mekka2000 |
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Hello, I liked the idea behind the Artificer class from Adamant Entertainement but the class has some problems (like for example the fact that you can create any scroll for your wizard to learn, and thus, become a living library...)
I tried to fix the things I didn't like but I also tried to remake the class into something more fun.
I removed some item crafting feats and replaced them with two main abilities : a way to create clockwork creatures easily and to become an armored warrior with mechanical limbs, something like a fantasy Iron Man mixed with Robocop, with magical cannons mounted and mechanical and magical claws. :)
Please review and tell me what I should improve !
(sorry it's a hell to try to make a grid with all the levels etc.. I gave up, it's ugly, sorry...)
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8
Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (average 105gp)
Class Skills
The artificer’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Perception (Wis), Linguistics (Int), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Level BAB For Ref Will Special Inventions
1st__+0________+2/+0/+2__Elbow grease, brain of all trades, weird science....................0 — — —
2nd__+1________+3/+0/+3__Item creation, artificer's scribe scroll............................1 — — —
3rd __ +2 ________+3/+1/+3__Iron man............................................................1 — — —
4th __ +3 ________+4/+1/+4__Craft wondrous Item............ ........................ 1 0 — —
5th __ +3 ________+4/+1/+4__Craft magic arms and armor, salvage, bonus feat............ 1 1 — —
6th __ +4 ________ +5/ +2/ +5__ Metamagic science, elbow grease +4.................................. 2 1 — —
7th __ +5 ________ +5/ +2/ +5__ Craft wand.............................................. 2 1 0 —
8th __ +6/+1 ____ +6/ +2/ +6__ Quicker weird science .................................. 2 1 1 —
9th __ +6/+1 ____ +6/ +3/ +6__ Clockwork limbs, Bonus feat.................................. 2 2 1 —
10th __ +7/+2 ____ +7/ +3/ +7__ Improved brain of all trades.................................. 3 2 1 0
11th __ +8/+3 ____ +7/ +3/ +7__ Elbow grease +6 ................................... 3 2 1 1
12th __ +9/+4 ____ +8/ +4/ +8__ Craft clockwork ................................... 3 2 2 1
13th __ +9/+4 ____ +8/ +4/ +8__ Improved metamagic science, Bonus feat .................................. 3 3 2 1
14th __ +10/+5 ____ +9/ +4/ +9__ Armored iron man ................................... 4 3 2 1
15th __ +11/+6/+1 __ +9/ +5/ +9__ Quicker craft clockwork ................................... 4 3 2 2
16th __ +12/+7/+2 __ +10/ +5/ +10__ Quickest weird Science ................................... 4 3 3 2
17th __ +12/+7/+2 __ +10/ +5/ +10__ Arcane builder, Bonus feat................................... 4 4 3 2
18th __ +13/+8/+3 __ +11/ +6/ +11__ Quickest craft clockwork................................... 5 4 3 2
19th __ +14/+9/+4 __ +11/ +6/ +11__ Mind exemplar ................................... 5 4 3 3
20th __ +15/+10/+5 __ +12/ +6/ +12__ Magnum Opus............................................... 5 4 4 3
All of the following are class features of the artificer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
An artificer is proficient with all simple weapons, with light armor, and with shields (except tower shields).
Elbow Grease
At 1st level, the artificer gains a +2 bonus to all Craft checks. This bonus raises to +4 at 6th level, and +6 at 11th level.
Brain of All Trades
At 1st level, the artificer has picked up a smattering of even the most obscure intellectual skills. He may use any skill based on Int, Wis and Cha untrained.
Weird Science
An artificer is not a spellcaster, but instead possesses the ability to imbue items with magical power. At 1st level, this weird science allows the artificer to create devices that combine the effects of one or more spells, either arcane or divine.
An artificer has access to both arcane and divine spell lists, but only up to 4th level. At first level, an Artificer may only replicate one spell per device. Starting at 5th level, they may include 1 additional spell. For every 5 artificer levels past 5th (10th, 15th, 20th) they may include one additional spell on a single device. Spell statistics (casting times, etc.) remain unchanged, although no components are required and the artificer is considered the “caster” for the purposes of CL.
When more than one spell are combined into a device, they'll all have the same target. It's not possible to launch a fireball somewhere and throw a lightning bolt somewhere else, or heal a party member at the same time.
The only exception is spells who will be targeting the Artificer herself and only her. These spells can be combined with anything. It's possible to throw a fireball and heal the Artificer at the same time for example.
Weird science devices must be invented in advance, however -- they cannot be created on the fly. The time to create such devices is 4 hours per spell level used, consuming 100 gp per spell level in materials during creation. As such, an artificer usually has a fixed collection of regularly-carried devices.
Device weight is 1lb per spell level, devices lighter than 4lbs are one handed, devices weighting 4lbs or more are two handed.
An artificer start at level 1 with a number of devices he already made equal to his INT modifier.
Weird science devices are temporary and unreliable. They are able to be used reliably a number of times per day equal to 1 plus half the class level of the artificer who built the device (rounding up, naturally). The device may be used by anyone -- but if used by someone other than the artificer who built it, it requires a Use Magic Device roll at DC 15 to activate (a failed roll indicates that the device fails to activate for that user, and a roll of 1 means that the device breaks down for good).
If the device is used more times than allowed (by anyone), it requires a Use Magic Device skill check with a DC equal starting at 20 and rising by 1 every additional time the device is used. A failed roll means that the device breaks down and may not be used again (the artificer will have to build another).
Combining multiple magical effects into a single device means that both effects function simultaneously upon activation (effectively casting two or more spells at once) -- but such devices are even more unstable than usual: The Use Magic Device check for extra activations starts at DC 25 + the number of effects used, and goes up for each additional usage by the number of effects used.
Item Creation
At second level, an artificer’s invention ability expands to include the creation of true magic items, even if the artificer does not have access to the prerequisite spells. The artificer must make a successful Craft check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item or use a scroll she wrote herself. This ability does not stack with the Master Craftsman feat.
The magic item creation guidelines are used, and for the purpose of emulating prerequisites, the artificer’s effective CL equals his class level +2. However, if the item duplicates a spell effect, the statistics of that effect use the artificer’s actual level.
Bonus Feats
An artificer gains some item creation feat as a bonus feat. He gets Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat at 4th level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level, Craft Wand at 7th level and Arcane builder at 17th level. In addition, an artificer gains a bonus feat at 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th level. For each of these bonus feats, the artificer must choose a feat from the following list: Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Magical Aptitude, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Skill Focus, Still Spell, Widen Spell.
Artificer's scribe scroll
At second level, the Artificer get the ability to write scrolls. Same as the scribe scroll feat, except nobody can learn a spell using an Artificer's scroll. These scrolls are neither divine or arcane and need an UMD check by anyone but the Artificer. He is considered as to having the scribe scroll feat.
Iron Man
At 3rd level, The Artificer gains both proficiency and the ability to wear medium armor while casting spells, without any penalty from arcane spell failure. If the Artificer already had proficiency with medium armor, the armor check penalty lessens by one with all medium armor worn.
Moreover, the Artificer can mount on a medium armor one of her devices created with the Weird science ability, and can use it hands free. The invention is attached to the armor and cannot be removed. Only the artificer can use an invention mounted this way.
At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the gold piece value from a magic item and use those funds to create another magic item. The artificer must spend a day with the item, and he must also have the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging. After one day, the item is destroyed and the artificer gains the gp value it took to create the item. This value is cannot be spent as gold, it may only be used in the creation of another magic item.
Metamagic Science
At 6th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell trigger item (such as a wand). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell trigger item he is using. Using this ability expends additional charges from the item equal to the number of effective spell levels the metamagic feat would add to a spell.
Quicker weird science
At 8th level, the time to create weird science devices become 2 hours per spell level used, but consuming 200 gp per spell level in materials during creation.
Clockwork limbs
At 9th level, the artificer replaces some of her limbs with clockwork limbs.
Doing so, the artificer gains the following :
STR+2, CHA-2 for each arm replaced
CON+2, Shield bonus to AC equal to 2 if all arms are replaced
CHA-2 and base land speed is doubled if both legs are replaced
If both legs are replaced, the Artificer does not have a limit to how long it can run, nor does it risk fatigue or exhaustion from forced marching.
The artificer must choose which limbs she wants to replace with a restriction, his charisma score cannot go under 6.
Moreover, for each replaced arm that does not have a natural attack associated with it, an Artificer gains either a slam or claw attack that deals damage appropriate as if it was one size category larger. If the Artificer has no other attacks these natural attacks are primary, otherwise they are secondary. If the Artificer already has a natural attack associated with a replaced limb (arm or leg), he keeps the primary/secondary status as before and the damage from that attack increases by one step.
Against damage directed specifically at an Artificer replaced limb (for example, attempts to sunder a limb, or attacks from foes that deal damage to the limbjack touching or attacking it), the Artificer gains DR 20/adamantine, and resist acid, cold, and fire 30.
Against spells that specifically target a replaced limb (such as stay the hand), the Artificer gains SR equal to 15 + it's CR.
Any of the natural attacks associated with a replaced limb can be upgraded to be masterwork, made of different materials, or made into a magic weapon. The cost for this is the same as for a longsword of the same size as the Artificer, and the new limb must be crafted by the Artificer himself.
Weakness :
Though only some of the Artificer is replaced with metal, it's enough to make him vulnerable to effects that target metals. He counts as a ferrous creature for the purposes of rusting grasp and other spells that have special effects on metal.
Improved Brain of All Trades
At 10th level, all skills based on INT, WIS or CHA are now considered class skills for the artificer, receiving the usual +3 bonus given to class skill checks.
Craft clockwork
At 12th level, the artificer can craft any construct with the clockwork subtype, ignoring spells, feats and skills requirements.
Creating a clockwork this way requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours.
The artificer must spend the gold at the beginning of the construction process and can not create more than one clockwork per day.
Improved Metamagic Science
At 13th level, an artificer gains the ability to apply a metamagic feat he knows to a spell completion item (a scroll, for example). He must have the appropriate item creation feat for the spell completion item he is using. The DC for the Use Magic Device check is equal to 20 + (3 times the modified level of the spell).
Armored Iron Man
At 14th level, the Artificer gains both proficiency and the ability to wear heavy armor while casting spells, without any penalty from arcane spell failure. If the Artificer already had proficiency with heavy armor, the armor check penalty lessens by one with all heavy armor worn. Also, Artificers wearing medium armor have their armor check penalty lessens by two.
Moreover, the Artificer can mount on a heavy armor two of her devices created with the Weird science ability, and can use it hands free. The invention is attached to the armor and cannot be removed. Only the artificer can use an invention mounted this way.
Quicker craft clockwork
At 15th level, creating a clockwork this way requires now 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 4 hours.
Quickest weird science
At 16th level, the time to create weird science devices become 1 hour per spell level used, but consuming 400 gp per spell level in materials during creation.
Quickest craft clockwork
At 18th level, creating a clockwork this way requires now 2 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 2 hours.
Mind Exemplar
At 19th level, the artificer's Brain of All Trades ability reaches its zenith: the artificer may now add a +10 bonus to all skill checks based on INT, WIS or CHA, even untrained.
Magnum Opus
At 20th level, the artificer unlocks the secret of creating artifacts. He gains one minor artifact, subject to GM’s approval, which represents his constant tinkering throughout his life. This item is virtually indestructible and may be called to the artisan who made it from anywhere, even across planes. This minor artifact is not bound equipment and thus may be used by others.
The artificer may now forge major and minor artifacts, but the process for crafting such items is long, difficult, and unique to each item. Forging an artifact could require rare and unique materials, visits to other planes, communication with outer gods, fire from the heart of an active volcano, or any number of special prerequisites.
Credits :
Advanced bestiary, for the limbjack template.
LordErebus12 from GitP forums, for some ideas reused in the Iron man ability / Thread "Pathfinder-Reworked-Class-Artificer"
WhiteDrag0n from GitP forums,for the Magnum Opus ability / Thread "Fixing-Adamant-Entertainment-s-Artificer-again"
Ethereal Gears |
The following sentence confuses me:
"When more than one spell are combined into a device, they'll all have the same target. It's not possible to launch a fireball somewhere and throw a lightning bolt somewhere else, or heal a party member at the same time."
Neither fireball nor lightning bolt are spells with specific targets. They are area effects. So how does this mechanic handle area effects, exactly? It's rather tricky to determine what counts as "somewhere else" for the purposes of AoE spells.
I'm going to look into the rest of the class more thoroughly later. Just thought I'd point that one thing out for now.
- Gears
mekka2000 |
The following sentence confuses me:
"When more than one spell are combined into a device, they'll all have the same target. It's not possible to launch a fireball somewhere and throw a lightning bolt somewhere else, or heal a party member at the same time."
Neither fireball nor lightning bolt are spells with specific targets. They are area effects. So how does this mechanic handle area effects, exactly? It's rather tricky to determine what counts as "somewhere else" for the purposes of AoE spells.
I'm going to look into the rest of the class more thoroughly later. Just thought I'd point that one thing out for now.
- Gears
Thanks for your first reply :)
Sorry english is not my first language and my example is not clear.If a spell target a monster, for example, and another is an AoE, the AoE will target the square where the monster is.
It's not possible to target 3 different monsters with the same "shot", the 3 spell will go for the same target.
With AoE, it's the same, all these spells must target the same square (whose square is the square of a monster targeted by a spell with a target, if there is one).
Is it clearer ?
How to formulate it better in the description ?
Edit : Maybe it's simpler to understand as seeing the weird science device as a gun. You point it to a target, you press the trigger, and all spell use the target as target (huh), central point of area of effect or direction for a cone or a ray.
Ethereal Gears |
So does this mean that a weird science device used to cast fireball reduces the fireball's AoE to only a single creature's space, i.e., it doesn't cover the full 20-foot radius as a standard fireball? Or is the stipulation simply that if your weird science device casts both a single-target spell, a multi-target spell and an AoE spell, this is fine as long as these all affect at least one specific creature?
I can try to help you come up with a way of phrasing this rule once we've figured out what the actual intent is.
- Gears
mekka2000 |
It's so clear in my head and so hard to explain in english.. :D
The "target" of the device is a square.
If there's a creature in it, it's the target of spell targeting one creature.
It's also the center of the radius of a spell with AoE.
And it's the general direction of a spell with a cone area.
And if the spell hit multiple creatures, the first targeted will be the one targeted by the device.
Imagine you launch each spell and each time you say "this monster", "this square", "this monster first", "this way", depending of the spell, pointing your finger in the square...
Here's a map I did quickly in paint :D
Ethereal Gears |
Well, multiple target spells don't actually target creatures in any particular order; they are all targeted simultaneously. When you talk about "direction" of a cone or line spell, I kind of get what you mean, though I think it would be rather tricky to condense into actual rules language. While I get that the idea of centering an AoE effect on a primary "target" is appealing with the purposes of the ability in mind, it also seems to me like it would complicate the rules language unnecessarily. I would probably just do something like:
"All spells cast via a weird science device must have at least one targeted or affected creature in common. If a weird science device creates one spell effect affecting an area, one targeting a single creature and a third spell targeting multiple creatures, at least one creature must both be located within the affected area, be the target of the single-target effect and also be one of the target of the multiple-target effect."
I'm not sure if that's what you want, but that's the neatest phrasing I could come up with right now.
- Gears
mekka2000 |
"All spells cast via a weird science device must target a creature,it's space, and/or one of the corner of this space. Spells with an area of effect originating from the Artificer are launched in the direction of the creature, even not touching it.
If a spell affect multiple creatures, it affects them normally, but the target of the device must be one of the creatures affected.
All of this concerns only the targeting of the spells, all spells work the same way as ever.
Spells whose target is the caster are an exception to these rules and can be combined with anything.
The duration to fire the device is equal to the longest duration of the spells integrated in it."
What do you thing about ?
Avianfoo |
I like artificers. When I play an artificer, I want to be able to have an assortment of gadgets to play with. Does this class fulfill that criteria? Sort of.
The Weird Science ability does it very nicely, though it does a poor job of explaining how it works mechanically. The ability never mentions the available "spell" slots per level as shown in the table. Though that is a problem with the original version that was not addressed in this version. Other than that, the original Weird Science is hands down better than the one provided here. This one attempts to fix things that simply aren't broken. Do other classes also have to pay gold to use their class abilities? (Not counting the gunslinger). As to multiple spells on one item, I would simply not allow this until lvl 12+.
The "craft-any-magic-item" ability could either be underpowered or hideously overpowered depending on the amount of downtime a campaign has. What are my options if there is very little downtime and the Artificer simply can't spend days making things? Also why is the artificer messing around with scrolls and potions? I would be tempted to limit his magic item creation to wondrous magical items only.
Iron man ability says the artificer can now cast spells in medium armor. But he never got the biliary to cast spells in light armor. Also his Weird Science Ability says he isn't a spell caster. So this ability seems very out of place. (Similarly for the armored version). The mounting of inventions on the armor gets a thumbs up. That is highly thematic and cool. Though I would like to see a light armor version if my artificer doesn't want to wear heavier armors.
I suggest combining the abilities with similar names into a single ability e.g. The quicker and quickest versions of abilities can just be part of the original ability.
The limbs are cute but a bit clunky rules wise. (Pun intended)
I hope this helps a little, making classes is not trivial.
mekka2000 |
Is it better ?
1 Elbow grease +2, brain of all trades, weird science
2 Light Armored Armor
3 Craft wondrous item, + trapfinding
4 Artificer knowledge
5 Craft magic arms and armor, salvage, trap sense +1
6 Elbow grease +4
7 Medium Armored Armor
8 Clockwork augmentation, weird science double device
9 Artificer knowledge, trap sense +2
10 Improved brain of all trades
11 Elbow grease +6
12 Heavy Armored Armor
13 Craft Clockwork, trap sense +3
14 Artificer knowledge
15 Clockwork augmentation, weird science triple device
16 Mind exemplar
17 Craft Automaton, trap sense +4
18 Clockwork augmentation
19 Artificer knowledge
20 Magnum Opus
Clockwork Augmentation (select one) :
- Left Arm : STR+2, natural weapon / DEX-2
- Right Arm : STR+2, natural weapon / DEX-2
- Legs : Speed +20ft, acrobatics and climb become class skills / CHA-2
- Torso : CON+2, AC+2 / CHA-2, speed -20ft
- Left brain : Weird science inventions crafting times halved / CHA-2
- Right brain : Craft Clockwork crafting times halved / CHA-2
Artificer Knowledge (select one) :
- Metamagic feats
- Magical aptitude
- Skill focus for INT-WIS-CHA based skills.
- Spell focus
Craft Clockwork : craft any creature with clockwork subtype (CL level requirement applies, Artificer Level as Caster Level).
Craft Automaton : craft any creature number of HD < 10, automaton template added, base price #HD*8000