PFS PbP - Shadow's Last Stand, part 1 - At Shadow's door (lvl 1-7) (Inactive)

Game Master Revvy Bitterleaf

The Captive Audience


Private Quarters

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Scarab Sages

The hills ringing Almas, capital of Andoran, slope gently toward the harbor cradling the Hornet’s Nest, the red sun rising behind them. This morning the ship’s activity rivals its namesake as Pathfinders and their agents bustle here and there inside the ship’s hastily constructed command post.

After a short wait, Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks rolls into the ship’s galley, his face scowling and dark eyes bloodshot.
“You lot again? The Decemvirate promised better, but I suppose
we have no time to waste. You have likely heard the rumors— which, unfortunately, underestimate our danger.
“The Society’s lodge in the former Cathedral of Aroden here has thrived of late—they say thanks to Venture-Captain Brackett’s grand parties, which seduce the weak-willed leaders of this so-called ‘democracy’ into permitting the Pathfinder Society unfettered access to the resources in the nation’s interior. Not likely you lot were ever invited, though. Needed to be of the presentable sort, after all.
“Last night, Brackett threw one of his most extravagant fetes yet to celebrate the recent return of a team of Pathfinders up near Falcon’s Hollow on a diplomatic mission to the region’s fey. Fillian over there claims that all the sparkling light made the Cathedral’s windows a stunning sight. Everyone was having a grand time until the trouble started. At the stroke of midnight, a dozen guests drew their swords and methodically massacred the others—poor, drunk fools. A moment later the lights went out. Fillian had been admiring the windows from the dome’s walkway and ran upward, to the belfry. Says he hid there until daylight and then crawled out to my ship here. He heard many others flee underground, followed by screams of agony.
“Shortly before dawn, several bands of what looked to be hulking, cloaked hobgoblins left the Cathedral, taking off in different directions into the city. Not only do we need to retake our lodge and rescue any survivors, but whatever those monsters plan to do in Almas, it’s got something to do with the Cathedral. I imagine even you understand how that might look for the Society if something bad were to happen to the city at large, centered on our local headquarters.
“You can probably guess who’s behind this—the Shadow Lodge, source of endless trouble this past year. We need that Lodge back, and we need Brackett alive. Time is not on our side here, and I fear it may already be too late for whatever those monstrous brutes left the Cathedral to do.
“According to Fillian’s tale, the best way in is the belfry. So your job is to get in there, kick the Shadow Lodge out, and keep Brackett alive. And put a stop to whatever ongoing plot you manage to uncover.
“Good luck. You’ll need it.”

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2


Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4


Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue (Level 4)
HP23 /23, NN, AC=17, T=14 , FF=13 | CMD=17, CMB=3 | F=1 , R=8 , W=1 | Init +4 | Perc= +6 | (Rapier+6/1d6+2/18-20/X2 , Short Sword +6/1d6+1/19-20/X2, Short Bow +7/1d6 +1/20/x3) + 2d6 Sneak attack

I will change to the magus if we need her otherwise. Dot :)

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

A whispy pale skinned woman, or girl, one can not be sure, was absent mindedly playing with stray piece of paper that was swirling about her.White long hair, pale, almost opaque blue eyes. Just as light coloured and light looking clothing, except for a leather vest. She looks very frail and a bit out of place. Her eyes seem to finally focus on the person speaking

"I will be happy to go sort out this business, always fun to see new places and people..." she trailed off as she walked to where the paper fell last and started watching it again as it was swept up by an unknown gust of wind, once again spinning about the woman. Who was very much enjoying the scene

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3


Scarab Sages

Feel free to introduce your character to the others, or ask any questions you might have

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora nods and looks on, listening intently. Her mane of fiery red hair accenting bronzed skin, and a pair of sun-colored golden eyes looking over the area and the situation. Her staff and robes are simple, as she tries to understand the situation to the best of her ability.

"Were there, or are there any defenses the lodge had in place that we may need to worry about contending with? Traps, golems..., things that don't consist of hobgoblins that need eliminating? Also, do we have any intelligence on their numbers inside of the lodge? Or even how many of our own may still be inside?"

Scarab Sages

"The Cathedral is not a pathfinder's lodge, it's something the society has access to thanks to some political stuff..I am new here and I have no idea about any defenses that were in place before tonight. As Fillian here said..they massacred everyone I don't expect any of our own to still be alive inside."

Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

Ryuchi listens to the accounts with a sour mine. The young man from Tian-Xa does not speak much merely nods but you can see from the look in his dark eyes that he is shocked by the accounts. The man strokes his bald head as he looks to the Cathedral worifully and then eyes his fellow pathfinders.

It looks as if we have come together in dire times. So now is the time for us to act as one! he offers in heavily accented common tongue.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue (Level 4)
HP23 /23, NN, AC=17, T=14 , FF=13 | CMD=17, CMB=3 | F=1 , R=8 , W=1 | Init +4 | Perc= +6 | (Rapier+6/1d6+2/18-20/X2 , Short Sword +6/1d6+1/19-20/X2, Short Bow +7/1d6 +1/20/x3) + 2d6 Sneak attack

A young women joins the group. She has brown hair and she seems average in everyway. She is the type of person you would never notice in a crowd and thats the way she wants it.
"Do we know why they suddenly decided to kill everyone?"

Scarab Sages

Dennel nods at Ryuchi

At Jules question he shakes his head
" We do not have enough information about that..they might just have done the killing for the sake of killing..or they might be after something inside the cathedral..the latter seems to be the more logical assumption since they are still inside"

" If you have no more questions I suggest you get going. Here takes these, you might have some use for it"

At that point he hands you several hundred feet of rope and some climbing spikes

Feel free to ask anymore questions you might come up with, just giving you the description of the cathedral to give you some idea of where you are going

The Cathedral of Aroden is a massive stone structure overlooking central Almas. Two solid towers flanking a pair of enormous bronze doors dominate the facade. The doors, with their glittering bronze carvings of Aroden’s ascension to godhood, welcomed the faithful in times past, but they now lead into Telfyr’s massive library. Above the doors stands a roughly circular stained-glass window with delicate looping stonework, a style known as a rose window.
(The doors are closed).

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora nods listening in. She takes some time to ponder the situation as she prepares herself.

Knowledge checks that may be relevant:

History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

When they finally leave, Liriel follows them. Looking around at everything that moved. One would think its a nervouse twitch, but she was smiling all the time. As if expecting every movement or sound to be some sort of wonder

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Scarab Sages

Going from my own memory here cause there's nothing specific listed in the scenario

Sora remembers that the temple is dedicated to Aroden's ascent to godhood and that the bells they have in the cathedrals Belfry are quite famous.

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora thinks for a moment before gathering her things together. She goes to prepare her spells and check her gear before she prepares to go with the others. Her eyes are always examining, and seem to hold a subtle fire behind them, almost like her entire body seems to be on the brink of erupting in flames.

Scarab Sages

You also might want to start thinking about a way to get inside the Cathedral

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue (Level 4)
HP23 /23, NN, AC=17, T=14 , FF=13 | CMD=17, CMB=3 | F=1 , R=8 , W=1 | Init +4 | Perc= +6 | (Rapier+6/1d6+2/18-20/X2 , Short Sword +6/1d6+1/19-20/X2, Short Bow +7/1d6 +1/20/x3) + 2d6 Sneak attack

Jules looks for a sewer entrance or an area with enough decorations to make climbing the outside possible.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

The Belfry would be the obvious place to get in. The question remains however how do we get into the belfry?

Ryuchi muses as he studies the cathedral from afar.

Can we get an image or a map?

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

A halfling is armor and raggedy clothes comes riding over on what seems to be a sort of dire tiger wolf combination.

"Sorry we are late. Tywin and Graxus at your service!"

Dark Archive

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14

The creature then jumps up and down jostling Tywin out of the saddle and onto the floor.
With a low voice the creature speaks "You are only at my service, insolent whelp! And stop falling out of the saddle so easily, useless slave!"

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

She bends down at the eidelon
"Arent you the cutest thing"
Obviously she hasnt heard it speak

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

AC 27 (T 13, FF 24). HP 30, Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1(+2 vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB 8/CMD 21, Speed 40ft/Flight 40ft
Bite +8 1d6+4 20x2, +1 Silversheen Nodachi +7 1d10+13 18-20x2
Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +5, Fly +14, Intimidate +6, Perception +14

"I am NOT cute! I am the mighty Graxus, slayer of minotaurs, master of demons and devils alike!" Graxus roars.

In a softer voice he whispers "but thank you for the compliment" while his tail is wagging playfully.

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

She smiles, gets up and looks at the halfling
You have a nice riding friend. But wont you fall off if weather gets bad? I like wind, and storms, they are fun, i can sit with them for hours

Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

Hmm wonder why 99% of all Halflings I encounter in PFS have humongous pets...

Ryuchi bows to Graxus as it is customary for a master of demons and devils.

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora smirks, trying not to laugh too much as the pair arrive.

Scarab Sages

@Ryuchi, sorry no image (other then for the Bellfry on top of the cathedral, I'll link it up in a bit. And the map won't do much until you get inside

What it comes down to, there's a huge dome atop the central building (which has closed double doors) on top of the dome is a bellfry and there are 2 smaller towers on the sides.

As you look at the Cathedral to get a better idea on the situation you notice that there are numerous carvings peppering the wall making it a relatively easy climb.

You can either try to main doors, or climb to either of the 2 towers or go climb towards the central Bellfry

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

"Well, do we want to go up the belfrey, or try the front door? Way they said it, seems like we need to go up. Anybody fancy themselves a good climber?"

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

"Climb? Float? Up. Down. Not too bad with either..." she replies looking at the clouds

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Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

Good enough I hope...Ryuchi replies then the wiry young man makes of to attempt to scale the cathedral walls.

Liriel as you don't have a Climb skill to speak of Ryuchi is prolly the best bet. He will attempt to climb up with the rope in tow and take ten on the roll for an 18. If Liriel can cast guidance that would add up to 19.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue (Level 4)
HP23 /23, NN, AC=17, T=14 , FF=13 | CMD=17, CMB=3 | F=1 , R=8 , W=1 | Init +4 | Perc= +6 | (Rapier+6/1d6+2/18-20/X2 , Short Sword +6/1d6+1/19-20/X2, Short Bow +7/1d6 +1/20/x3) + 2d6 Sneak attack

Jules hands Ryuchi her rope.
"Please take mine as well, so you have enough rope."

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

only +2 because of str :P but no fear of falling atleast

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Scarab Sages

Ryuchi making use of the carvings on the walls easily makes it up to the roof, he then is able to secure the knotted rope so the rest of you have an easy time climbing up (DC 5 climb check, you are allowed to take 10)

A flat gray stone ledge runs along the edge of the cathedral’s roof, crisscrossed with rain gutters feeding the leering grotesques that ring the building. Toward the south side, the ledge surrounds a gently peaked roof above the long rectangular nave. Two solid towers jut upward at the south end, their severe stone sides broken only occasionally by narrow, barred stained glass windows.
At the north end a lofty dome covered with deep red copper shingles dominates the structure. The graceful edifice peaks in a twisting stone tower with a golden turret, from which the Pathfinder Society’s Glyph of the Open Road banner hangs limply in the still air. The tower has four large windows arranged vertically on each side, all protected by corroded iron grates. Through the grates hang several bells, ranging in size from large to gigantic.

The circular dome (80 feet across at its base) sits atop the octagonal section of the cathedral, leaving a ledge only a few feet wide.

Each of the belfry’s windows covers roughly a 5-foot square. The iron grates (hardness 10, hp 15, Break DC 24) are bolted onto the stone.

DC 25 perception check:

The second grate from the top on the east side is missing two of its bolts, and the grate swings upward easily.

Now that you can get a better look at the Belry;

The belfry contains nine large bells hanging from a maze of wooden beams. Four relatively small bells hang from a beam at the tower’s top, with the others increasing in size toward the tower’s bottom. Weather and rust coat most of them, especially the seven-foot-wide behemoth of a bell at the tower’s base.
A complex network of scaffolding frames the bells, with each suspended from wooden sliders attached to a system of ropes and pulleys along the tower’s walls. These beams connect to scaffolding along the vertical chamber’s perimeter, allowing access to the bells above and a platform five feet below the giant bell’s bottom.

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Before going up the ladder Tywin asks Graxus' permission to dismiss him and after receiving it he starts to cast an intricate ritual. With a burst of fire Graxus dissappears and a smaller flame floats for a moment before zooming into the gem on Tywin's forehead. He yelps, taps his head and says "Ah hot hot hot. I so do not like that."
After a moment he goes up the knotted rope. Taking his time doing so.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

She does too. Slowly climbing up. She stops at top and takes a look across the open sky
"One day! Yes. One day"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

Not sure if I'd normally take 20 on perception here but as is it wouldn't feel quite right doing so so I'll roll

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Ryuchi wonders whether theres an easy way in but it seems like they will have to break down one of these doors.

I can't smash these in with my bare handsthe wiry young man states as he examines the doors. Does anyone have an axe or some magic tricks?

Scarab Sages

Maybe you can't smash them, but you can bend them. There's only room for 2 people to assist per grate btw, so a total of 3 people can work on 1 grate , you can spread out around the Bellfry and work on another one at the same time if you'd wanted though.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Rogue (Level 4)
HP23 /23, NN, AC=17, T=14 , FF=13 | CMD=17, CMB=3 | F=1 , R=8 , W=1 | Init +4 | Perc= +6 | (Rapier+6/1d6+2/18-20/X2 , Short Sword +6/1d6+1/19-20/X2, Short Bow +7/1d6 +1/20/x3) + 2d6 Sneak attack

Taking your time to look around now is the perfect time. Jules will take 20 for a perception of 25
Jules carefully looks around the the best way to enter. As she move to the east side she notices the grate is not secure and opens it.

"Here I have found a way in"
She then carefully exaimes the area for traps

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora will come over after taking her time to climb up, to assist her in trying to open the area when she goes to open the way.

Take 10 on assist, unless you want it rolled.

Scarab Sages

Jules does not see any traps (even with Sora assisting)

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

The sylph looks over her shoulder with a curious grin
What are we looking for? Bugs? Dirt? Rocks? shadows? I like searching games

Dark Archive

Summoner 5 | AC 18(+4 cover) (T 12, FF 16). HP 35 Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 (+4 vs charm/compulsion +2 vs ench). Init +2, CMB 7/CMD 19, Speed 30ft/40ft mounted
+1 Lance +8, 1d8+7 20/x3, Mwk CI/Silver Morningstar +8, 1d8+6 20/x2, Sling +5 1d4+4 20/x2
Diplomacy +7, Ride +11, Knowledge planes +2, Perception -2/+14

Is there enough space to walk around inside, and will we need to take ladders downstairs?

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

if its 30ft or less she will simply jump down

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Just to repeat:
The belfry contains nine large bells hanging from a maze of wooden beams. Four relatively small bells hang from a beam at the tower’s top, with the others increasing in size toward the tower’s bottom. Weather and rust coat most of them, especially the seven-foot-wide behemoth of a bell at the tower’s base.
A complex network of scaffolding frames the bells, with each suspended from wooden sliders attached to a system of ropes and pulleys along the tower’s walls. These beams connect to scaffolding along the vertical chamber’s perimeter, allowing access to the bells above and a platform five feet below the giant bell’s bottom.

And to answer some questions:
When you enter through the loose grate, you find yourselves 10 feet above the base of the lowermost bell and a further 5 feet above the solid platform below.

The scaffolding requires Climb checks (DC 5) to descend. I don't see a reason why you can't take 10 on that right now though

And although it's less then 30ft down to the platform, you can't just jump down right now since there's beams, scaffolding and bells in the way

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

She slowly gets down to each scaffolding and inspects the bells. Taking her time to do so

Scarab Sages

K, what do you mean with taking your time to do so? Take 20 on perception to look at the bells? Or just fluff since Liriel really likes bells? ;) They are quite nice,big, well made bells (even if you end up taking 20 they just look like nice,big, well made bells to Liriel

Grand Lodge

Female Sylph
Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Linguistics +3, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6
Planar Oracle 1
HP 8/8; AC 14, FF 12, T 12, CMD 13; F 0, R 2, W 2; Perception +0, Init +2

she's an air head. Anything shiny odd or interesting :)

Grand Lodge

male Human Flowing Monk 1 Perception +6 Init: +2 HP: 10 AC: 14 (T 14/ FF 12) CMD: 16 CMB +6 FORT +3 REF +4 WIL +4

Ryuchi moves down the scaffoldings before his companions waiting for them below.

Silver Crusade

Peri-Blooded Aasimar Arcanist 1
HP 7/7 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Init +3

Sora follows Ryuchi down, trying to get a sense of the lighting in the area, and what directions they can go. She takes her time getting down, as she is not that graceful.

Scarab Sages

As soon as Ryuchi puts his full weight in the solid platform the bells starts to ring in an enormously loud cacophony of noise.

All four sections of bells peal for 1 minute. In addition, anyone in the belfry (which is everyone) when the bells ring must make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw or be deafened for 1d4 ⇒ 2 minutes.

After Sora can think again with the ringing in her head and takes a beter look around she notices a trapdoor in the floor. The lighting is decent, the grates let enough light into the Bellfry. You can go either back out, further up the bellfry or down through the trapdoor.

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