Pawn measurements


I can't, for the life of me, find out official measurements for the pawns used in the bestiary box and other such projects. I am away from my tools and my pawns right now, but thought I'd size some images to make some custom ones to fit alongside the ones I have. But, I can't find anywhere that lists the size of the pawns. Anyone got a place where they list the dimensions of the various sizes?

Also, anyone have any idea how one would go about doing gargantuan or colossal pawns? would that be too unwieldy at that point?

I'm away from my pawns too, and I don't know the official answer, but I believe that the height of a medium pawn - designed with a 1-inch base in mind - is about 1.89 inches. The height of a large figure? Well... I see that I printed some Horse figures that were 1.9" wide and 2.39" high.

Of course, you have to keep in mind that the bottom of the pawn will be hidden by the base clip, so I'm thinking that the actual height of a Large figure is something MORE than 2.39" high.

(Okay, that's not as helpful a reply as I had hoped to give.)

And yeah, the Paizo staff has commented that bigger pawns look bad.

Okay, since I felt my last answer was a little lame, I did a Google search, and found this page, which said...

RPG Geek wrote:

For the "medium" pawns I get 4.9 cm tall, 2.9 cm wide. For the "large" creatures, I get 4.9 cm wide by 6.3 cm tall.

My copy is as yet unpunched, but it looks like the round part of the base is about 1.5 mm thick and 2.4 cm in diameter. The slot for holding the cardboard part is about 0.5 cm tall.

...and this page which said...

RPG Hacker wrote:
Stan­dard pawn size (28mm wide by 48mm high) or the Large pawn size (48mm wide by 63mm high)

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Okay, I'm at home now, where I can see my pawns myself. I'm guessing that you're at home by now too, so this post may be useless to you. But who knows? Maybe someone else will seek this information some day, so I got to work with a ruler, and here are my results. (And again, remember to leave 0.5 cm on the bottom blank for the slot.)

Small: 2.1 cm wide, 2.8-2.9 cm tall
Medium: 2.8-2.9 cm wide, 4.9 cm tall
Large: 4.9 cm wide, 6.4 cm tall
Huge: 7.6 cm wide, 9.9 cm tall

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Okay, I'm at home now, where I can see my pawns myself. I'm guessing that you're at home by now too, so this post may be useless to you. But who knows? Maybe someone else will seek this information some day, so I got to work with a ruler, and here are my results. (And again, remember to leave 0.5 cm on the bottom blank for the slot.)

Small: 2.1 cm wide, 2.8-2.9 cm tall
Medium: 2.8-2.9 cm wide, 4.9 cm tall
Large: 4.9 cm wide, 6.4 cm tall
Huge: 7.6 cm wide, 9.9 cm tall

For me, that day has come. I sincerely appreciate your help, stranger on the internet!

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