Runelord Stat blocks

Rise of the Runelords

The Exchange

Hey everyone I am slow cooking a hardcore version of the Rise of the runelords campaign and i have decided to make the last fight a true pcs vs all of the runelords. im hunting down stat blocks for them and so far i have alderpash,Krune and Karzoug.

I am curious if anyone did the legwork on making any of the others or if i should just do them for myself. that being said i need Belimarius, Sorshen, Xanderghul, and Zutha (azlantist can be replaced by alderpash and i like him as a character better anyway.)

Should i also include Xin? his immortality was little more clockworky than the rest of them but i do have a great mini for him.

Dark Archive

If you have that cool Xin mini, then that is reason enough to include him!

Scarab Sages

Alderpesh is statted in Wrath of the Righteous. He's the former Runelord of Wrath, so you should be able to drop him in with the name changed for someone appropriate.

And wasn't Sorshen going to be statted in AP#100?

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