Looking for AP recommendations for my party

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Currently we are winding our way down on RoTRL, I think the response for this AP as been overall positive - there's been an interesting mix of enemies and encounters so far. Our previous campaign was Kingmaker - which was an overwhelming positive experience, although we rolled that AP pretty easily even with our GM stacking stuff for the villains, so I'm hoping for an AP more difficult than that.

Now that we're almost finished with this campaign, people are considering what AP we should do next (by people, mostly myself and the GM).

What AP's would people recommend based on something close to KM or RotRL?

I'm considering building a tripping focused character (monk or brawler) for next AP, so are there any which would be bad for that?

There has also been considerations for trying to play an "all goblin" campaign as well.

Mummy's Mask might be interesting. Mini- and maxi-dungeons through-out, plus hex-ploration in the middle and some RP too.

For those who haven't played it, Curse of the Crimson Throne is always my first recommended AP. I personally consider it the best campaign Paizo has ever done.

Otherwise, if you're wanting to stick to themes similar to KM and RotRL, there's of course Shattered Star, though it kind of assumes you've played CotCT as well.

Jade Regent might be a good follow-up idea if your group was particularly attached to Ameiko. If they didn't like her, though, I'd avoid it heavily. You'll want to find some way to redo or bypass the Caravan System, however; from everything I've heard, it simply doesn't work well at all. Likewise, if your group wants a bit of away-time before having another campaign devoted to characters from Sandpoint such as Ameiko and Shalelu, it might be best to pass or postpone this one.

Serpent's Skull has a lot of the same "exploration and ancient forgotten things" content as RotRL as well as the "off the edge of the map" feel of early Kingmaker, where you're having to keep close eye on your supplies while stranded in the wilderness with minimal contact with civilization. However, be warned in advance that some of the middle adventures are fairly weak, and will probably require the GM to bolster them up with homebrew material, pulling stuff in from modules, or advice/recommendations/rewrites done by the fanbase here on the forum.

For an "all-goblin game" you're going to want to stick to campaigns that don't require you to do a lot of social interaction with normal races. Serpent's Skull is another good one for that, as would be Reign of Winter (some of the early parts would need fiddling, but once you're hunting for the Walking Hut your species becomes far less important), Iron Gods (again, will require some fiddling early on), or Wrath of the Righteous (as long as you're not a demon or obvious demon-ally, I'm pretty sure the Crusaders will at least give you a basic chance).

Best of luck!

Curse of the Crimson Throne might be out since one of the other players has already gone through the whole AP I think. Shattered Star looks awesome though.

I think I pitched Jade Regent awhile ago, but no bites. Serpent's Skull probably not, I played the first module and did not particularly like it. Iron gods is the one in Numeria right? My DM seemed to want to do that but I vetoed it, I really hate that setting.

Well that's a pity.

I've got nothing else to recommend then. Good luck.

My group just wrapped up Shattered Star. It is 95% dungeon crawling; if that's the experience you're looking for, go for it.

Edit: This might actually be a good one for an all goblin campaign, as long as you can find a reason for your goblins to be Pathfinders. Your race doesn't matter in a dungeon, and one of the cities you go to is Kaer Maga, a place where everyone is welcome if you keep your head down.

Iron Gods!

Truly a classic!

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