Delay used to further improve PACG / Mummys Mask: idea collection

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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How about introducing a card number for every card? E.g. D0234.
D stands for the 4th path and the number for the card in the set.

In this way, you could track the erratas much more easier, as you could sort these by card number.

If you have trouble with a foreign translation, e.g. The German version of the game. Just look at the german card number and search for the corresponding card number in the english version and you know what the original card wants to say.

Anybody more ideas?


If you sleeve your Rotr cards there is no need to buy the second edition as their cardback are much more better...


Excellent one:

Please design the text flow on the front card in this way, that the silver-hologram spot of the pathfinder-ultra-pro sleeve does not cover any relevant information!

Myfly wrote:


If you sleeve your Rotr cards there is no need to buy the second edition as their cardback are much more better...

... As their coloured cardback of the ultra-pro pathfinder sleeves is much more better...

Myfly wrote:


How about introducing a card number for every card? E.g. D0234.
D stands for the 4th path and the number for the card in the set.

In this way, you could track the erratas much more easier, as you could sort these by card number.

If you have trouble with a foreign translation, e.g. The German version of the game. Just look at the german card number and search for the corresponding card number in the english version and you know what the original card wants to say.

Anybody more ideas?

Ad I)

The big advantage of the card numbering is also:
When you introduce the numbering according to the packwise release THAT you do not need NO more card lists to check if your adv. Deck is complete. Just write on the outer box: e.g. contains cards numbered from D0550 till D0660 for the Adv. deck 1.
Then you just flip fast thru the 110 cards and check if the number in the footer is increasing by the increment of 1 through the whole pack. In this way, it is MUCH MORE easier to check completeness. This numbering system is ideal if you get the adv. card decks in new condition.

(Pathfinder fans may also create a PACG-wiki using this card number as an lookup/sorting option).

However, if you buy a complete set on ebay, and you would like to check the completeness for the BARRIERs e.g. Then the card number is not continously increasing. You have to sort the cards according to their number or use ONE BIG card check list for the complete adv. Path. But you dont need anymore card lists for the new single adv. Decks. This is a great improvement: easy completeness check and fast errata lookup by card number!!!

IV) Leave one small space (at the same position) on the bottom right of all cards for e.g. A signiture from the art designer? The space could also be used for other means.

(Not so important).

Even better, already print the autograph of the artist on every card at the same spot.
In this way everybody get the whole path signed r8 away from the sketch.

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:


How about introducing a card number for every card? E.g. D0234.
D stands for the 4th path and the number for the card in the set.

In this way, you could track the erratas much more easier, as you could sort these by card number.

If you have trouble with a foreign translation, e.g. The German version of the game. Just look at the german card number and search for the corresponding card number in the english version and you know what the original card wants to say.

Anybody more ideas?

No. The coordination and overhead is ridiculous.

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:


If you sleeve your Rotr cards there is no need to buy the second edition as their cardback are much more better...

If you sleeve your cards, they last longer. And your point is only valid if you purchase solid color back sleeves. Clear would have the same problem.

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:


Excellent one:

Please design the text flow on the front card in this way, that the silver-hologram spot of the pathfinder-ultra-pro sleeve does not cover any relevant information!

Buy different sleeves. Live with the issue if you buy Ultra-Pro.

Grand Lodge

Most of these ideas are just more overhead for Paizo. Mostly worthless.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Myfly wrote:


Excellent one:

Please design the text flow on the front card in this way, that the silver-hologram spot of the pathfinder-ultra-pro sleeve does not cover any relevant information!

Buy different sleeves. Live with the issue if you buy Ultra-Pro.

Pathfinder Ultra-Pro Sleeves are the only sleeves which deserve to be applied. :-)

These are the only original Pathfinder sleeves ...


I lifted the base set bix for the first time to check what is pictured on the bittom of the game box... Next idea came up!

If a new PACG customer picks up the base set game at a brick and motar game shop and would like to know how many and what sleeves he would require for the cArds.
The store clerk has no idea... And the customer would have bought the complete sleeves set together with the base set.

Thus my idea:
Add on the bottom side of the base set game box how many/what size/ what type of sleeves are required.

222 crystal clear sleeves (locations etc.)
1333 semi clear sleeves (boons, banes, etc) could be clear or only front side clear.

Recommend the pathfinder ultra-pro sleeves... These are the best quality ones and of course the best thematic ones...

Scarab Sages

Myfly wrote:

Pathfinder Ultra-Pro Sleeves are the only sleeves which deserve to be applied. :-)

These are the only original Pathfinder sleeves ...


Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:


I lifted the base set bix for the first time to check what is pictured on the bittom of the game box... Next idea came up!

If a new PACG customer picks up the base set game at a brick and motar game shop and would like to know how many and what sleeves he would require for the cArds.
The store clerk has no idea... And the customer would have bought the complete sleeves set together with the base set.

Thus my idea:
Add on the bottom side of the base set game box how many/what size/ what type of sleeves are required.

222 crystal clear sleeves (locations etc.)
1333 semi clear sleeves (boons, banes, etc) could be clear or only front side clear.

Recommend the pathfinder ultra-pro sleeves... These are the best quality ones and of course the best thematic ones...

I like this idea. It would be nice to know the card totals for sleeving.

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Myfly wrote:


Excellent one:

Please design the text flow on the front card in this way, that the silver-hologram spot of the pathfinder-ultra-pro sleeve does not cover any relevant information!

Buy different sleeves. Live with the issue if you buy Ultra-Pro.

Pathfinder Ultra-Pro Sleeves are the only sleeves which deserve to be applied. :-)

These are the only original Pathfinder sleeves ...

While I agree that these are the only sleeves I'd want my base set (and Add-On deck and Adventure Decks) in, they are lousy sleeves that peel after a lot of usage. And I prefer using Ultra-Pro sleeves for my class decks however I use a different color for each class.

If you like using Ultra-Pro sleeves, live with the hologram dot. Out of five people I know that own the PACG sets, I'm the only one that sleeves my cards. Paizo doesn't need to change the format of the text to service the minority that sleeves AND uses Ultra-Pro sleeves.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"Ultra Pro" and "best quality" do not belong in the same sentence, especially ones with printed designs (they tend to split after not a whole lot of shuffling). Plus that hologram is god awful. Their sleeves are certainly good quality (at least, their old ones are since I stopped buying them a while back), but I've used better since then. Right now I tend to go with Dragon Shields as the smooth texture allows for easier shuffling of small decks, they don't have the blasted hologram, and the larger size means I can double-sleeve if desired (not really applicable in PACG, but I buy bulk sleeves for all of my card games to save on cost and there are games where I want to double-sleeve cards).

More on-topic (is there one?), while card numbers could be useful for seeing what card in a box you're missing, the issue is that duplicate cards would be given the same number (unless you're seriously asking Paizo to maintain up to 8 different templates for a single card so they can all have different numbers), which as a result makes it rather useless for that purpose. The looking up translations thing would still benefit from card numbers, even if multiple copies of the same card share the same number.


Myfly wrote:

Thus my idea:

Add on the bottom side of the base set game box how many/what size/ what type of sleeves are required.

222 crystal clear sleeves (locations etc.)
1333 semi clear sleeves (boons, banes, etc) could be clear or only front side clear.

Fantasy Flight does this for their games, right on the back of the box as you suggest. I don't sleeve, but even I acknowledge that this is useful information to have on the box.

skizzerz wrote:

"Ultra Pro" and "best quality" do not belong in the same sentence, especially ones with printed designs (they tend to split after not a whole lot of shuffling). Plus that hologram is god awful. Their sleeves are certainly good quality (at least, their old ones are since I stopped buying them a while back), but I've used better since then. Right now I tend to go with Dragon Shields as the smooth texture allows for easier shuffling of small decks, they don't have the blasted hologram, and the larger size means I can double-sleeve if desired (not really applicable in PACG, but I buy bulk sleeves for all of my card games to save on cost and there are games where I want to double-sleeve cards).

More on-topic (is there one?), while card numbers could be useful for seeing what card in a box you're missing, the issue is that duplicate cards would be given the same number (unless you're seriously asking Paizo to maintain up to 8 different templates for a single card so they can all have different numbers), which as a result makes it rather useless for that purpose. The looking up translations thing would still benefit from card numbers, even if multiple copies of the same card share the same number.

... If same cards share the same number ...

That would make the SIMPLE adv deck check impossible.
Every card (even each single Blessing of the Gods) has their own unique number.
When you would look up card #0123 which is the same as #0124. Then the lookup action will lead you to this GROUP of cards, where all erratas, background stories, links to the RPG appearance, Paizo Blogs, forum threads, miniatures availability, etc are given.

This will link all cards to a hell-of-a-database...

If you put sleeve requirements on the boxes, it has to be only for what comes in that box. If someone new to the game looks at a box that says you need ~1200 card sleeves, buys the game and that many sleeves, then opens the box and finds ~500 cards, they're likely going to be mad that they wasted a bunch of money on sleeves.

Thankfully, so far there's only been one size of card, so you only need clear sleeves to match. :)

I don't like the Ultra-Pro holographic icon; it covers up text and leaves indents if your cards happen to be packed tightly. Use other brands instead. (I use clear KMC sleeves, FWIW.)

Individual card numbers don't seem worth the effort to me. As long as every card with the same name is supposed to be the same, that's good enough.

I would like an online card database with the changes included, but (IIRC) Paizo isn't interested. I don't blame them; it'd be a lot of work.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Myfly wrote:


I lifted the base set bix for the first time to check what is pictured on the bittom of the game box... Next idea came up!

If a new PACG customer picks up the base set game at a brick and motar game shop and would like to know how many and what sleeves he would require for the cArds.
The store clerk has no idea... And the customer would have bought the complete sleeves set together with the base set.

Thus my idea:
Add on the bottom side of the base set game box how many/what size/ what type of sleeves are required.

222 crystal clear sleeves (locations etc.)
1333 semi clear sleeves (boons, banes, etc) could be clear or only front side clear.

Recommend the pathfinder ultra-pro sleeves... These are the best quality ones and of course the best thematic ones...

I like this idea. It would be nice to know the card totals for sleeving.

Finally, i got something that dwarves like more than their ARKENSTONE ;-)

Parody wrote:

If you put sleeve requirements on the boxes, it has to be only for what comes in that box. If someone new to the game looks at a box that says you need ~1200 card sleeves, buys the game and that many sleeves, then opens the box and finds ~500 cards, they're likely going to be mad that they wasted a bunch of money on sleeves.

Thankfully, so far there's only been one size of card, so you only need clear sleeves to match. :)

I don't like the Ultra-Pro holographic icon; it covers up text and leaves indents if your cards happen to be packed tightly. Use other brands instead. (I use clear KMC sleeves, FWIW.)

Card numbers don't seem worth the effort to me. As long as every card with the same name is supposed to be the same, that's good enough.

I would like an online card database with the changes included, but (IIRC) Paizo isn't interested. I don't blame them; it'd be a lot of work.

Yes... Lot of work. But it would be easy for that many PACG fans and RPG fans.

And it would connect both worlds, besides the PF Battles Universe ;-)

Myfly wrote:
Parody wrote:
I would like an online card database with the changes included, but (IIRC) Paizo isn't interested. I don't blame them; it'd be a lot of work.

Yes... Lot of work. But it would be easy for that many PACG fans and RPG fans.

And it would connect both worlds, besides the PF Battles Universe ;-)

Err...what? RPG folks would have no use for a card database, and there is no "PF Battles" universe. (It's just a name for the miniatures line, not a game of any kind.)

A fan-made project couldn't be distributed anyway, as the card text and images aren't freely available to be used.

Parody wrote:
I would like an online card database with the changes included, but (IIRC) Paizo isn't interested. I don't blame them; it'd be a lot of work.

I don't think it's actually the work that's the issue, it's more likely concerns about piracy the same way Fantasy Flight and all the other card game manufacturers are concerned about it.

Parody wrote:
Myfly wrote:
Parody wrote:
I would like an online card database with the changes included, but (IIRC) Paizo isn't interested. I don't blame them; it'd be a lot of work.

Yes... Lot of work. But it would be easy for that many PACG fans and RPG fans.

And it would connect both worlds, besides the PF Battles Universe ;-)

Err...what? RPG folks would have no use for a card database, and there is no "PF Battles" universe. (It's just a name for the miniatures line, not a game of any kind.)

A fan-made project couldn't be distributed anyway, as the card text and images aren't freely available to be used.

Text is free, image is problematic as could be seen in an online version OCTGN... Or sth like it.

No, the text is not free Myfly. I am not a lawyer, but I would imagine the text is covered by copyright.

Text is in OCGTN freely available, but the images need to be scanned by everybody.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

zeroth_hour is correct—the card text *and* the images are copyrighted, and may not be freely distributed.

Adventure Card Game Designer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

VI) We're plenty busy, thanks.

Sovereign Court

Myfly wrote:
Text is in OCGTN freely available, but the images need to be scanned by everybody.

Somebody making something available doesn't mean they were allowed to.

zeroth_hour wrote:
I don't think it's actually the work that's the issue, it's more likely concerns about piracy the same way Fantasy Flight and all the other card game manufacturers are concerned about it.

I think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks for PACG like they do for Magic, but it's not my decision (or my job to put the DB+website together!)

I've made databases for my own use for other card games. I haven't decided whether to do so for this, mostly because I only own one out of the three sets and only a few of the class decks. I'd like to be able to at least follow along when people ask questions about cards I don't have at my fingertips, but I still won't be able to do so without something like borrowing sets from friends.

At least it's a minor thing. :)

A collectors edition for RotR with all
- erratas included, so final version
- signitures of artist printed on every card
- card numbering
- all promo cards are in foil

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:


A collectors edition for RotR with all
- erratas included, so final version
- signitures of artist printed on every card
- card numbering
- all promo cards are in foil

-for US consumers only

Grand Lodge

Seriously, I think I'd like a collector's edition (except for the card numbering).

Mike Selinker wrote:
VI) We're plenty busy, thanks.

Card totals on the bottom of the base set box should not consume to much time...

And same applies to a counter/ number at the bottom of all cards.

IT expert needs 15minutes to do it. In the end you dont have to provide card lists for each adventure deck. Creating the card list pdfs is more work than implementing a counter on the cards. Additionally, it will save every of the thousands of purchasers time by searching and downloading the card list and checking the card names.

So the card numbers have a major time impact on both of us - paizo and the customer. You have to admit that.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Myfly wrote:


A collectors edition for RotR with all
- erratas included, so final version
- signitures of artist printed on every card
- card numbering
- all promo cards are in foil
-for US consumers only

You will then sell me one copy for the triple price tag. That s ok.

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:
Mike Selinker wrote:
VI) We're plenty busy, thanks.

Card totals on the bottom of the base set box should not consume to much time...

And same applies to a counter/ number at the bottom of all cards.

IT expert needs 15minutes to do it. In the end you dont have to provide card lists for each adventure deck. Creating the card list pdfs is more work than implementing a counter on the cards. Additionally, it will save every of the thousands of purchasers time by searching and downloading the card list and checking the card names.

So the card numbers have a major time impact on both of us - paizo and the customer. You have to admit that.

Card numbering is a silly idea, Myfly. It isn't a collectible card game where one tracks which cards you have and don't have. That's what the official card lists are for. This one is a waste of resources and redesign and proofing.

Scarab Sages

OK so normally my Skeletor affirmations express a dubious level of enthusiasm for these Myfly ideas.

But some foil cards...that would be awesome. I bought the Ascension: Year One Collector's Edition and was really thrilled with the quality of the set - sleeved each and every beautiful, foil card and my wife and I enjoy playing the set. Can't wait for Year Two.

Grand Lodge

Calthaer wrote:

OK so normally my Skeletor affirmations express a dubious level of enthusiasm for these Myfly ideas.

But some foil cards...that would be awesome. I bought the Ascension: Year One Collector's Edition and was really thrilled with the quality of the set - sleeved each and every beautiful, foil card and my wife and I enjoy playing the set. Can't wait for Year Two.

Yeah, I actually like that idea. Everything about that one except the numbering.

Myfly wrote:


A collectors edition for RotR with all
- erratas included, so final version
- signitures of artist printed on every card
- card numbering
- all promo cards are in foil

I have to add

- limited print-run, so 2000 copies only
- special game box (e.g. Wooden box, similar to Acropifa exclusive book) with the metal runelords symbol on it (like the special RPG RotR book).
- of course special price tag.
- season of the runelords included as hardcover book.

- include a special dice set where the number one on all dice is the Pathfinder letter "P"

RotR is the spearhead of the PACG series, most copies sold ever. For the RPG people, you printed a special leather bound copy for RotR for around 200 USD.

Lets do it for PACG.

PS: what about using Kickstarter?

Finally, I proposed something that not only Dwarves but also Skeletor would buy right away. It is a galactical brilliant idea...

Now Paizo has just to pick up the money from the streets. Damn! Everywhere so many hundred dollar bills are lying around.

VIII) what can each gamer do with the delay of MM?

A) Upgrade your skull & shackles with a PREMIUM Plunder Die
Go to Premium Plunder Die.

B) Upgrade your Mythic token from WotR to from cardboard to PREMIUM

Check out here how it looks like... IMO awesome!
Go to Premium TOKENS.

If you like these already *physical* ideas, please recommend the pictures on Boardgamegeek. Thumbs up!

Sovereign Court

A collector's RotR would make a cool 5-year project, and including Season of the Runelords would be pretty cool.

The fact that you think it would take 15 minutes to add card numbers, or that IT would be involved even remotely, shows that you don't actually understand how the development and design process works Myfly. That, and as Theryon said, this isn't a collectible card game. You don't add a part to the card that only exists to makes sure your product isn't broken (missing cards), ignoring the fact that even in tiny text it would look bad.

Andrew L Klein wrote:

A collector's RotR would make a cool 5-year project, and including Season of the Runelords would be pretty cool.

The fact that you think it would take 15 minutes to add card numbers, or that IT would be involved even remotely, shows that you don't actually understand how the development and design process works Myfly. That, and as Theryon said, this isn't a collectible card game. You don't add a part to the card that only exists to makes sure your product isn't broken (missing cards), ignoring the fact that even in tiny text it would look bad.

MTG also introduced card numbers, but here i am not up to date. For me it would be easier checking each adv. Deck for completeness. And errata lookup would be faster.

Sovereign Court

MtG is a collectible card game though, where numbers help. In PACG it would mostly serve to prove your set was manufactured properly.

As for errata lookup using numbers would mean looking for tiny numbers in the corner, instead of the big bold name at the top. Using it for anything besides checking for completeness (which is not a good reason to add to everything else on the card) is going to be even more difficult and / or time consuming than it is now.

In Magic it's a great help (depending on how / you collect cards, anyways) because you don't expect to have all the cards, and it helps you see what you need.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Myfly wrote:
Text is in OCGTN freely available, but the images need to be scanned by everybody.

Whoa whoa, the text is NOT freely available in OCTGN! If people are using OCTGN to get the text of the cards free, I'm going to have to remove the powers text from the cards database, end of discussion. The only reason the powers text is there at all is for testing purposes, and the text is masked in the game. If you're unmasking the text to get access to it, then you're doing something you're not meant to do, and I'll be forced to rectify the situation.

PM me to discuss this more, but you writing this makes me want to go in and delete all the power text because obviously SOMEONE is taking advantage of the system.

Grand Lodge

I wonder if you think that pushing back MM gives Paizo and Lone Shark nothing to do. It gives them a breath, if that. They're still working on MM. They're working on the concepts for the next AP. They now have Season of the Runelords on their plate as well as finishing Season of the Righteous.

And while I do like the idea of a limited edition of Rise of the Runelords, I can't see it happening for a few years, like a 5 year anniversary. Stores still have the original on their shelves. And Vic has already said they aren't putting out more physical products besides the new class decks at this point. And I'm sure you don't want something slapped together.

Adventure Card Game Designer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
I wonder if you think that pushing back MM gives Paizo and Lone Shark nothing to do. It gives them a breath, if that.

If that.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Card numbering is a silly idea, Myfly. It isn't a collectible card game where one tracks which cards you have and don't have. That's what the official card lists are for. This one is a waste of resources and redesign and proofing.

I'm not in favor of card numbering, but also not explicitly against it. That said, Theryon, your argument doesn't hold. Paizo also used card numbering on all GameMastery and Pathfinder Card products, none of which have been collectible cards.

Grand Lodge

They also number their pawns. But those were started with numbering, I thought. This product didn't and really doesn't need to. The other part of the numbering the cards is that it can be used for random generation of loot. We've done that before with some cards.

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