Making a character from the North

Reign of Winter

I'll be running this soon, and my character will be a half-orc from one of the northern lands (Linnorm, Irrisen, Mammoth Lords) and I'm honestly daunted by how my character would even get to Taldor where the adventure starts from there.

I'm not asking for my backstory to be made for me, but what do you guys think the most likely route would be to get from the frigid north to Taldor?

Armenius wrote:

I'll be running this soon, and my character will be a half-orc from one of the northern lands (Linnorm, Irrisen, Mammoth Lords) and I'm honestly daunted by how my character would even get to Taldor where the adventure starts from there.

I'm not asking for my backstory to be made for me, but what do you guys think the most likely route would be to get from the frigid north to Taldor?

If your character is from the Linnorm kings area it's easy. Ulfen from that area are favored bodyguards in Taldor. So people of Ulfen heritage, either born in Taldor or newcomers are fairly common.

If from Irrisen or the Mammoth lords then they could easily have caught ship from the Linnorm kings lands, trade is common. Running from something, Wanderlust, curiosity or just working as a guard on a trade ship are all valid reasons.


Fart around with the setup, maybe he fell through one of the portals or was chased, captured and escaped troll, etc. Maybe he has amnesia, and doesn't quite know how he got there...but it gives him a reason to investigate.

Most of my players had characters from the north (having cod resistance of some sort is sensible so why wouldn't you...)

The city of Oppara isn't too far away from where the story starts, so is a good place to act as the draw for a character (whatever the reason). With my players I dropped in rumours of something weird happening near Heldren and that's why they ended up there.

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