Arcanemuses |

I love the magus, but would personally prefer a more simplified version. Here are the proposed changes:
Spells The magus draws his spells from the wizard/sorcerer spell list. He gets a 4 level spell progression, plus cantrips. He may only learn/cast spells that require attack rolls.
Spell Combat At 1st level, as a full round action, the magus can make single melee attack with a one-handed weapon at his highest base attack bonus and cast a single 0 level spell without provoking an attack of opportunity from the person he is attacking with his melee weapon. At 5th level, this includes 1st level spells. At 10th level, this includes 2nd level spells. At 15th level, this includes 3rd level spells. At 20th level, this includes 4th level spells.
Improved Spell Combat At 8th level, the magus learns to cast a single spell multiple times per round. As a full round action, he can cast and attack with this same magus spell as many times as he has attacks. Penalties to attack rolls for secondary attacks still apply.
Greater Spell Combat At 14 level, the magus can use Improved Spell Combat with any magus spell he knows and can cast.
True Magus At 20th level, the magus becomes a master of spells and combat. Whenever the magus uses spell combat and his spell targets the same creature as his melee attacks, he can choose to either increase the DC to resist the spell by +2, grant himself a +2 circumstance bonus on any checks made to overcome spell resistance, or grant himself a +2 circumstance bonus on all attack rolls made against the target during his turn.

Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

This looks more like a massive nerf than a simplification. Well, except for being able to cast two spells per round at 8th level. This rework doesn't even address the game mechanic that most people get confused about (spellstrike). A simplification of the magus wouldn't take more than simply rewording the existing mechanics or adjusting them so that you don't need to know how TWF and touch spells work in order to understand them.

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Even Warmage got illusion and transmutation spells....
Also, this design breaks the typical design of 4 level casters by getting can trips. And has no way to use detect or read magic. I'd never play such a bland nerf.
Mediums have 4th level casting + cantrips. That said, this is a huge nerf without actually simplifying anything.

My Self |
Thank you for the brutal honesty, everyone. Yes. Fine. Let's bury this abomination, for I regret making it.
I like the idea behind it. Compared to the base Magus, it's a nerf, but it could certainly be the basis of a pseudo-magus or something. The ability to throw out multiple effects in a round is valuable, even if they're 4th level effects.
Perhaps as a class feature, you can cast an offensive spell as part of an attack? Also, you'll need a lot more spell slots to keep up with the base Magus.
I'm going to expand on this.