PathlessBeth |
Bundle of Holding is selling a bunch of PDFs useful for GMs and world-creaters for a large discount. Most of the titles are system-neutral, but a couple of them are aimed specifically at d20 rules. You can either get the whole bundle for $18 (the total price would be $110 without the bundle), or just three of the PDFs for $7. This bundle appears to be aimed at those looking to improve their GMing skills.
10% of the revenue goes to Doctors Without Borders.
Prior to seeing this bundle, I didn't know about any of the products in it. I'm reading through now, slowly, with more thorough comments and/or reviews possibly coming in the future.
This bundle is also the first BoH I have purchased that did not contain any Kobold Press products....

Oceanshieldwolf |

Even the base pledge of $6.95 gets you some great looking PDFs...
Never Unprepared (Engine Publishing, retail price $10): Gnome Stew's Phil Vecchione shows how to prepare games faster, avoid pitfalls, and have a more relaxed kind of fun.
A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture and A Magical Society: Silk Road (Expeditious Retreat, total retail $52): Map your world using tectonics, ecological conflict, and historical patterns of cultural development. Then develop realistic overland trade routes and a trade system with over 1,000 goods.