there are far too many like you describe, yes, but several actually make good use of the system or controllers (including both Mario Galaxies, Last Story, Okami, and the Lego games) or ignore them for great gameplay (including Kirby's Epic Yarn - extremely relaxing -, and Super Mario Wii).
Also, by grabbing a Game Cube controller and memory card or two, you can play older games on your Wii, and it's entirely worthwhile for both Twilight Princess and Wind Waker - the two most different 3D Legend of Zelda experiences you can have (you can also get a Wii version of Twilight Princess, but I don't think it's quite as good - the control scheme isn't as solid, translated to Wii controls: though they aren't bad, they are gimmicky). Both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess kind of-sort of presume a familiarity with Ocarina of Time (and/or Majora's Mask, though this is more tenuous/suggested than overt), which isn't really something you have access to, but there are enough context clues and recitation of the myths in both of them that I don't think you'll be missing out on much - a minor bit of, "Oh! It's cool to see that! I remember when...!"-type stuff. So they're basically self-contained (considering they're separated from OoC by spans of time to let the events of that game fall to myth and legend).
... buuuuuuuut I'm a nerd for those, so, you know. :)
Aimless |
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Tacticslion wrote:It's sad that, in either presidency, a strong argument could be made for dictatorial governance. After all, with "this is what happens when the people govern..." as an opener, I could even see such things being compelling. I'm never going to buy it, of course, but it still makes me sad that it could be presented and used to make a reasonable-looking case.
I'm personally hoping that, once whatever major abuse happens does, regardless of the candidate, impeachment and dismissal are handled quickly, and that the Vice is better. I'm not holding my breath. Similarly, I'm hoping that the weight of the office gives pause to whomever wins it, and maybe causes them to change course so the inevitable abuse doesn't occur. I'm similarly optimistic about results. (I'm not, in case it wasn't clear, at all optimistic.)
LOL. NobodysWife feels the presidency should be chosen by lottery. "OK, who wants to be president? All of you guys? OK, you're excluded. Now, everyone else? The person with ticket #1356256 is now dictator for 4 years..."
I like it, except it wouldn't be so easy to exclude those who WANTED the position.
I would say that affirmation is by way of strenuous protestation by the lottery recipient. Perhaps by requiring threat a lawsuit if the lottery persists in assigning office.
Of course ... one has to wonder whom oversees the Presidential Lottery... ;)
NobodysHome |
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Actually, the Wii is a Nintendo system?
You are correct, sir
But I think you can grab some of the older 'Zelda games on the Wii. I'm also pretty sure you've gotten the wrong Wii games - there are far too many like you describe, yes, but several actually make good use of the system or controllers (including both Mario Galaxies, Last Story, Okami, and the Lego games) or ignore them for great gameplay (including Kirby's Epic Yarn - extremely relaxing -, and Super Mario Wii).
We have both Mario Galaxies and Okami. We have a couple of the Lego games for the kids, but they strongly prefer to play them on the Playstations, which says something about how they're building games around the Wii controllers, instead of building good games and then figuring out how to control them. Mario Kart racing is another good one. recommendations...
You're making the bizarre assumption that I have this mythical thing called "free time". I'm:
So the notion of "watching TV" or "playing video games" or "reading books" is mostly beyond my reach right now. I only play a limited amount, at designated times, and there's not enough of it to really get into a deep RPG game...
Tacticslion |
Oh, no. No assumptions. My recommendations aren't "you need to play all of these" but, "if you ever have the time, these may be worth checking out" - I admit my surprise at preferring the PlayStation control scheme. I suppose by that point, it's just to ea h their own. I find holding the Wii controller to be easier than most other confirm meds - it's one of the better parts of the design, despite the tendency toward gimmicks of many of the game designs. Otherwise: fair enough! :D
NobodysHome |
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A tirade from a different thread:
Oh, speaking of seething, remember that $1300 vet dental bill? My wife's company has discounted pet insurance as one of its "benefits".
So I went ahead and cranked the numbers.
The columns are pretty bad. It's year, then what I paid, then what I would have saved under their discount plan, and finally what I would have saved under their regular plan.
2003: $447.98 $0 $0
2004: $2402.58 $281.81 $1522.06
2005: $2030.01 $21.00 $1224.01
2006: $620.28 $0 $96.22
2007: $799.14 $0 $239.31
2008: $545.89 $0 $36.71
2009: $1138.82 $0 $511.06
2010: $1627.63 $0 $902.10
2011: $451.44 $0 $0
2012: $93.00 $0 $0
2013: $3806.42 $1264.49 $2645.14
2014: $213.91 $0 $0
2015: $966.42 $0 $373.14
2016: $3656.77 $1325.42 $2525.42
70% plan: $1242.21 premium per year, $1000 deductible per cat
80% plan: $2710.37 premium per year, $250 deductible per cat
In other words, in 13 years of records, we would have saved money TWO years -- once for $22.28 in 2013 and once for $83.21 in 2016.
And losing THOUSANDS in premiums the rest of the time.
Insurance is normally somewhat of a scam. (Can hardly complain after racking up $40,000 in medical bills this year -- on the other hand, my premiums are over $15,000/year, so in the long run I'm still losing money hand over fist). Seeing it in action for pets is just scary...
Oh, or is this politics? And does anyone know how to tab-format a post?
elcaleeb |
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Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa... Whoa.
This is an Ask NobodysHome Anything thread, not an Answer Questions from Nobodyshome thread.
Now, to the important matters...
If one of your spawn were in mortal danger, and the only way to save them was to place in a Crouton-eating contest, what would you do?
Seriously though, I agree that insurance is generally a scam. Around here, car insurance companies post record profits almost every year, and also increase premiums every year, though if I remember right that is supposed to be stopping. Will believe it when I see it.
And life insurance, that just seems like I'm betting against myself... everytime my counterpart suggests I get it, I accuse her of plotting my demise.
Also, I do not know how to tab-format a post. I can barely remember how to bold things half the time, and it is literally listed just under the comment box...
NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa... Whoa.
This is an Ask NobodysHome Anything thread, not an Answer Questions from Nobodyshome thread.
Now, to the important matters...
If one of your spawn were in mortal danger, and the only way to save them was to place in a Crouton-eating contest, what would you do?
Seriously though, I agree that insurance is generally a scam. Around here, car insurance companies post record profits almost every year, and also increase premiums every year, though if I remember right that is supposed to be stopping. Will believe it when I see it.
And life insurance, that just seems like I'm betting against myself... everytime my counterpart suggests I get it, I accuse her of plotting my demise.
I'm amused that life insurance is one of the two policies I feel is worthwhile (catastrophic health being the other). I pay something on the order of $50/month, and my family gets a ludicrous amount (over $1 million) if I croak. Gives me more peace of mind than you know to know that if I die, they can sit pretty for a few years and not have to worry about making up my income...
NobodysHome |
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And you are absolutely sure your family is not secretly scheming against you?
You do raise a valid point, though. Things may be different if I someday acquire one of these families.
Let's see -- I do 95% of all the cooking, 100% of all the cleaning, 80% of all the shopping, 100% of all the kids' homework, 95% of the pet care, ...
Yeah, I just don't see them as seeing killing me as a reasonable option...
Tacticslion |
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Just Googled it. "Legend of Zelda".
Yep. The whole, "lone hero goes off to save the helpless princess who can't do anything for herself" isn't my schtick.
No Mario games. No Zelda games. Pretty much no games where the entire premise is, "Your girlfriend is so worthless she got kidnapped and can't do anything until you rescue her."
Go figure...
Just saw this post.
Intriguingly, though that does hold true for the Mario games, that is a highly inaccurate characterization of Zelda in her titles.
While she is often kidnapped, "so worthless she can't do anything" is fundamentally incorrect. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, it is only through her direct actions that the hero is capable of action at all, or even starts his journey (in more than one case giving a literal hero's call to Link who was, until she did so, entirely unaware of the situation). More often than not, she is the defining point of what makes him a hero, and in several games a force that pushes him to be a better person, and substantially more of a character than he is.
Only in three games does she do nothing (that I am aware of; there may be others): Link's Awakening, in which Link crash lands on an island where there is no Zelda and she is not kidnapped at all; Majora's Mask in which Link is looking for his lost fairy in a land that isn't Hyrule and so she doesn't show up; and The Adventure of Link... in which she did all of her stuff literally "ages" ago - she's a sleeping beauty style of princess who was cursed a really long time ago, and he has to destroy ancient crystals of power to regain the ability to wake her... which as it turns out, she'd been hiding that power from an evil force all along anyway (the evil force had cursed her, but instead of divulging her secrets, she'd gone comatose - a conflict of wish magic, you know), so, you know, still kind of sort of doing something, even if kind of weird.
Most of the time, she's busy shattering the Triforce and scattering it about so Ganon doesn't get it, setting up traps, warning people, saving lives, sneaking about, praying (which, given that she's occasionally an actual goddess incarnate, does more good than it may sound), traveling through time, telepathically organizing resistance to evil, and so on. In most games she does end up going into hiding or getting kidnapped in the end, but she'd kind of going up against a guy who literally has the powers of a demonic god-king. Not the wisdom of one, mind... just the powers. So... not really too hard to fault her on that.
Ganon gets the Power (because he took it).
She gets the Wisdom (because she embodied it).
Link gets the Courage (usually because he was chosen for it).
Via her wisdom she sets up the method (through Link's courage) of the downfall of Ganon's power.
At least, that's the usually "background" formula. There are... lots of little variants that make each story worth telling. It's kind of like breaking down the PF AP formula as "Bad guy gets power; grows more dangerous, as the PCs learn about it and grow in power to respond to increasing threats; then they face bad guy in climactic showdown."
Sure, it's accurate and formulaic, but misses the important bits that make each story interesting. :)
Tacticslion |
Question time...
Which of:
- Lich
- Zombie
- Vampire
- Mummy
- Skeleton
- Ghoul
... and which of:
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Allip
- Wraith
... and why?
Undead and templates so you can think about all the possible permutations and variants of each kind of each of them before making your final answer. And yes, the questions are that vague. Feel free to interpret what they're actually asking. We shall see how correct you are. Hehehehe...
Also, Psychic or Psionic? Why?
If the former, Paizo or Green Ronin? If the latter, Dream Scarred or Wizards? Either way: why?
NobodysHome |
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Oh, you DID post here, didn't you?
You should know by now I'm a non-weekend FaWtLer! Weekends are for games!
Well, the answers are here, because it's easier than copying-and-pasting.
NobodysHome |
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If you could: would you?
Almost certainly not. I am very Lawful in my ways, and also very Good. Most things that I "can't" are because they are illegal or "immoral". Most things that are illegal are illegal for a reason. Most things that are "immoral" are things that I don't care to do. (Though I will open a can of worms by mentioning I'm not a strong believer in 'victimless' crimes. Off the top of my head I can't think of a single 'victimless' crime that wouldn't be better served by becoming a taxed service where the taxes are used for media and education campaigns of 'don't do that'. Tobacco in California is a fantastic example of the success of this approach; no one I know smokes. No one.)
But also: if you would: could you?
If it doesn't involve time, then yes. Time is my greatest enemy these days. I needs me a Ring of Sustenance. I'd still eat, but an extra 5-6 hours a night? Priceless!
NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Most things that are illegal are illegal for a reason.Except drugs. Those are illegal because it's harder to tax stuff you grow or scrape together yourself than pharmaceuticals.
Notice my follow-up on "victimless" crimes. Those are mainly illegal because of the country's strong Protestant bent. The history of Hearst's campaign to make marijuana illegal is truly astonishing and depressing reading.
thegreenteagamer |
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I would hardly call all drugs victimless - heroin and cocaine straight up kill people if you do too much, for example.
But they still should be legal. You take too much f!#&ing aspirin, alcohol, or lortab and you'll die, and that s##+ is legal....just properly taxed and lining the pockets of lawmakers with lobbying cash.
NobodysHome |
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I find it interesting. I have never so much as tried a single illegal drug. Not even pot. Remember that I was a teenager in the 1980's, when the Reagan administration was seizing people's houses if they found drugs in them, whether or not the homeowners even knew they were there. So I got a bit bent out of shape on illegal drugs.
Many of my friends did pretty much everything imaginable.
And I am a strong proponent of drug legalization and taxation, while my friends who actually did the stuff say, "No, some of that **** is so bad you just can't legalize it. EVER!"
Interesting takes on the universe.
NobodysHome |
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LOL. It is a TOTALLY valid question!
Right now we're looking at the 28th, but Irwin's player (Deady McDeaddead) is listed as "questionable". So most likely the 28th (we can just say Irwin hides for the entire session, which wouldn't be much different than what he usually does), but possibly at late as the 4th, depending on how the others' travels go.
NobodysHome |
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LOL. I'm fine, thank you. And since I know he doesn't wander around in these parts, let me just say that I'm massively enjoying Freehold's reactions to my "anonymous" gifts. I didn't *intend* for any of them to be anonymous -- Paizo's system just never asked! (I filed a bug report and everything.)
Otherwise, the ankle is barely hurting any more (walked to the bank and back today), I've avoided the plague that has had NobodysWife bedridden for 3 days, and in general, I am in good health.
Impus Major is overwhelmed with stupid amounts of homework, but I took tonight off from running to help him, and we're catching up rapidly.
The garage is a catastrophe, but the combination of the rain, my ankle, the illnesses, and the homework make me feel a little bit better about getting so little done there.
And I was happy to hear the news on your niece -- the best of a bad situation and all that!
Tacticslion |
Wwwwwhhhhhhaaaaaat is this nonsense?!
That- that's... you...
I'm just... wow.
Thank you.
I'm just... wow.
I'm trying to think of what else to say, but, in between typing, I keep finding my hand on my face, or covering my mouth, or something, instead, so I figure I'll type my visceral reaction for your benefit or something.
Thank you.
NobodysHome |
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And here I was thinking you already knew and you were just waiting for the culprit to 'fess up.
Isn't there an e-mail or something?
I have no idea how this stupid gifting thing works.
Next year I'll be expanding my targets, so I need to figure it out...
(Though I have to admit, donating to a worthwhile cause and quietly sending a couple of random Paizo gifts was entertaining... especially watching Freehold freak out over his "anonymous benefactor", aka NobodysHome not having any clue where the "don't make me anonymous" button is...)
Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
And here I was thinking you already knew and you were just waiting for the culprit to 'fess up.
Isn't there an e-mail or something?
I have no idea how this stupid gifting thing works.
Next year I'll be expanding my targets, so I need to figure it out...
(Though I have to admit, donating to a worthwhile cause and quietly sending a couple of random Paizo gifts was entertaining... especially watching Freehold freak out over his "anonymous benefactor", aka NobodysHome not having any clue where the "don't make me anonymous" button is...)
You are insane in your generosity, sir.
God bless you and your family.
(If there is an email, I'm actually unlikely to get it. I'm... not good at that. :/)
NobodysHome |
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You might think less of me if you knew:
"Gee... it's almost Christmas, and we're doing better than usual. I should do something nice for someone. Hey, I know! What's on Captain Yesterday's wish list?"
Goes over... checks the list... finds it nonexistent...
"Hmm.... who would have a well-organized wish list because he's obsessive-compulsive about such things?"
Goes to Tacticslion's wish list... clicks a bunch of buttons... tries to send a hardcopy but there's no mailing address... clicks some other stuff...
"Weird. Wonder why it didn't ask me about a gift note? Ah, well, at least I've got that figured out."
Goes back to CY's page. Shoots him a PM about not having a wish list... checks out FaWtL... Freehold DM has said something salacious/incendiary/whatever...
"Oh, yeah? Take THAT!"
Goes to Freehold's list... hits random buttons... is delighted that there IS an address... sends him something big and bulky because it's funny...
Still no PM from CY, but notices you can buy gift certificates. Shoots one CY's way...
Finally gets a PM from CY informing him that EVERY GIFT HE HAS SENT has been anonymous
Laughs out loud. "Oh, well. Let's see how THIS turns out..."