Happy Thanksgiving

Off-Topic Discussions

Hope everybody has a happy holiday.

Thanks! You, too!

Scarab Sages

Happy Turkeyday to all who celebrate it (and hopefully a happy, though regular day to all who don't ;-) )!

"It has begun"

Today, and every day, I am thankful for my family, my friends, my pets, a roof over my head and food in my pantry. But right now I'm thankful for music, which I have loved as long as I can remember. It is an anthem to the youth I was and a balm when my spirit is troubled. It provides me happiness and is a soundtrack to the solitude I love so much. It moves me to tears, both of joy and pain, and soothes the anger in my heart. Yes, I am grateful to all those who sing or play and who have touched my ears and heart with the magic they make.

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I'm thankful for this messageboard, grateful for the platform of D&D, and am blessed by the people with whom I've played the game with. Happy T-day.

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