Ramblin Man Part Deux: Game Edition

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Next up, I think I might work on a Monster Hunter's Headquarters.

Scarab Sages

Well, I finished my Monster Hunter's Guild Map last night. It turned out better than I expected, especially for something I kind of rushed through.

I gave them a dormitory building, with two levels of quarters and a basement level for training rooms. Then there was a kind of office building/living quarters for the leaders, long-term members, and servants who keep the place running. This building included a lower level with vaults for dangerous items, archives of knowledge of monsters, and laboratories. Of course, there was a chapel for blessings and such. And a smithy for repairing weapons (or maybe applying silver).

The final touch was a cemetery, just outside the main compound, with a low stone wall around its border. Something that can be easily expanded.....

Scarab Sages

That'll probably be the last Halloween map I do this year. After this I'll go back to my Mega City. Or maybe do another, smaller city that popped into my mind the other day.

Scarab Sages

I started working in earnest on Section 4 of my Mega City Map. It's one of the smaller sections of the entire city map, so it shouldn't take too long.

However, I also have in mind another city map. An idea I've been toying with for a little while. It's a city with a necropolis at the center. The necropolis grows because the ruler of the city is an undead. A banshee, to be specific. In life she was a bard, and she still retains much of her charm, so that the people actually love her...

...and despair.

Scarab Sages

Had another idea for a kind of wizard's tower (I suppose). This would be a place carved out of a single, titanic bone from some impossibly large creature. The name popped into my head when I was driving home the other day......The Osspire.

Not sure if I like it or not. It does have a kind of nice ring to it. I was trying to think of different versions, like "Osseous Spire" or maybe "Calcified Spire", but didn't like the sound of them.

Scarab Sages

I was watching The Shadow last night, and thought a cool idea would be a wizard's tower in the midst of a big city, but the tower is invisible. I guess it would be kind of like the Wayreth Tower of High Sorcery, in that you could only find it if you were invited. Different enough, however, in that it never moves.

Scarab Sages

Or maybe it could move......?


Scarab Sages

Woot! My prediction from earlier this month was correct! Section 4 of my Mega City Map didn’t take too long. I finished it yesterday and put it up on my FB map page.

Now I’ve moved on to section 5. I already had a few things done on that one: east-west roads, one merchant heavy court/plaza, the walls, and a large park area.

Scarab Sages

In the meantime, I might try and do some smaller projects. The kind of maps I can knock out in a day or two.

Scarab Sages

I was nearly finished section five of my mega city map. The plan was to complete it whilst taking my Christmas PTO. Alas the boy tested positive for flu, and was spreading his germs all over my computer.

Oh well. We were planning on getting a new computer anyway. I guess I’ll just have to burn this one. And the desk. And my chair.

On the other hand, a new computer will, hopefully, allow my mapping software to run a little smoother.

Scarab Sages

I finally finished up my Section 5 Map yesterday evening. There wasn't much left, so I took the chance. We'll see if The Universe decides to punish me for it.

Anyway, I also did a little bit of work on Section 6. Mostly copying pieces of road from Section 5 that run onto that map. I might also work on some other stuff. Little things here or there.

Scarab Sages

Every time I rewatch Babylon 5 I get the urge to create a fantasy world based on that show. Minbari would be elves. Narn would be dwarves. Centauri would probably be all the goblinoids (but especially Hobgoblins).

Scarab Sages

I misheard some song lyrics and thought they said "Cinder Crown". It sounded like a cool name for a magical artifact. I wouldn't be surprised if it's already been used.

Scarab Sages

I bought one of the Neca D&D Ultimate Action Figures - Warduke. I already had Elkhorn the Dwarf and Zarak the Half-Orc. At least, I think he's a half-orc. Or used to be.

Anyway, my brother and I had a bunch of the action figures from D&D way back in the day. I still have most of them in a box somewhere. So I really like these new ones. Debating getting Strongheart.

Scarab Sages


Stoopid rain. Half an hour working on a map, and the power blinks. Off goes the computer and I lose the work. Not much work, granted. Still, it was very annoying.

Scarab Sages

I've got my Campaign Cartographer up and running on the new computer. It's working a bit better, which is what I'd hoped for. And it looks a bit crisper on the new(ish) monitor.

Scarab Sages

For the first time in a good while, I’m considering adding another ProFantasy Annual to my CC3+ upgrades. The one for 2024 has mostly good features, including a new “stairs” tool.

Scarab Sages

I’ve been revising my more recent overland maps. These are the ones I used bathroom tile patterns as template for the land masses. I always find myself fiddling with stuff like that. Typically changing geographical features so they (hopefully) make more sense. Or just look cooler.

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