Additional Resources Conflicts

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 4/5

Hi all,

I noticed a couple of conflicts with the Additional Resources that seemed beyond the scope of the Additional Resources Update thread.

  • Occult Origins: The Nexian Channeler Medium archetype is legal, but it grants Third Eye (from Occult Adventures), which is currently illegal, and many of its features directly connect to it. This archetype sounds quite fun thematically, so it would be a shame to see it banned.

  • Advanced Player's Guide: The Witch Grand Hex "Forced Reincarnation" is legal, despite being entirely based around the illegal reincarnate spell. Granted, there aren't many 18th level witches who have to worry about this, but while I was posting the first example I figured I might as well toss this one in too.

  • Shadow Lodge

    There are other options that grant illegal options, I know of only 1 which was ruled that you don't get the thing that is illegal, but that was specific to Leadership, and was despite the fact that a character had to be 18th level or higher to get it.

    Michael Brock wrote:


    On a side note, even if a class or archetype or whatever grants Leadership, it isn't legal in PFS.

    However, Third Eye is obviously not Leadership (and it's much weaker, truth be told), so it is probably alright.

    Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

    Compare to the true silvered throne archetype, which explicitly replaces the abilities related to rituals, which are not legal.

    Third Eye is only legal through that specific archetype.

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Ok. I'm used to seeing the AR put in fixes when normally illegal options crop up (replacing awaken with animal growth for nature oracles, etc.)

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