Would half swording actually be useful as I wrote it?

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm considering something similar to Power Attack, except you sacrifice damage to ignore armor. I'm thinking -1 damage to ignore one point of armor bonus, up to your strength modifier. When half swording, you deal either piercing or bludgeoning damage, depending on whether you grab the blade with one hand for better stabbing or grab it with both and whack people with the crossguard. I though about just reversing Power Attack's values, but -2 damage/+1 attack seemed weak, though half swording should use 1 1/2 strength modifier.

Half swording would not be a feat, because I hand out stuff like Power Attack and Combat Expertise to everyone for free, and don't see half swording as substantially different. So, it'd be a free combat option. The question is whether it would get used as I've written it, or conversely if it is too optimal an option as written.

If you're working with half swording to do bludgeoning, why not simply give mauls and other blunt weapons the benefit of ignoring some of those?

That said, -1 damage/+1 attack per 4 BAB, not stacking with Power Attack seems a little too little, but -2 damage/+1 attack per 4 BAB seems to be a bit too weak. Lean on the side of -2 damage/+1 attack per 4 BAB until you see it in used extensively in play.

Ignoring 1 point of armor bonus is about the same as gaining a +1 to attack. So this would be nearly the opposite of Power Attack. Except when a creature has no armor bonus. It might be easier to just reduce the damage die of the weapon by 1 step. Because reducing the damage by -2 and then using 1 1/2 Str modifier might be more confusing.

Or perhaps you have it count as 1 hand lower in terms of damage stacking to do the armor bonus ignoring. So if you're swinging around a two-handed weapon, you treat it as one-handed for how much damage you deal (but not for anything else). If you're using it to stab with two hands, you basically have a guided one-hand stab. The 1x instead of 1.5x STR modifier would represent you changing your fighting style to deal more damage at a point to pierce the armor, rather than slashing and hacking more powerfully to hurt the person.

M.A.D. Tester wrote:
Ignoring 1 point of armor bonus is about the same as gaining a +1 to attack. So this would be nearly the opposite of Power Attack. Except when a creature has no armor bonus. It might be easier to just reduce the damage die of the weapon by 1 step. Because reducing the damage by -2 and then using 1 1/2 Str modifier might be more confusing.

Yea, I was thinking of that while I was walking to the store. I considered reducing damage one step, but I also had the idea of treating half-swording as wielding a heavy pick. Then most martial bludgeoning weapons could have the Sunder quality (idea being that Sunder represents trying to bust up the armor itself so that you can tear somebody up after it's weakened), most axes the Trip quality, and most swords the Half-Sword quality (which, naturally, allows half swording). One handed swords don't really benefit from half swording anywhere near as much as two handed swords (you have to drop your shield or off hand weapon, after all), but my setting uses basket hilts or finger guards almost ubiquitously on one handed swords, so one handed swords could get +2 versus disarm attempts.

Half Swording, aka "Not Using Power Attack". Done.

Casual Viking wrote:
Half Swording, aka "Not Using Power Attack". Done.

Not true for someone that doesn't even have Power Attack. This is the opposite of Power Attack, so for that target you need a 19+ to hit, and are almost guaranteed a miss, you have a much higher chance to hit instead (especially if you have a high Str, so a Str 24 would ignore strength bonus for a 12+ chance to hit in lieu of 19+ chance to hit) If you're using a Kinetic Whip (Kineticist class), that's still a lot of damage and an actual use for the bonus Elemental Overflow grants to Strength. :P

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