Bestiary 2 Pawn Pictures Different?


Opened my Bestiary 2 Pawns and I am noticing some pictures for the monsters are different than the Bestiary 2 book. The Selkie for one, is one of those pictures. Why the difference?
Note: my bestiary 2 book is second printing

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It varies, but one of the main reasons you'll see different art for a pawn than in a Bestiary is because the restrictions for what shape the art can be in are MUCH stricter for a pawn than a Bestiary. Other reasons include but are not limited to:

1) We weren't 100% pleased with how the art turned out in the Bestiary and wanted to try again.

2) The bestiary art included superfluous background elements or extra characters that don't make sense to include in a pawn (this happens a lot for monsters that are intended to be mounts or include objects for size comparison, such as giants often get).

3) Sometimes there are just flat-out errors in art that we don't realize until too late, and the bestiary pawns give us a chance to fix them.

4) We often use the art as the basis for miniatures, but some poses simply aren't possilbe for a miniature. In this case, we'll often re-order a new illustration so that it works better for a potential future miniature.

Ah, that makes sense. Love the art either way!

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