Player Character Pawns


The NPC Codex has the Core Classes inside of it for pawn use. They could work for PCs too. But what if I play a Base Class (such as Summoner)? Then what pawns can I use?

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Any pawn you want, the classes don't have uniforms.

Is your summoner a fancy human noble? Use the "court poet" pawn from p.28 of the codex. Is your summoner a shoanti mystic? Use the "mud shaman" from p.68. Is your summoner a halfling with a weird head? Use the "little fist" from p.105. Use whatever is closest to your character idea.

Thank you. Is there anything that fits better?

You seem to be asking about restrictions that don't exist. Your character looks like what you want it to look like, so choose whichever pawn suits you. As for summons, there is a pawn for the iconic eidelon and there was an entire set of pawns dedicated to summoning released this past month.

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