Modules for beginners


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hello, I am not a seasoned vet. By any means. I have been running a home group through the AP Rise of the Runelords. We've been playing for over a year and are just about half way through it.
I have been able to find a few more people wanting to play. These people are completely new to tabletop gaming. I do not want to start an AP with them. I will run them through the beginners box, but after that I hope I can find a few modules that will ease them into gaming. So what modules do you think are appropriate?

Crypt of the Everflame and We Be Goblins are the two classic examples, probably. Crypt of the Everflame is more a traditional dungeon crawl, while We Be Goblins is a slightly more silly overland adventure. (We Be Goblins does have evil characters, which some people aren't into, but they're more comedic evil than anything.)

Master of the Fallen Fortress, any/all of the Silverhex Chronicles or even just a Pathfinder Society Scenario or two would be great starts for new players.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is crypt of the everflame a 3.5 product?

Nope, Pathfinder. One of the earlier ones.

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Four Dollar Dungeons is a 3rd party publisher offering very good modules for $4. They are very suited to beginner DMs and players.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Having never run a module, is a module intended for a few sessions of gaming? Is it like running book 1 burnt offerings in RotRL AP in terms of length?

The "old" modules (pre-Dragon's Demand) are generally good for two to three sessions, depending on how long you play. They're a bit shorter than the adventure in a single AP volume, in my experience.

The new mega-modules (Dragon's Demand and those that came after) are more like an AP volume, or a little longer.

Free RPG Day modules are shorter, more like Pathfinder Society Scenarios. They're usually one-shots.

The Godsmouth Heresy is an awesome 1st level dungeon with an old school feel to it.

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