harlequinn |
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I'm terrible at self-promotion, but I've been quietly blogging away, messing around with blending 5e and Pathfinder/3.5.
Some of my favorites, in case anyone is interested:
The Dar, a seafaring race based on the darfellan. I don't know if anyone else loves the darfellan as much as I do, but I'm a huge fan.
The empyreal lord warlock pact.
Conversions of the sabosan and gearghost for Iron Gods.
The Ebony Blade, part of my series on the mid-1980s Avengers as 5e protagonists and antagonists. (Sadly, no one else seems to love Dr. Druid as much as I do.)
If that seems like fun, check out the rest - it's all free, and I'm having a blast building and playtesting it all.